So long, Hardman. And hello, Hardman!

It’s a day of mixed emotions here at the Mechs. We’re excited about moving forward with the team and our stories, but to do so we have to leave behind a part of ourselves that we’re going to miss very much.

The Mechanical Maniacs operate under a different creedo than all of the other teams that have come and gone over the years, one that states that the team is more of a club than a production mill. We pretty much make stories and new content as we please, which can sometimes lead to long droughts of activity, while at other times you may struggle to keep up with everything that’s going on. But the common thread between these times is that the members themselves are actually good friends, and we all hang out, both online and at least once a year in the real world.

Just about the only requirement for staying on the team is that we’re around when we can be. Its a pretty lax set of terms, but its worked out pretty well for us.

In the past few years, the team members have grown older, and with that comes new responsibilities that may not jibe with keeping an active online persona. Hey, its just how these things go, and the more responsibilities we end up with, the less time we have to hang around online. Some of us have more responsibilities than others.

A few years ago, during one of his increasingly rarer appearances on the forum, Hardy stated that his goal was to start a family and basically be a normal guy. Without going into details about his personal life, this was a perfectly acceptable goal of his.

And so, after a year of no communication with our friend, and before that, fewer and fewer visits form the big lug, the team has come to the painful decision to move on without our friend. There’s no ill will from us, and we’re hoping that if Hardy ever does come back, he’ll understand our decision and not feel any ill will towards us.

Wherever you are, Hardy, we’re hoping you’ve made it, safe and sound and happy.

With Hardy gone, that’s leaves some awfully big shoes to fill, and not just because Hardman had reached nearly Godzilla-sized proportions during Hadrian’s time in the Number 020 boots. He was quite the accomplished author, being able to command the attention of all of his audience no matter how much time had passed between then and his last story.

But, luckily, we’re pretty confident in his successor, because he isn’t the type to merely fill shoes- he’s the kind of guy that makes his own foot ware and walk his own path. A legend in the old team community in his own right, and a guy all of us know by name, if not reputation.

So, we introduce our old friend and former Sinister Six alumni, Ben, as our new Hardman!

And with that, no orphanage will be safe from being crushed beneath his maniacal might…

Novas Adventuras de Megaman Translated?!

Mr. Holzenbein rips the heart out of anyone who doesn’t want to read the New Adventures of Megaman!

So, seriously, yes, all the issues of this series are now available in English! Finally we don’t have to rely on summeries to learn second or third hand just how batshit insane this version of the Blue Bomber is. And it’s all complete too … I’m really surprised I hadn’t heard about this before it was complete. But I’ll rectify that problem by telling all of you guys out there about it.

Megaman Soccer Mayhem

I don’t know what is i, but everyone’s talking about Megaman Soccer lately. In addition to me Megaman Soccer Conversions Revival, the lost ending to Megaman Soccer has been found as well as the staff roll. (Which is, evidently, an easter egg that you need a playable Wily to get. Too bad Wily’s only activated during the lost ending).

Just based on what we see, I guess …. Megaman Soccer ends with Megaman’s death and Protoman remembering his lost baby brother. Who knew the game was so dark?

But that’s not all! Just today Pinky of Sprints INC has forwarded me some lost Soccer sprites because he knew I’d appreciate ’em. So here they are.

Old versions of the hurt sprites? Sure, let’s go with that. Not in the Mysteries section as of yet … that section is in dire need of an update.

My Addition to the Megapocolypse

You know, I’m not even a giant Legends fan and I still feel jerked around by Capcom. Better late than never I suppose.

Very few of Capcom’s answers came off as sincere. As far as Legends … and Megaman in particular are concerned, I think Inafune put it best. Capcom just doesn’t think Megaman is popular. Not only in the US, as he said, but in Japan as well it seems. Most of their terrible PR says as much (if you look at it the right way) and I think that’s what they think.

Of course they still could have given the preview a shot. Could have done a lot of things. Maybe one day it’ll be leaked.

The Original Burning Wheel

Recently I was reading Ariga’s Megaman Gigamix (and I recommend it to any Megaman fan) and there’s a small interview at the back explaining the history behind the Battle and Chase story – Burning Wheel. You see he had it as a secret feature of his site and was preparing to make it into a full manga … only it was dropped and never completed. Until Gigamix, that is. When he brought it over for Gigamix he totally redid the art (but kept some of the backgrounds).

While I was doing those Rockman Soccer sprites I was searching my MM pictures for references when i stumbled upon this … the original version of Burning Wheel! So now I shall rescue them from the sands of time for everyone viewing pleasure.

The story seems unchanged from what we got in Gigamix, but the art has really been improved from this original version of the manga. Those who have Gigamix can have the pleasure of comparing the two works and those who don’t can get a sneak peek into a manga they really ought to get.

Mega Man Soccer Conversions Revival!

Does anyone remember Gary’s old Megaman Soccer Conversion Project over at the Sinister Six? I have always found that to be one of the most memorable projects ever done on that site. And tremendously nostalgic too as it was carried over form the old Ice Palace. Not to let an old idea die,I’ve decided to revive and continue his old project over at the forums. Already we’ve gone through the missing robots from 6-8 and continued on through 9 and 10 and have continued on to cover the various miscellaneous official robot masters and main characters not already covered in Ice’s old project.

This is a forum-based project so follow along in the forums.

Rockman X2 Creeps Into The Galleries

Rockman X2 enters the card galleries today. I remember when X2 was unemuable …. does anyone else? For a long time it was the most mysterious X game since it has no other release than the SNES version.

Rockman X Dashing Into the Scene

This time it’s Rockman X’s turn at card series glory! I think this may very well be the first time the Mechanical Maniacs ever had anything Rockman X related as an art update. I’ve also moved the Rockman World stuff into it’s own folder. Really shoulda done that to begin with …

Annihilation, now with pages!

Part 4 of the Annihilation Chronicles is up. On Gauntlet’s suggestion, I’ve broken up all the chapters into multiple pages, so they’re easier to read in more than one sitting. Turns out that despite my best efforts to be concise, every chronicle ranges 20-40 pages in Word, and my tendency to avoid making extraneous pages made for some ridiculously long chunks of text. Hopefully now the stories will be a little more accessible to you.

Besides that, check the Gallery for some new pics from Crys and myself.