Mechs Meet 2014

Just over a month ago, Gauntlet, Needlegal, Rich, our new Sparkman, and I converged on Topman’s home city of Montreal for our (almost) annual (usually) summer meet-up. As usual, I’ve chronicled our shenanigans with a log and photo gallery. Special thanks to Rich for contributing to the write-up and to Spark for contributing to the pics!

Snakeman TM3

Here’s Snakeman’s full portrait art for his "Transmetal 3" look. The pose looked lot better in pencil. I was sorta going for a classic MM Robot Master pose (like the ones found in the manual), but it just didn’t work. Unfortunately I only noticed that after it was all done.

Curse of the Lion Men Part 1

The … lion men!? That’s right! We’re going back to regular epilogues after a long, LONG time getting extra long stories out of the way to bring you the first part of "Curse of the Lion men", which is co-written by our current Sparkman! (Although it was done a long time ago, before he was on the team, so he’s still credited as Diveman here). Click on Tar to read more.

Genesis End – 22 & Postlude

“The end of the world?! What the hell are you talking about??” I shouted at the demon, my arms cutting deeper into his chest as I pressed him into the wall even harder.

“As I just said, you wouldn’t understand yet. Hrm, perhaps I misspoke when I said you’d learned to ask the right questions. Shall I just explain it to you from the beginning? It would save me a lot of time, certainly.”

“Right, like you’re really going to just reveal your whole plan to me, like in a bad mystery novel?”


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Genesis End – 20 & 21

I lunged at the Harbinger, but he lifted his rune-scarred hand and a blast of concussive energy pushed me back, sending me keeling into the wall behind me. Amatista apparently hadn’t lost her edge with age – she rolled into the room as she dodged my body and ended with a flourish of her hand that caused the Harbinger to cry out in pain. Sticking out of his heel was one of Amatista’s earrings, a long slender jewel that she must have still kept on her person, sharpened for emergencies. I guess in this town you have to be ready for anything.


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Genesis End – 18 & 19

A second shot pierced my dead arm, though I didn’t feel it with my circuits still shut down in that area. This was not a fight I could win in the shape I was in. Which meant I would have to outmaneuver them.

There were two of them that I could see, Needle and Magnet, though Snake was likely acting as an extra set of eyes over their communicator. Needle would be the easier to avoid – her projectiles flew straight, and if she couldn’t close the gap to reach me they’d be fairly easy to dodge. Mags would be less predictable – he was a straight shot when he wanted to be, but if he decided to show off and make the bullets curve with his powers they’d be harder to anticipate. Luckily their projectiles were all light and easy to deflect – if I could get out of there before Hard or Spark showed up I’d be fine.


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Genesis End – 17

If one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, then it stands to reason that one man’s treasure is another man’s trove. Snake had to be on to something when he started looking into emerGEnesis CEO Adam Everett’s financials – 2 million dollars cash doesn’t get withdrawn to carry around as pocket change – but after the devastation of the lab compound, there was no way that Everett, whatever he was up to with all that money, could operate under the radar as easily anymore. He’d have somewhere he could operate out of, lots of somewheres maybe, that weren’t as easy to link to him, and that’s what I wanted to find. And as Snake already pointed out, the best way to find out about a person’s secrets is to see where their money goes.


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New Sparkman, Genesis End – 15 & 16

That’s right, we have a new member of the team! Please welcome aboard Leon, the new Sparkman! If the name sounds familiar it’s because the new Spark is being based off Elecman of the Sinister Six … who is also Geoff aka Diveman of Cossack’s Comrades. It may be a while before the epilogues reflect this, but until that happens please give a warm welcome for the new Spark.

In addition to this he has a new card for the Shadow Hunters character cards we’ve made and Topman’s created a new background for the cards which we’ll be using.

“Where did you learn how to do that?” I asked.

Needle Gal pushed the last one into Gravity Man’s right wrist and moved on to his left arm. “Mostly practiced on myself,” she said as she pulled another needle from her hair like a seamstress and began lining it up in place along Gravity’s outstretched arm. “It took a long time before I figured out where the right pressure points were. Luckily 15 years is a lot of time to practice.”

“Well it’s a hell of a skill,” I remarked. “You should use it more often.”


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Nintendo Power’s In-House Art

What, an update that doesn’t involve fan fiction!? On a Tuesday!? Yeah, seems that way. Remember when I used to write articles on oddball Megaman trivia? Well, here’s something along those lines.

Hey, does anyone else remember that Yahoo auction featured on Protodude’s blog? the one with really rare Megaman 2 and 3 promo art? Well, I’ve takes the time to track down who made it and it’s influences. It seems to go beyond Nintendo Power! I’ve also looked into another batch of cells made by the same artist.


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Genesis End – 14

The building shook as I raced down the corridor to the sounds of skirmish ahead. We hadn’t faced the entire Ascendant Androids team all at once yet and, since the entire building hadn’t already collapsed, I figured the same would be true this time. Chargeman was massive, after all, and would have already reduced the building to rubble all by himself. I tried to steel myself, but what was I about to face? How many of them would it take to overwhelm us? Two of them? Three? Maybe our new armour would finally be enough to match us evenly. 15 years is a long time – had our technology finally caught up to their upgrades courtesy of General Cutman?

My hopes were turned upside down as I lost my footing and fell – upwards – into the ceiling.


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