Viral Infection Archived

A little while back, Gauntlet archived a bunch of Sinster Six stuff due to the imminent closing of Geocities, the internet’s longtime favourite source of simple, free-hosted websites. Today, I bring you the results of my own Geocities salvage operation, the site of the original EXE1 Team, Viral Infection.

VI had a bit of a rough history with hosting. First we were on Geocities, then a couple of flakey servers belonging to friends of TRC. As a result of lots of moving, we racked up a lot of different formats and layouts in our brief 2001-2002 existence. After it was all over, it came full circle back to Geocities on my own account. With a lot of content lost with former servers and so many conflicting backups, I didn’t post much on this memorial site, just the sprites, links to the stuff Gauntlet already put here, and the new VI-related stuff like TRC’s reunion epilogues and the Virus Gallery.

When I started the move to this server, I figured I would just grab all that stuff and plunk it over. I wish now it were so simple, but I kept finding more and more extra stuff I wanted to add:

  • Files stored on the Geocities account I hadn’t posted any permanent links to anywhere like my name origins article or the navisceration checklist.
  • The other backups gathering dust on my hard drive I now had the technical know-how to convert and clean-up to fit with the others.
  • A lot more content thought long-gone courtesy of I could have sworn I tried that place years ago. Maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough.
  • How about all-new stuff? Mostly out of necessity, I needed to whip up some new images replace lost ones in the bios and chip galleries, and when I decided all the script-based stories needed to be sprited like epilogues, I suddenly needed sprites for a few of the original characters.

It took a couple weeks longer than I expected (i.e. it took two weeks instead of one night), but it’s done. There’s a lot of nostalgia in there, things some of you haven’t seen in seven years. I highly reccommend a glimpse at the sprite gallery, and a quick read of the stories, or what I could recover of them. Also check the Downloads page for some avatars and wallpapers.

I gotta say I’m going to miss Geocities. There are a lot of old friends’ sites that look like they won’t be recovered like this, like Clownman’s Circus or Darkman’s Robot Warriors. I actually grabbed a few things from those sites to put on VI here because I don’t want the internet to be forever deprived of Stoneman’s sprite animation of Megaman’s exploding head.

HEAT!!! by Hyadain: Translated!

Well … that was quick. Once more, CenetaurmanE52 of the forums points it out to me.
Amazingly, Heatman breaks the theme sey by Hyadain so far. But I’ll leave it to you to see how by watching the vid.

HEAT!!! by Hyadain

I love these things. Be sure to check out this awsome remix. Even if translation isn’t immediately available. It sure gets it’s message across. Thanks to CenetaurmanE52 of the forums for pointing this out to me.

Past updates added … as many as I could find

Those who’ve checked the ‘Maniacs blog over the course of the day will have found it increasing dramatically than what was once in the past updates section. Since the blog is very new it’s also very empty. What better way to quickly fill it up than with updates past? While most of these updates are ho-hum, there are a few nostalgic gems.

On February of 02 I debued the old Epilogues Characters Quiz with Iceman and Ben. It was a pretty big hit at the time and was great to plan. The epilogues were pretty fresh back at those times and these sort of projects just seemed like a natural step.

On December 12 of the same year longtime foe XT Gemini hacked the Sinister Six by guessing Iceman’s secret answer. Ice let too many details out and that’s deadly for Geocities pages. I subsequently got him back, but not before securing a place for Iceman on Classic Gaming under UMMXZW.

Which ended rather badly on October 8, 05. Which led to us moving to our current server in almost exactly one year later. On the PMM note,I feel it bears mentioning that the domain is close to expiration. Due to the financial crisis ZXP is looking for $10 in aid to help keep the domain his for another year.

One very good, lasting effect that the XT hacking the sinister Six all those years ago was that I became second-in-command of webmastering it. I didn’t want to XT Gem to kill the S6 so I scoured and google cache for recent remnants of his page. I spent a long time cleaning it up and, although it was lost for a long time due to PMM’s frequent server crashes, my old computer still has some in-progress backups which I used to restore his site to it’s full glory on January 13, 07. But the site still received a few more updates in the meantime.

The forums are something that spring up a lot. They are never ever stable. The earliest still-existing record of forum trouble is from August 25 of 02. The Ultimate Megaman Forums had suffered so much trouble that my forum (then merged with several other team’s forums to make Megaman United) was merged with it. But it didn’t last long at at after that.

My favorite update has to be our grad reopening from May 13 of 02. 02 was a good year … so was 04. It’s when we moved to Classic Gaming. It has a few ironic bits in there now that I’ve re-read it after all this time, but it was a definite high point in the site’s history.

Entering the Blogosphere! – or – How to use PHP with Blogger!

Yes, it’s about time to try something a little …. different with the site. Everyone’s Blogging now, and let it not be said that I do not bend whichever way the wind blows! So I’ve spent some time and made a blog to seamlessly fit into the existing site. No content will be lost, and new content will be added … only we have a blog now too!

Why blogger? I could probably program a blog myself, but most everyone I know of uses Blogger. I’ve even commented on Blogger-run blogs. So Blogger it is.It’s always better to use an existing tool familiar to most than a new tool, I always say.

That said, this post will deal with using PHP in order to mesh Blogger into your site as well as some of the problems I ran into trying to get Blogger onto the site in the first place. Forgive me if I get a bit technical.

  • Read this. gives a good starting point, but there was no part two (at least that I could find). My site uses PHP, so I had to wing this part on my own.
  • By the way, that last step, publishing via FTP, does not come on at once. You have to save your domain name and then come back. Nowhere I have seen has been clear on this point. Hell, my memory is already fuzzy.

I have to admit, I don’t like the bump that Blogger throws you when you get started. But don’t let it deter you.

The way I have MM3 set up is that the headers and footers are placed dynamically via PHP. The challenge is that the files aren’t all put in one folder, or even the same level. Some are in root level, others are two folders into the site. So just putting “../” won’t work. And neither will putting an absolute link, not for your includes.

To add to the challenge further is that I don’t want the blog to interfere with the way my main page is set up (namely the sidebar with a ton of links; it has no place on my main page), but I *do* want it on every other blog-related page on the site.

Both problems have the same solution. You need php to check what page you’re and do something depending.

  • First, you want to go into Blogger and into “Settings” > “Archiving” and change the “Archive Filename” to “archive.php”. This will make all the pages .php pages.
  • <?php

    $thisPage = $_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME];

    if ($thispage !=”/index.php”)


    <insert code>



    • This is the code you need and, basically, the linchpin of making your own Blogger template using PHP. I’ll attempt to explain.
      • $this page – This is a variable that stores you page’s name. In this case we’re looking for “index”.
      • The next line of code tells the page to do something if the page is not the index page.
    • After that it’s a matter of putting in what code we want. FYI: “==” is what you want to use to check if something is the variable you’re looking for.
  • This is what goes in the “<insert code>” area. Or at least what i put.

    echo “<style type=’text/css’>

    #sidebar {

    display: block;












    font-size: smaller;


    #sidebar h2{



    #powered-by, #blogfeeds{




    <a id=’#Top’ name=’#Top’></a>”;

    echo “<h1>Previous Posts</h1>”;

Okay, scary big code up there. Don’t let yourself be intimidated! All this is is the styling format for the pages that aren’t the index page. Since it’s placed below the regular css file I use for the rest of the site, it overrides it.

  • “echo” is php for, basically, writing. In this case it puts everything in double quotes (” <- this) to show up. When you have quotes inside of quotes use a single quote (‘ <- this) to make it work. After that I put in a title because my format requires one.

    This is why the other blogger pages look different than my index page.

Using the method above you can make the blogger pages look differently than your index page. Which is the key to integrating it into your site. This includes the “Back to top” links and “View previous Posts” links I put in my own layout. Blogger only lets you have one layout, so it’s best to think things through.

  • if (file_exists(“../layout/top.php”)) {

    include “../layout/top.php”;

    } else if (file_exists(“../../layout/top.php”)){

    include “../../layout/top.php”;


    • This is the second linchpin in my Blogger template. As I said, the files are at many levels in my site structure and they all share the same header. Dynamic linking like this would normally just break, however this code checks to see if the file exists or now. I think it’s pretty obvious.

      Basically, the code checks one link (“../top.php”)
      and if it doesn’t work it checks the next (“../layout/top.php”). And if it does work, include it.

So, there you have it. That’s how you integrate Blogger into your site structure using php. Or at least how I did it.

AXE’s EXE3 Walkthrough, art, comic

I’ve been spending the last month and a half finishing up the walkthrough, at least the storyline part. All nine chapters have been finished. There were ten chapters before, but that was just so it would match up with VI’s EXE1 walkthrough, which is also numbered wrong. I just combined the “Helping Tora” and the “Plantman” scenarios as originally intended. Now I just need to add supplementary pages for the walkthrough, which shouldn’t take much longer. I already have most of the data, just need to organize it.

Also updated today are Akutare’s and Beastman’s art galleries. My embarassing Inter-Mission comic experiment continues with no discernible improvement, except perhaps in the lettering department.

Many Sinister Six Updates

Wait, isn’t this site dead? Well, yes. But, due to a variety of reasons, a few links ended up broken. Upon inspection, it was a few more than originally thought. There were some things I had intended to post that were not. And the layout was spread throughout all the pages, making an update infuriatingly difficult.

No longer! I’ve spent the last few days bringing the up to snuff. The Nostalgia Section has a number of updates.

The Character Profiles, Meet the Six, Sinister Six 101, Ask Cyclone Man, and Sinister Six Survivor all have fixed images.

The Adoption Section, Manga Comic Series, Cartoon Show, Contest Page, Hall of Fame, Mega Man Sprites, PowerBattle Sprites, Conversions, Megaman VS the Sinister Six, Megaman and the Sinister Six Timeline, Megaman Trilogy, Card Game, Sinister Six News Section!, Smash Bros Melee (MMC Style), Awards this site won, Win Iceman’s Award, and the, Hall of Fame / Tribute Graves are all sections that were done a long time ago, but were never added … until now!

But there’s actually a bit of relatively new content too! The Fiction page boasts several stories unseen for years. At a height in the community the S6 went through a small sort of surge. Our own Magnetman created the Sinister Six AU as a way of being an unofficial Sinister Six member. This would lead right into our own event Business of War, made several years after these stories. Whoever was into War will definately want to check these out.

So, for the first time in years and on the Sinister Six ever check out:

Answers (unfinished)



Impact (unfinished)

Economic Ruin

and the Revenge of the Scissor Army (unfinished)

AXE Art, EXE3, Navi Marks, and Comic

Annihilation updates again with stuff in the art gallery, new sprites in Drill’s and Beast’s bios, and an in-depth guide to Bubbleman’s scenario in the walkthrough.

There’s a big update and overhaul to the Navi Marks Gallery. Now’s definitely the time for your own submissions, since I’ve pretty much wrapped up the official portion of the project, added a template and guide, and revealed some of the very unorthodox symbols from various outside inspirations I’ve made over the years.

Then, to top it all off, there’s a very special Inter-Mission…in comic form. DRAWN comic form! Crappily drawn at the last minute using an old script by Nijubu and full of amateurish mistakes since I haven’t drawn a comic in years and was never very good at it to begin with drawn comic form, but drawn comic form nonetheless. Drawing a regular comic series is something I’ve been wanting to do for the longest time, and now I’m finally taking the first steps towards it.

Megaman Mysteries Adding and Cleaning

Good Lord, did this update take forever! It’s been a while since I last updated the mysteries (since about January) and a whole lot has cropped up since then!But don’t think you’ve seen every new addition to the articles if you’ve just been looking at other places. No, I’ve dug up some new tidbits all my own as well. Although, I must admit that a great deal has been found by other people, just as dedicated as I am to uncovering more MM factoids and tidbits. But pay attention to the Game Gear, Power Battles, MM7, MM8, and MM4 (spoiled somewhat by the above) for my own additions.

Not only that, but I’ve also added some choice images and info from the R20 artbook to a few choice articles. I did this judiciously. The images are of low quality on purpose. While I want to show people how the various behind-the-scenes information might be strung together, I also want to support Capcom in their awesome MM artbook. So, consider the images here teasers. If you want better, I suggest buying the book. It’s coming out in English.

But this isn’t just about adding things. The Mysteries have all been cleaned up. Data of a similar type has been moved around, the intro for MM3 Mysteries now serves as the intro for the entire set of mysteries, and both the Star Force and Battle Network articles have thumbnails. Laziness on my part stopped me from doing that at first, but it really had to be done. As nice as it is to get the information straight away, it made the articles look like shit. On top of that is some judicious editing here and there to improve flow.

Maybe my next update on the mysteries won’t take so long … that’d be a good way to cut down on the work involved!

Navi Icons and more AXE

I’ve been cranking out a lot of images for the BN3 team lately. See the latest additions to my gallery and the remastered items on the Navi Icons page. Also FlameChick no longer has to be represented by the images of her male counterpart, as I have built a set of sprites, a mugshot, and a chip image in her own likeness. They can all be found on her bio page.