epilogues, Game Graphics, PAL boxes

A hefty update this week.

Geminiman’s journey begins today in an epilogue made by him called Spirit of the Sword. What dark secret is locked in his past? And why do these people seem to know him!?

The Game Graphics section gets updated with another level map! Magnetman!

PAL box art has been added to the Image Gallery. Bonus stuff: I compare the PAL boxes to the US and Japan stuff as well! A Mechanical Maniacs exclusive! View the rare pictures!

Epilogue Character Quiz, MIDI Boom Box, images

A joint project with Gary of the Sinister Six, we created a “Which epilogue character Would You Be?’ quiz! It encompasses both our epilogue series and even some of the X-Force. A must-see for both fans of our epilogues … and fans of quizzes! And if you’re a fan of neither, well …. check it out anyway!!! You can find it either on the left frame or the Epilogues section!

The MIDI Boom Box has been updated with MIDIs taken from our pals, the late Cossack’s Creations. Since Skull founded this site, I don’t think he’d mind us using his MIDIs. We were good friends before he had to leave the community. Also added is something I’ve been waiting to add for a long, long time……. credits for the MIDIs. They are listed in the player. I see writing these MIDIs as difficult to do as drawing a picture and the authors deserve credit, so contributers are listed. I would have done so sooner, but I didn’t have the right program to let me make MIDIs before.

Added more images to the gallery. This time one of Lennon Forte Chan drew, and a variant colored version which Lennon colored. I also added screen shots of the MMX Beta once featured in Nintendo Power. Good show!

Also, Sparkman, if you’r reading this, I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for quite a while now! So, I’m asking you to drop me a line. Very important.

epilogue, MIDI Boom Box, images, pirate games

This week sees yet another hefty update. First an all-new all-different epilogue is up!

Remember those old MIDIs that I used to have up in the background? Well, I took them down because they were getting tedious, however, I always intended to use them again. Well, their back – in MIDI Boom Box form! Now one can click on the link and have a pop-up window that allows you to select any song you wish to hear from our archive! The selection is meager at this point, but rest assured it will grow depending on my attention span concerning this project. This also means no more Midis in the bios. They would interfere with the MIDI player. *next day update* the bio’s MIDIs remain unaffected, they just get louder, so the BG MIDI stays on. I’m a lazy, lazy man….

I added more Lysekoid-stuff to the image gallery. The Skull Castles! Go check ’em out! I added ones that aren’t found in the section at Mega Land. Maybe next some organization to the images is in order…..

More added to the pirate games section! Probably the last update for that section for a while. NEW tanks have been added to help users see which ones are new, or have been updated.
In forum news, I added posticons! Of course those of you who visit the forum already know this. But for those of you who don’t you may wanna check it out and see my recoloration mastery!

images, links

Added Classi Cal’s link to the links section. Also added is everything from my rarities page at Lysekoid’s over to the image gallery. I figured that, since I did gather them, I could use them as content for my own section. Considering how much they bulk up that section, I may just find a more efficient way of organizing them all sometime. But for now enjoy the slew of rarities and obscure items!

Look forward to new updates in the pirate games page, for I have found new scans to go there. As well as my guides which may or may not have any relevance to anyone at all! And also be sure to tune in for the next installment of our bi-weekly epilogue adventures. Our deeds of daring will be sure to thrill and amaze all!

nothing really

Consider this one of my patented BS updates. I whish you all had a merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year! I know it’s been a good time for me so far.

Be back next week for an all new epilogue!

Epilogue, image, links

What two weeks! Jesus mercy, it’s like all the little stresses that could happen DID happen!

Well, Iceman both left and then triumphantly returned after getting an e-mail virus. Forte Chan (with no small amount of help from me *I brag*) managed to cheer him up.

Also up is a shiney new epilogue by myself! Rita Repulsa Strikes Back! A surefire classic!

Also, be sure to check out my section over at Lysekoid’s Mega Land (link in links section). I posted some really rare sprites that I’ve been boasting of for a few weeks. Unused srpites! Quint and MM3 guys from MM2 GB! Unused Protoman from MM3! A hidden weapon energy bar in all SNES MMX games! And talking sprites of Doctor Light from MM1! Nice for looking at.

Various link updates. Added one to “pages I like, but by people I dunno” about Thundercats.

Needlegal drew a picture of herself as a little kid. You can see that in the image gallery.

(slight X6 spoiler)

I also updated the huge MM sprite image in the image gallery once again. It now includes all the PET owners and The Black Devil, some EXE 2 guys (“borrowed” from Heatman) and X6 people “borrowed” from Sivak. SO, sprites needed for a more updated picture:

More RF Wonderswan guys
The other EXE2 guys
The damn X virus!
The hurt Reploids in X6
I may have missed a few more ……. I dunno.


A new epilogue has been posted. It is, naturally, in the epilogues section. Worth a look!

I also added a comet cursor that I find quite appealing. Yay for us!

Also, it was a year this day I took over as leader of the Mechanical Maniacs! Time flies, eh?

Remember to head over to the Sinister Six’s page to check out Ice new epilogue. He even received a little help from a mysterious “someone” in writing it! But who could have aided him? Well, I’m sure SOMEBODY could venture a guess!

An hour later…… a new update! I’ve decided that the sprites section takes up much too much space and bandwidth for this site. In fact, that is the third most large section behind the epilogues folder and the images folder. And it is frequently viewed. Therefore I am moving all my sprites onto a remote server to solve this problem. Hopefully I can do this smoothly. If you see a few broken sprite images, then the bandwidth on the other server has screwed me over or there’s a broken link.

Ass holes, Guides, member’s bios

Usually I don’t do two-day updates, but a flame war in the ol’ forum abides updates in at LEAST the ass holes section.

The ass holes section features a new entry from the guestbook and a all-new e-mail from “Ninja Gaiden”. And my hunch as to he really is is proven correct. This and some forum entries are in the ass holes section.

And since the flame war was with the (who else?) Xtreme Team, I update my guide to “the stupid pointless feud with the Xtreme Team” in my Guides section. It’s updated whenever something new with out stupid, pointless feud happens. Mostly so I can just point people to the reason they hate our guts. And also as a stress reliever. A big thanks to Magma Dragoon from the X-Force for his support in this – in the Xtreme Team’s forum no less. He’s a pal.

And, in a lesser note, I have added new images scanned from Nintendo Power magazine to the bios page! I have made the images transparent on the images from Auto that were not transparent before, and have updated Top’s image which was not of Auto’s collection. I have also added custom sprites I made (the ones I use in epilogues). I’ve also found manga scans of Snake and Top, but I’m waiting permission to use them. Hopefully, I’ll get said permission. Copies I took are cleaned up and all ready to be used.

And now, awaiting more nasty replies in my G-book and e-mail from people who “are not part of the XT” (yeah, right), Gauntlet is signing out.

Ass holes

Well, I was almost without updates today, but someone decided to try and flame the site again. It’s our old pal, Ninja Gaiden! I suppose I should thank him, because if he hadn’t I probably woulda went with one of my patented BS updates. This time I had some fun and, instead of totally deleting his entry I merely edited it … a little. Hah! I also added some real quotes from people who’ve read the section over at the bottom.

Epilogues are going strong. I’ve almost finished #8, but I’m not releasing it until S3 is good and ready. Just thought I’d tell you that so you don’t think I have forgotten it.

Some bad news thought. The Megaman X4 team has shut it’s doors. MD is feeling a little low. Go drop him a line. His site is listed in the team links section located in the links section. The X-F page DOES load BTW, it’s just a javascript thing, so you have to wait for a few seconds. It does work though.

Guides, Contacting

I added a new Gautlet’s Guide. It’s short, but it illustrates one very touchy part of the MM community. Sprite usage.

I’ve also fixed the problem with the Guestbook section. You can now sign the book.

Gauntlet also has a new e-mail adress. That’s up in the contacting section.

My days are still pretty buisy. I’ve been working on the epilogues section alot, but nothing I can show you guys yet.