No Update Update!

Yeah, no lie. No update this week. Even we ninjas don’t always get work done. Well, that isn’t completely true. I did add a new affiliate and updated a link in the links section.

But, content yourself with the comic above and the knowledge I am working on stuff.

Article – Chinese Games(in the miscellaneous page)

While doing research on Rockman Strategy, I finally ironed out the little mystery behind the other Chinese PC games. It’s a nice mouse note and worth a look if you’re looking to make a truly COMPLETE list of all MM games ever released.

Articles (in the miscellaneous page)

Time for another update. This one containing …… somewhat obscure information.

I’ve written two new articles detailing things not found anywhere else! The first article is on Dreamwave’s Megaman comic going into detail on all the new things they added including the new robot masters introduced JUST for the series. Granted, they aren’t obscure yet ….. give it a year. Some people didn’t pick up the comic so I’ll bet in a year they’ll be obscure.

And now …….. an article that was a pleasure to research ….. Rockman Strategy! I cannot spoil the surprise. Just read it. You won’t be disappointed.

Epilogue, Mechanical Maniacs Moments

Well, the last epilogue update was little over a month ago so it’s high time for a new one! Presenting Demon Ninja! By Gemini man!

Also, as you may have noticed, Hardman has made some new ‘Maniacs Moments! Probably due to all the positive feedback in the forum. For now, they’ll be featured right here on the main page!

More Downloads

This update brings something a little different to the site. Megaman fonts. Actual fonts used in some MM games which can be used using a program called Bitmap Font Writer. If this turns popular I may make more fonts, but only time will tell. E-mail me with Megaman-related font requests and I’ll see which one’s popular. Download the Megaman font pack in the Downloads section!

Layout = done!

So, I spent the rest of this week putting the new layout on all the pages. Yeah, I think I got ’em all.

Anyways, with a new layout comes a new feature …… the old layouts section! Found conveniently in the miscellaneous page. Not you can see all three of our previous layout in all their glory!

Site News!

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd say hello to the new layout! It’s pretty much Planet Megaman’s layout ……. except I coded it all myself. Well, mostly. Anyways, I like it and it’ll stay for a bit.

Anyways, I’m still in the process of getting all the pages updated with the new layout. Hopefully they’ll all be done come monday. In the meantime feel free to simply stare at the new layout.

Site News!

Coming soon ……

A New Layout!!

That’s right, we’re actually *gasp!* changing our layout! And it’s not just gonna be darker or anything. No no no, it’s gonna be NEW! I’m hoping to get it all done in one fell swoop sometime at the end of the week.

Image Gallery

I updated my image gallery (the GAUNTLET gallery) with a new collage featuring a top 10 of the most evil people ever! Nothing to do with Megaman, but spiffy in it’s own right.


Happy New Year! And if you can read this, that means the server hasn’t gone down!

Well, I know I had a pretty eventful new year what with movies and friends and champagne and all that. And it’s possible you guys did too. But there’s no New Years epilogue or nuthin’. Maybe next time.

So, this update is another new epilogue! One made by myself! “Busted!” It’s another ‘Maniacs misadventure so go ahead and check it out!