Annihilation Story, Art, Walkthrough

After a long wait, the first chronicle is up. So begins the next Annihilation epic, let’s see if we can finish it within the next millenium this time. On top of that, I’ve whipped up some interesting pictures featuring the current and upcoming characters for the gallery. And would you believe that EXE3 walkthrough has actually gotten some progress? Thanks to Koala, the storyline is complete, albeit looking kind of unfurnished. I feel like the guide still needs a personal touch to excuse its existence when GameFAQs has already done the job many times over with greater depth. I’ve gone over Chapters 1 and 2 with this in mind, adding greater detail, handy maps, and illustrative screenshots. I’ll get to the rest in time, but at least the rest of the chapters are all up now.

New Sprite Sheet

More sprites for the Megaman PC remake. Jesse wanted some fortress bosses … at first I was against this, but then I remembered the Wily Rescue Force. For those who don’t know, the Robot Masters from the Dreamwave comic, led by Cap N’s Doc Robot, are a team of villains from the Epilogues. They rescue Wily any time he’s in trouble (like when his bases blow up or when he’s in prison). So if there’s a need for fortress bosses … why not the Wily Rescue Force? Lavaman was thrown in because there needed to be another boss.

If I had to add one more bot to that I’d pick Toothpasteman in a heartbeat.

Projects in Progress

Crorq's Castle

It’s been a while, MM3 fans. I just want you guys to know that I’m still hard at work behind the scenes. Right now I’m helping out the guys behind the Megaman PC remake. Up there is Crorq’s Castle, the castle you go through after beating the PC stages. It’s heavily inspired by Protoman’s Castle from MM5. I see it more as a communications center than an actually “fortress” since, IMHO, Crorq would have to be a communications if he was originally supposed to be a benevolent robot helping mankind instead of simply Wily’s supercomputer.

Brahman asked me what Wily’s fortress should be like and …. that’s a good question. My gut instinct is to go with MM3’s, since that’s the one used in the game and on the box. And yet, the entire game’s being remade…

New Annihilation updates

Well it wasn’t “very soon”, but here it is. Check out the Fiction section for a couple stories introducing a couple of our new members, and another account touching us up on one of the guys that stuck around. These stories have been finished for a few months, but wouldn’t you know it was MY job that kept getting put off for weeks and weeks. I finally brought over the rest of the old site though, which means it’s shutting down. If you look around, you may find a few things that are relatively new in the sense they probably should have been on the old site but were instead just sitting unused on my computer for some reason. One such lost and found work is the Battlechip database which can be found under “Data“. There’s still a lot of unfinished projects laying around and hopefully we’ll actually complete them some day. Next update should see the start of the new main storyline, some special artwork to accompany it, and if we’re lucky, some other tidbits, and if we’re really lucky, it will actually be done within the month.

New Layout!

Welcome to the drastically different looking Mechanical Maniacs! Now you know why there hasn’t been any updates since December! I’ve been busy at work creating this new layout you see before you. And it isn’t one of those cheating new layouts where I just changed the graphics to Power Battles or something. No, this is 100% new, 100% created by me (save for the new Annihilation banner created by Raj). Even the various watch parts were scanned by me; they aren’t from the internet at all.

This is a 95% table-free layout. Finally! The only table used in construction of the layout is the one housing the affiliates … divs just can’t grow width-wise.

More than just the general layout files have changed. I have painstakingly gone through each and every file on the site to ensure that they are all up to code. And there’s a lot of them.

Why all the work for the layout? Mostly because the old layout …. got old. Sure, it was the very best I could do … in 04. And it got a graphical overhaul in 06. But the thing used tables – which are no longer industry standard. And, although I thought using game graphics was a terribly clever idea it’s time to face facts: there’s a lot of pages that do that and I didn’t draw it. I wanted to do something 100% my own. And now it’s done.

There’s a lot of bells and whistles in the layout, And I’m glad to finally present it.

PC sprites, Megaman Mysteries

You know those ugly Megaman PC sprites I have? Well, the PC3 sprites have been completely re-ripped. Frenkel, of S&F Productions, has made a sprite viewer in DOS and I used that to create extensive sprite sheets containing …. every single sprite in the game. Including many unused sprites.

Which brings me to Megaman Mysteries. Not only are notes on the PC games expanded, but also some tidbits on debug modes for MM5 and 6. GoldS has found some interesting things about the SNES games, especially X1. MM9 has some things that people already know about. And Star Force has more “lost” BN5 textures. Even MM1 has a new sprite discovered … an unused door!?

Needle’s Cosplay

What? Another update so soon?

That’s right. Needlegal’s Cosplay section has been updated with her latest … and some not-so latest costumes. This update has been a long time coming, but both Needle and myself have been pretty distracted and it got lost in the shuffle. But, before Needle makes any more new things, this thing is finally up to date! I know her friends will appreciate finally being able to see her new costumes.

The MM TV Show, The RM OVAs

It’s that time again. No, it’s not laundry day, it’s time for another massive Mechanical Maniacs update!

First up is a full article on the Rockman OVAs. I go into detail on what happens in these animated adventures, but that’s not all. To go along with it is a massive image gallery. This has been in the works for a long time.

Along with the OVA article is one to go with the Megaman TV Show. It focuses on the changes made, along with probable reasons for them and possible influences. There was reason to the madness, you see.


Bet you weren’t expecting an update from yours truly. I’ve been working on a new section here for the Battle Network 3 team, Annihilation. This team is still going on, but the webspace we used before was a pain. Since the Maniacs are gradually broadening their scope and since my two teams are essentially two sides of the same coin, it only seemed natural that we bring them together eventually. You can find the link to the new AXE site down near the Affiliates list where the link to the old site used to be.

Novas Aventuras de Megaman

For those not in the know, a wealth of info has splurged forth about this obscure comic in the MM community. And, so my own article has now been updated to compliment the more thorough articles now found on the net. If you want an overview of the series, along with a few choice images, head on over to read my article!

After that go to O Ácido Cinza to read summaries of every single issue of the series!