Bits and Bytes

The Epilogues may be over, but the site goes on! I’ll be posting some art for a while. This is from a series based around an unrealized story by Snakeman featuring the Ascendant Androids. It’s Gravityman with the best of his days far behind him.

Next up is a missing sprite from the dog enemy in my Megaman PC rips. Uh … oops! Submitted by Rofang.

Finally we have some images from a different version of Rockman 1 – 6 submitted by Ninjaz_1. More can be found in the article on Asian PC games. Yeah, it’s for a compilation of the original series NES games featuring art of Megaman X. VERY skeevy.

Series Finale: The Road Less Traveled

Holy crap you guys. This is it. It took me a year or two to plan. Two or more to write. And another couple to edit and sprite. And a couple years posting every single other epilogue written before, during, and since this monster of a story was finished. But this is it. The series finale.

And not just the Series 9 finale. The Mechanical Maniacs epilogue series finale.

The Mechanical Maniacs finally face off against Crorq and the Galactic Council. Mesmerman makes his big move with his wingman Rockman Shadow. And, oh yeah, Torchman and his coverable losers are there too. This is the most expansive adventure the Mechs have ever been on and I’m so happy to finally share it with you all.

I have to give a big thanks to Raijin, who drew the above picture. Without his tireless editing and amazing sprite work this adventure wouldn’t be nearly as comprehensible as it turned out to be.

Twenty years. That’s how long the Mechanical Maniacs’ adventures have gone on. Just about every other Megaman team has gone the way of the dodo since I started this and it’s gone on for far, FAR longer than I ever thought it would. Changing my life in ways I didn’t expect. I’m in a completely different place in my life now than when this site was started waaaaaaaay back in 2000. I have to thank each and every one of my friends, past and present, for being with me on this journey building a crazy, absolutely convoluted fanfic world around one game called Mega Man 3.

After this the site will go on. I hope to get more into art, which I used to be all about. And there’s just a few epilogues still in the works. Not by me, though. So check back for all of that. In the mean time enjoy the Mechanical Maniacs’ last stand against the forces of evil … or, at least, the forces that bother them as they just try to live their life.

Art and a Video

This has taken a LOT more time to be posted than it should. Here’s art featuring the villains of Series 9 – the Galactic Council itself! RaMoon, Mr. Holzenbein, Terra, Crorq, Tar, Princess, and Trio drawn by Raijin K! He did an amazing job on this long-overdue group picture.

Megaman Fully Charged Preproduction Clips. So, some clips from Fully Charged get taken off the net just automatically, but what if those clips were altered just enough? Would it get taken down? Or do the people looking for them not care anymore? A mix of both? Anyway, I made this whole thing just so people can get easy access to two preproduction clips. Enjoy! It’s been a while since I made this too. Thanks, kobun20, for giving me the first clip! The second was found after a lot of sleuthing on Google.

Arching the Androids Part 2, Articles, and Art

The Ascendant Androids’ adventures with Arch of Darkman’s Robot Warriors continues! Can Arch continue to survive the Androids? An even better question – can the Androids survive the madness Arch brings with him?


But, wait! There more! Wait, really? Yes, really! Thanks to Tyree_Cooper I’ve revised me old Asian PC article to include more information on Rockman 123 and the Rockman Collection! I have to admit I was disinterested in this when I first happened upon it, dismissing it as a knockoff collection of the NES games and nothing more. But there are some (very) minor changes.


Finally, we have some pictures Riajin made a few years ago. Above is the original idea for Cossack’s Creations, before the Comrades reformed. Rich had a notion he’d make a communist-era version of the team complete with sprites, but that never panned out. Raijin made this character sheet based off that abandoned idea. We also now present his character art of the MM6 team – World’s Strongest!

Ascendant Androids Sound Off!

The last, but the prettiest – Raijin brings us Crystalgirl of the Ascendant Androids! I must admit, I’m a sucker for shiny things. Evidently this design was based, not just of his old sprite, but also off the former Crystal’s own artwork for the design she created.

And that brings us to the end of Raijin’s Ascendant Android project. Hope you all enjoyed!

Ascendant Androids Sound Off!

Raijin brings us one of Spark’s old identities – Napalmman! This guy was heavily modelled on the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket, a movie I confess I didn’t see in full until too recently.

Ascendant Androids Sound Off!

Starman is next in Raijin Ascendant Androids project. This guy was actually designed by me long after the Business of War was over. For story reasons Star was left out of the remake fest during War, but when the Androids came back the reasons for this no longer made sense. Well, here he is in all his show stealing glory.

Ascendant Androids Sound Off!

The Ascendant Androids continue to file in with Stoneman coming in next. Damn, does Raj know his detail work or what? This version of Stoneman can fashion himself out of whatever stony materials that happen to be at hand.