Novas Aventuras de Megaman

For those not in the know, a wealth of info has splurged forth about this obscure comic in the MM community. And, so my own article has now been updated to compliment the more thorough articles now found on the net. If you want an overview of the series, along with a few choice images, head on over to read my article!

After that go to O Ácido Cinza to read summaries of every single issue of the series!

Series 7

Yes, that’s right … the spectacular Series 7 has begun! Truth to tell, I had a little bit more I wanted to put in there, but there’s really no sense in procrastinating any longer. It’s time to get the ball rolling.

Like the previous series, the current one is actually started by someone else! Give a warm round of applause to Hardman for the first installment of the current series. So, let’s play ball and get Series 7 started!

Mega Memory

Geez, this took longer than I thought it would. Anyhow, in an attempt to learn Actionscript 3 (apparently giving things names doesn’t fly so well in AS3), I’ve made a Megaman-thesed matching / memory game. As you might have guessed from the title. This is partically inspired by a game we played during the last ‘Maniacs meet.

Check it out right here!

A Mess of Mysteries and RM Strategy!

Good Lord, this update took a long time to organize. And, really … I didn’t even get everything I wanted in there. But it’s been held up long enough. I present … the big Megaman Mysteries update.

And it really is the *big* update. There’s something new, even if it’s just a *little* something new, in each and every one of those articles. Megaman 3 has a couple unused sprites now found. Megaman X has Command Mission and xtreme beta pics. Miscellaneous Classic Mysteries has the secret of Crorq’s driver in PC3 (among other things). But that isn’t even the biggest update.

The really big update comes in the forum of massive updates to just about all BN games courtesy of, mostly, Mega Rock.EXE of the Rockman EXE Zone. He’s the super sleuth of the BN series. And thanks to him and a member of his community, Starforce (who wrote the article), we have a (you guessed it) Star Force Mysteries section, covering things discussed in his forum. Wouldn’t have happened without ’em … mostly because I still haven’t actually played any Star Force games.

But we’re still not through yet! My article on Rockman Strategy receives it’s first update in … maybe years. Namely notes on how to cheat … and a rather frustrating boss in the game – Capricorn. And how to cheat your way to victory. And it also now contains save states that can take you straight to the final and seni-final levels of the game! So, you don’t have to struggle your way through it if you don’t want to.

The Downloads section also now has Save State Masters, a handy save state altering program made a long time ago by a pal I haven’t seen in a long while – Nightmare Zero. An oldie, but a goodie; I don’t think he’d mind me posting his old program.

So, that’s it for now. I’m beat!

A mass of updates!

It’s an update spectacular here at the Mechanical Maniacs!

First up is Raijin’s log of the ‘Maniacs Meet of 08. What was certainly our favorite event of the week has been chronicled in a way only Raijin knows how, so check it out. Also up is the gallery for this year’s meet up.

But that’s not all!

What, I’m sure is, a long-awaited update for all … my very own article on the Megaman 2 Tiger game! Which includes some stupidly high-rez scans of the game with very bad art. Sadly, due to the game not being like MM3, there’s not a high-rez version of the “sprite sheet”, however I did splice together a reasonably okay scan of the sheet and put it on top of my scan. I’ve also added scans of the manuals for both this game and MM3 Tiger.

And, speaking of Megaman 2, another article about the game is up. This time about the Megaman 2 book! Yeah, it had a book and, actually, it’s been available for download here for ages. But now a proper article is up and details the book in obsessive detail only I, and possibly IHZ, could do.

But that’s not all my friends. Oh, no, there’s yet another article on the homebrew Famicom remake of Rockman 7 detailing things many members of the community already know about, but also … HOW TO CHEAT. Which is the only way to play, as far as I’m concerned.

Which connects to some revisions done to the MM PC games article … not a very big addition, but a worthy one. Namely that connecting the games to a joypad program makes them a WHOLE LOT BETTER TO PLAY. I’ve also uploaded the download files, for the first time ever, removing the MoSlow program entirely and putting in minor revisions to the instruction guide. I’ve also added some box art of the games to the page, as well as a bit of story from the Street Fighter 2 port which …. actually details the story from MMPC1 and 3 pretty nicely. Also added an ancient manual writeup that used to be on the Megaman Network.

Amazingly, there’s even more to come … same Bat-time (maybe), same Bat channel!

‘Maniacs Meet Epilogue!

That’s right, the second ‘Maniacs Meet has come and gone and this time we have actually finished the epilogue dedicated to it! I’ve learned from last time – this time we did it while the meet was still going on, rather than afterwards …. this way it was done pretty quickly. It looks long, but it’s actually a pretty quick read. This epilogue is pre-War since most of the ideas came from pre-War stuff …. and there was one or two continuity issues that had to be addressed that led into War. Pretty minor issues, but I don’t like having them in MM3 stories.

Cell Phone Games

The article on Rockman Cell Phone Games has gone through some additions and revisions. Not only have new games been added, but not all games have their own gallery in the main Image Gallery. So now if you want to view more pictures, you won’t have to wait before 100 or so images load up to view them.


The Video Section has now been integrated into the Coppermine Gallery. Hooray for workarounds! Videos by Classi and the christmas card by Anime Master are now located in the appropriate section. The War videos are fine the way they are, I think.

New to the section is the Rockman 3 commercial that premiered at Rockman Perfect Memories. I didn’t steal it from them, tho. I stole it from Nico Nico Video (aka Japanese You Tube). Even so, out of respect for their getting it first I have waited this long to put it up.

The Classic Megaman Mysteries section has gotten another update. This time, videos donated by Joseph Collins have been added to the Megaman 7 part of the article. They’re of him playing through the Sample version of the game.

Updates have slowed somewhat …. mostly due to behind-the-scenes beating around of ideas and such. Rest assured though, we are still going on strong!


It’s time for another article update! This time it’s Captain N’s turn. It’s time to take a look at the major deviations in the main characters of the series… and why they might have made such odd designs.