Cards and more Cards

March brings us even more scanned in cards pointed out to me by Auto! This time featuring Rockman 7 and Rockman World 5. World’s 5 images are especially unique.

I’ve also finished off a rather old attempt at making a picture of Video Land from screenshots of the various worlds featured in Captain N. Right now it’s the background to my desktop.

Another Helmetless Forte Picture!? And …


Every Valentine’s day I have had this around and meant to color it. Now I finally have. Can Rock and Roll resist the power of the king of the Undernet? Only doujinshi creators know for sure!

On a more “interesting to other people” note … Remember my crowning achievement of asking a question at FanExpo that got Ariga to draw us a almost-official helmetless version of Forte a while back? No? Wellyoushouldaheardaboutit! And it was none other by I, GAUNTLET, who asked this Earth-shattering question!

But it turns out … there’s another answer. Forte Wily has come to me with another, older, piece of art depicting Forte without his helmet on!

“This revelation appears at the end of the second volume of the Rockman & Forte manga by Koji Izuki, in a one-shot bonus story titled “Rockman Burning Shot”, which focusses on Forte. ”

So there you have it. FW thinks this means Forte’s hair is black … I’m not so sure as it’s in shadow in a black and white manga. Either way we know Forte likes his hair short and kinda wild. Pretty trippy that Ariga drew his own helmetless Bass hair in a similar way, isn’t it? Of course I hear that his version has magenta colored hair.

Needle’s Cosplay … and Something Else

it took a good, LONG while to get needle to finish writing up updates to her costume gallery, but they’re all finally up there. Including an update to Phoenix about the time she met one of her favorite writers – Neil Gaiman! All the entires have been formatted to match the first few ones as well, detailing awards and when and where she wore the costumes first.

Now you can check out her newest entires: Amazonia Wonder Woman, Princess Peach, Liliana Vess, and Steampunk Phoenix!

But that’s not all. Chech out the Secret Page for long-lost unfinished works by Hardman, lovingly found by own Snakeman and put to the site by myself.

Cards Coming Your Way

Here’s an interesting bunch of scans sent to me from Auto of the old Rockman Robot Center. There’s a few sets of Rockman cards coming to you threw the next few updates, but I’ll start with this: the set from Rockman 6.

More on Inafune Leaving

There’s a new interview about Inafune leaving. After reading it I tend to think I was wrong supposing that he was fired for his comments and just keeping it quiet out of respect. It’s odd, according to the interview the upper management didn’t really care if he left (because the brand will survive without him), but he appeared at so many events and now online commercials …. well, maybe that’s what finally pushed him to leave.

I can’t help but find myself hoping he was wrong. In the interview he says that the big test will see if projects like Legends 3 succeed or fail. That if it does well he was wrong and Capcom was right – that the Inafune brand doesn’t really matter. But that it does poorly he was right and Capcom was wrong. As a Megaman fan, I find myself in the awkward position of hoping Capcom was right in his line of thinking. It’s awkward since I want to root for him, but as a Megaman fan I also want the franchise to succeed even without him. Only time will tell, I suppose.

So It’s Been a Big Few Months for Megaman

So, as I take a bit of a break from the Mechanical Maniacs it seems the Megaman fandom has been hit by several big things.

Megaman Universe, the spiritual sequel to Megaman powered Up, was announced. Amusingly featuring Bas Box Art Megaman, which I find hilarious. Does this mean it’ll ft in with the US continuity? Probably not, but it’d be nice to imagine that it does.

And then there’s the Asian-only Rockman Online featuring many not-Robot Masters and not-Mavericks. Evidently Reploids can “copy” older Reploids and robots and turn into them, like Axl. Or something like that. It seems like a neat idea, but it makes me wonder how they’ll try to fit it into the continuity they’ve established. Messy as it is.

Then there’s the Rockman, Roll, and Protoman action figures and the small collectable figures released. Just wow. I haven’t seen quality like this since the Megaman 8 figures.

There’s a new US classic Megaman comic made by Archie coming out. A part of me wants it to connect to the disappointing Dreamwave series, but it’s probably best that it doesn’t. As a guy interested in localizations it’s something to look forward to. UDON is still translating Ariga’s mangas as well and all signs point to them translating Gigamix.

And, oh yeah …. Legends 3 is being made. Yeah, the series that ended on a cliff-hanger a decade ago, the one that still lingers on in guest stars and the one Inafune wanted to make for years if he ever got the money for it is finally being made.

And it’s now that the creator of Megaman, Keiji Inafune … quits. Seriously.

It seems like a really sudden turn of events. There’s a ton of MM stuff coming out, Inafune was even shown in online ads and spoke at promotional events only to quit now. And I can’t help but think it’s because of the comments that he hates his job. If it was planned they’d never shove him in the spotlight. It’s very much hot on the heels of his saying that he hates his job in public and I can’t help but think this was a not-firing. That he was asked to leave. Of course all of this build-up could have gotten him to suddenly quit, but I can’t help but think he was asked to leave.

I don’t think it’ll actually have much affect on Megaman. Inafune may be his creator, but it’s a whole team that makes the games now and it seems like he was distanced from that aspect. Still, it feels like the end of an era. That he should have gone out with a blaze of glory, making (perhaps) Legends 3 and leaving when that was done. Still, Inafune …. We’ll miss you. But fear not, fellow Megaman fans, It looks like Megaman is heading into a bright future even without “Dr. Light”.

So, what does Forte look like without his helmet on?

He looks like that.

As some may know, Ariga, of the Megaman Megamix, was at Fanexpo 2010 and he was taking questions. Expanding on an earlier question as to what Forte might wear in civilian attire (answer: he wouldn’t wear civilian attire), I asked Ariga to draw out Forte without his helmet. Ariga took a bit to think about it and drew Iceman in the meantime (having already thought of what Ice would look like). Then he drew helmet less Forte. I think this is the closest we’ve ever come to an official art depiction of that … sadly he never said what color his hair would be.

Also, when I asked who was his favorite obscure Robot Master from the non-Capcom games (such as MM PC or Rockman Strategy) he said Konroman (aka Stoveman).

It was a delight to meet the man. He was very friendly and thought me knowledgeable in field of Rockman, which was quite the compliment. He was especially glad to see that I brought in the Rockman Remix manga for him to sign, as that’s his first published complication, and well as my copy of Rockman and Forte (game, box, and manual for the Super Famicom). Evidently it’s quite rare. To think … I was considering tossing the box just a few days ago!

Mechs Meet 2010!


Does it seem a few weeks early? Well, the gathering was a month early, it happened a couple weeks ago. There may be videos of some sort later on, if we ever get something useable out of them. That’s not my department, I just write about it. Don’t forget to check the photo gallery too.

It’s that time of year again.

Meanwhile, I also snuck in that last little AXE walkthrough update I wanted. The boss guide now has full details on each version of each boss.

AXE Walkthrough Penultimate Update

Coming at you live from the Mech’s Meet where I can apparently make updates even on the road. It helps that I finished these two walkthrough pages before leaving and just needed to uncheck a box over here on the other side of the country. So today is the last two walkthrough pages that were stinking up the index page with their lack of linkage. Maps and Virus Breeder. Now I could probably say the walkthrough is finally complete, but there are a few more tasks to complete in the existing pages before that. At least now the links are all there so it looks complete to the naked eye.