New Epilogue!

On a whim, I made a new epilogue! But not only is this a Mechanical Maniacs epilogue … but a Sinister Six one as well! Read the epilogue by Gary, Ben, and myself: Crisis on Earth-Capcom!

Epilogue! Quizzes!

What? A new epilogue up? Do I even make those anymore?

Well, I haven’t made one, but Spark Chan has! Part one of her origin story has been uploaded and is ready to go!

Also, the Quizzes have all been fixed. Not the images are hosted under Photobucket, which I believe to be MUCH more stable than Planet-Megaman will EVER be. May they never need fixing again! Furthermore, the links to the Quizzes have been moved to the Nuts and Bolts section. For further cleanup, the Megaman Battle Network Guide link has been removed and can only be found in the Guides section now. So take those quizzes and read that guide!

Additionally, the site is going up and down due to PMM’s attempt at a site restoration. So, please be patient with that.

The Unnamed

The Unnamed is finally complete! How will the Mechanical Maniacs fare against their enemy? Who will live …. and who will die? Or even ….. not die!? Find out within the last chapters of the Unnamed!

The Unnamed

The Unnamed is gets yet another update! Updates a-plenty for this section! The finale is almost upon us. The next update shall feature this saga’s end!

In the meantime things are going well, but busily for everyone favourite shuriken-wielding ninja. Expect various updates to come in the future. After all ….. the novel can only last so long, right?

The Unnamed, Guides

The Unnamed is still underway for those who follow. Only one chapter this time, I’m afraid.

A new guide is up as well! Shocking, I know. Since most people thought I already made one, I made a guide to epilogue writing. It’s worth a read even if you don’t follow the epilogues.

Furthermore, I may as well give an official shout out for my Deviant Art account. A lot of non-Megaman work is up there, so for those interested take a gander. Also be sure to check out Snake’s, Spark’s and Top’s art galleries too!

The Unnamed

The Unnamed has another chapter added to it. Just one this time, but what a chapter it is! Also, an out of continuity side story was written by Hardman has also been added.

And, hey! Mechanical Maniacs Moments has reached number 100! Who knew something made just to be part of a crown would reach 100 episodes? Congratulations, Hard!

The Unnamed

The Unnamed is rocketing towards completion with even more chapters put up! Will this madness ever cease?!

Also, a fan submitted a fan-made chapter of the novel in! Naturally, it has no bearing on the current plot, but it was sweet nonetheless. It’s also up!

The Unnamed

The Unnamed sees another two chapters. I hope to get it ALL posted soon. It’s high time that got done, don’t you think?

In other news, I did not celebrate April Fools. That is all.

The Unnamed

A weekly update!? What are the chances?

Well, getting started (again) on an old project, I have done some more chapters of the Unnamed! Two more chapters have been added for reading enjoyment! So…. read on!

And Happy Easter!

Unnamed, Image Gallery

The Unnamed has been updated with chapter 11!

You may have noticed Planet Megaman was hacked. Well …. it seems allot of sites have been hacked, all of them relating to video gaming in some way. Of all of these, I was the first guy back. But let’s send some support to PMM and it’s sub sites, the Sinister Six, Sprites INC, MM AU, and Plug-In!

Also got some nice bits of gift art from Quickman …. including a truly frightening Cap N Shadowman sketch! Gives me goosebumps……