Cell Phone Games

The cell phone games list sees an update with some new screens of Rockman 1 and many new screens for Phantom of Network as well as the summaries of each chapter that were featured on Planet Megaman’s main page.

Secret Page

Been a week. Ninjas need breaks too.

Well, the secret page is FINALLY back …. along with some new content to go inside of it! Of course you have to find it first. I’ve made it a little easier this time too, so happy hunting!

Lotsa Images

There’s lotsa images in this update.

My Sprite gallery has been updated with one new edit done by me and a couple gift sprites done by others. Thanks, guys.

The Sprite Gallery contains new gift sprites.

My image gallery contains a few new pictures done by (of course) myself. Well ……. the word “new” is relative here as some are relatively old …… but most of you never saw ’em!

Finally, the Other image gallery contains more images ….. including images by Spark Chan and a gift from Quickman! Also some scans centred around MM3. Thanks to everyone who gave images.

Oh, and don’t bother telling me the link to the Secret Page is down ….. I’m actually in the process of remodelling it 😉

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! It’s finally 2005 …… hope your new year went well.

Today’s update doesn’t feature the Unnamed! I need to catch up in writing that …… but it does feature a nice. juicy piece of obscure Rockman info! The ending to Rockboard! That’s right, the ending nobody cared about had finally been translated in it’s entirety! Props goes to IHZ (aka PMM’s Fireman) for the translation.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, all! Christmas is here and everyone has the day off including your humble narrator. But, fear not. Hard has constructed a ‘Maniacs Moments oversized holiday comic, so that should fill you with holiday cheer! That and whatever peasants you got.

Also, in the words of Krusty, “So have a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, a kwazy Kwanza, a tip-top Tet, and a solemn, dignified Ramadan.”

Unnamed, Image Gallery

The Unnamed has been updated with chapter 11!

You may have noticed Planet Megaman was hacked. Well …. it seems allot of sites have been hacked, all of them relating to video gaming in some way. Of all of these, I was the first guy back. But let’s send some support to PMM and it’s sub sites, the Sinister Six, Sprites INC, MM AU, and Plug-In!

Also got some nice bits of gift art from Quickman …. including a truly frightening Cap N Shadowman sketch! Gives me goosebumps……

Unnamed, ‘Maniacs’ Moments

The Unnamed been updated again with chapter 10. The story’s heating up in this chapter, but I won’t give anything away here.

I’m afraid I haven’t been too fair to Hard’s sprite comic so I put up two this time to make up for the missed time last week. Expect two more come thursday.

Gauntlet’s Art Contest – OVER!

My Art Contest has finally ended! There were laughs, there were tears, but my contest has come to a close. With no less (and no more) than ten entries it’s far surpassed my execration of four! And, amazingly, has spawned some actual GOOD art! Go to the contest page to see all the entries and the fabulous prizes they received!

Will there ever be another contest? I guess that depends if contests ever become in fashion again. But if there is something to make fun of or take advantage of you can bet …… I will be there!

I have a webpage?

Well, pre-holiday work has piled up on me so much so that I couldn’t even update sprite comics.

Well, now I’m taking a few moments of my time to prepare a new update! And this one features another chapter of The Unnamed, the runaway hit that all five people who read it love to death!

And I also remind you that My Art Contest ends tomorrow! I’ve received more submissions that I figured I’d get ….. and also some from people who don’t know me personally OR visit my forum! And to those people I say thanks. It’ll be tough to come up with a winner since there’s more than just two worthy entries! So, if any of you are still itchin’ to get into the const, don’t wait another day longer! For on the first of November it ends! And after that you’ll all get to see the submissions.

MM3 Mysteries (again), fan sprites, fan art, Gauntlet fan sprites, The Unnamed

Megaman 3 Mysteries has had YET ANOTHER update. This one is yet another thing I sadly missed. More unused Protoman sprites uncover the answers to a deeper mystery that was bugging me for quite some time. Check it out.

The Sprites Section and “Other Art” Gallery has been updated again with more fan art and fan sprite comics. My sprite gallery is also updated with more fan submission that I ….. forgot to post for a while now. Sorry.

Also, The Unnamed has been updated with Chapter 8, thusly evening out the numbers.

Now, you might have noticed a bunch of flags replacing the broken link to “Best viewed with Emerald Eye”. Yes, not people can use the power of Bablefish to view this page in any language they want! Did I do this so foreign visitors might enjoy the page? Nah (since when can Bablefish translate a page?), I did it for the sheer novelty of having such a feature. And if you have to ask why I have an english-to-english translation of the page …… you simply haven’t visited enough of the page yet.