Gauntlet Sprite Gallery

A sequel to Megaman’s Zodiac has been made …. Megaman’s Chinese Zodiac! Check it out in My Sprite Gallery!

Sadly, real life has caught up to me and updates may take a bit more time to make from now on. Also, Hard hasn’t given me any new ‘Maniacs Moments yet so …. get used to that one up there! It might be a while.

Secret Stuff!

It’s always a debate whether to announce this sorta update. Is a Secret Page update secret?

Well …. I guess not! Hell, I’m mentioning it here, aren’t I?

So, yes. Secret Page update. If you haven’t found it yet, well, maybe you should start trying.

Secret Stuff! Gauntlet art

More secret stuff! Check out the Secret Page to find out what it is.

Also, I uploaded more Thundercats sketches in My Art Gallery, so you can check that out too. Gotta experiment in that style a bit more.

Rockman 3 …. Beta!?

In an amazing twist of events, I have obtained a rare copy of the Rockman 3 beta cartridge!

Despite my lack of rom-dumping skills, I have taken pictures of the thing and created a nice, comprehensive article! Bow before the master of Megaman 3 and TREMBLE before my POWER!!! Mwa hah hah hah hah!!

Seriously tho …. it’s a pretty nifty find.

Image Gallery, Sprite Gallery

The Gauntlet Gallery sees an update with three new sketches added to the mix! Not Megaman stuff, but Cheetara of Thundercats fame!

The Gauntlet Sprite Gallery features some old sprites that are used ALOT …. but are nonetheless were not in the gallery until now.

Megaman Mysteries sees an organizational upgrade. Also, the Guestbook sees an upgrade using inline frames to make the book integrated with the rest of the site!

New Layout!

The FTP was restored TODAY!

And with it comes the dawn …. of a NEW layout! GONE is the cluttered leftframe! GONE are cluttered image galleries! The site now works with the “nuts & bolts” section by using it as a site directory while the main links are at the top and bottom!

The Image Galleries have received MASSIVE redesigns. Now they have THUMBNAILS. Lots …. and LOTS ….. of bloody THUMBNAILS. SOMEBODY better pat me on the back, because making all those things was hard to do.

The forum has also been moved. So, flock there, ye faithfulls, if you haven’t already.

Past layouts have been added to the Nuts & Bolts page, including the previous 8-bit layout.

*wipes sweat from brow*

whew…. that was a LOT of work.

Fake Update!

Okay, so you may have noticed that the ‘Maniacs have not gotten an update for nigh onto a MONTH.

This is not my fault!

For a few weeks in February I was hit by a virus and had to have my HD wiped (UGH). Luckily I backed everything up, so nothing was lost.

And THEN a server move on MMC’s part went awry. The FTP is STILL down (uploaded this via the control panel).

So, that’s why there’s no updates. I HAVE an update. But it can’t be posted yet.

Small Images

With the Manga profiles section completed there’s just several small image updates this round.

The Sprite Gallery sees some Gift Sprites as well as some sprites that used to be in my sprite gallery, but were moved because they belong more in Gift Sprites.

The Gauntlet sprite section has several sprites made by me that were used in the Epilogues. Hey, they gotta be features, right? Also seen is a sprite picture featuring the robots of the zodiac and a sprite of me created by Egoraptor.

And, finally, one new image for the “gift art” part of the “Others Art Gallery” by Quickman featuring yours truly! And she actually got the hair right!

Manga Profiles

Well, that was a fun-filled week of no updating. I got to discover the true meaning of snow cones and Needle won the championship! But never mind our zany real-life adventures. Now it’s time for the update.

Manga Profiles has been totally finished. Every single profile from the original Megaman Megamix and Remix books have been scanned for the world to see! Now people can draw any one of Ariga’s robot masters with a great degree of accuracy. Except …. not in colour.