Special Christmas update!

Since Christmas is only days away I felt I should post this NOW instead of later.

I drew up and colored a quick christmas drawing. It’s in my image gallery (the Gauntlet image gallery). Go and check it out!

Sprites, Pirate Games

Well, well, well, a GOOD update this week. Who knew?

Well, I’ve finally updated that pirate section with a pretty substantial update. Not only are there new pirate games up, but I also reorganized it a bit. Not GB multicarts are in the GB section. I never figured there’d be so many ……. but what do I know? I ALSO made neat thumbnails, so now the page will not take forever to load. I’ve been meaning to do that for a long while now, but only now have I gotten around to it.

And now: sprites update! I added neat MM3 costumed sprites and those are in the Sprite Gallery under: customs. They have a “new tank” nest to them. I also added old sprite sheets Pixelboy ripped for MM4 GB. Pixelboy has been gone since 1998 and I figure, since I can’t contact him or nuthin’, that he’d be glad his work’s used. So, what are MM4 sprites doing on the MM3 team? Who knows!

As weeks go this one hasn’t been so bad. I saw Lord of the Rings, which was spectacular. All in all pretty nice. Oh, yeah, I had a pretty good debate in the Dreamwave forums about the ‘ol “MM is X” issue. Alot of good points were brought up, but I think the only ones I haven’t heard before was: A) Dr. Light would actually NOT want MM to trade his memories for sentience and B) Wily would create the Zero Virus, aid Sigma, and crash a colony into the planet thereby ruining it to SPITE his rival Doctor Light who (as far as he knows) died 100 years ago. Haven’t heard anyone HONESTLY defend these points, so I guess I’m a little surprised people can believe that over the answer being “MM actually IS X”. Well, I can’t say I won the debate, but I don’t think I lost either. With the complete lack of proof either way, people tend to stick to what their first impression than be persuaded otherwise. But you can read it all here. It was all pretty interesting and I think I’m done arguing over it for another 6 months or so.

Uhhhh …… nothing?

Know that I’ve joined up with Sprites INC. And I’ve been having a good time accepting submissions, reviewing sheets, completing missing sheets and the like ……. that I just plumb forgot to do anything for MY OWN site! Ha ha ha!

But not to worry. I plan to update sometime at the end of this week. Until then I get to look forward to watching Lord Of The Rings! Oh, yeah and updating this site as well …… of course.

But if you like why not submit something like ….. MM3 art here! If you submit gift are I shalt post it!

Well, that’s all for this week. Be sure to stay tuned and dial in next week!
Same ….. BAT time!
Same ….. BAT channel!

Epilogues ….. Again

Well, my friends I have solved one of the great mysteries that has plagues me since I first entered the community.

The first mystery was how to rip X2 sprites before that FX chip was decoded. For that I relied on magazine scans.

The second was how the PC guys looked like and that involved long hours of work.

But there was always something that eluded me. How in the HELL screenshots were taken from the MM PC games when print screen yields pitiful results AT BEST!? For years this has plagued me! I even ASKED how the people did it with no reply.

But just the other day I have SOLVED THE MYSTERY! For you see now I have figured out how to quickly and easily take screenshots from the PC games! And from this new method I shall pursue the most pointless project yet: to fully rip the PC games! Not just the bosses, but enemies as well!

In fact most of the actual ripping has been completed. Soon the sheets will be available for viewing.

But HOW did I manage such a feat? Well, now …… THAT is a SECRET! heh heh heh.

But in the meantime I posted another epilogue. This one actually takes place in Series 5 making a grand total of TWO out of our FOUR posted epilogues taking place within the main story! It’s by Geminiman so check it out!


A brand new epilogue has been posted! This one ties directly into my rants about MMX and all. I call it: MEGA X!! Catchy title, no? Anyways, it’s pretty funny, so there you go.

Guides, Wallpapers

After so much positive feedback from the “Ultimate MM3 team” project I may make a few more redesigns along those lines. But I haven’t yet.

Today’s update has a few “lost” guides. My guide to the Pokemon Anime (somewhat dated) and my guide to unnecessary translations (actually inspired by a REAL EVENT!). These guides are written at 3AM so they feature me being slightly …… annoyed. So, have fun! Both of these can be found in the “Gauntlet’s Guides” section.

The Wallpapers section has seen an update. Not only have I completed a Needleman wallpaper, but I have also added another size as I said I would once the poll tied. Yes, that’s right. TWO sized. Not 4. The stretcher on Windows isn’t THAT bad. But I do see a point to having a size larger, so there you have it.

The Wallpapers are in the Downloads section. And I think Needle’s my best work yet.

Big Image Gallery Update

This is a monster sized update, folks! A HUGE (I say HUGE) update to almost all the image galleries has occurred!

Firstly, I have added a set of images to my own image gallery. Redesigns of the MM3 guys. Not Ariga, not Nintendo Power, my OWN designs this time. I am very pleased with the results. Also added a couple other images there too.

I added a couple pictures to Raijin’s gallery. Always nice.

The “others” gallery had been updated with images of the MM3 people done in the Hero Machine style. Interesting and now viewable.

Finally, Nightmare has posted a SLEW of art he’s done which was previously unposted. He now has his own gallery.

All this and more can be seen by going through the image gallery!

Epilogues, Sprites

Series 5 chugs along with another new epilogue! This one actually taking place IN Series 5! No flashbacks or anything. Behold as the ‘Maniacs move into their new base in the newest ep made by yours truly.

The sprites gallery is also seeing an update. I’ve updated the “Gauntlet sprites” gallery with a new recolour of my Doc Robot sprite (in official colours now) and a new custom – Needleman EXE! It’s my first EXE style sprite so I think I did a good job of it. But, the main sprite gallery is also updated. Under “Custom Sprite Creations” I’ve put my second Captain N Sprite Sheet! The first one was surprisingly successful (and got me connected to CaptainN.net to boot) so I’ve made a second. This one features MUCH better sprites than the first with customs and scratch sprites. It has a nice “New tank” right next to it, so it’s impossible to miss.

So, how about that Halloween banner? Pretty freaky, eh? I bet it gave some of you guys chills. Since it was up for only a week, I’ll leave it up for another week.

Also, I noticed the quizzes were somewhat …… totally screwed up. Yeah. Well, those have been fixed too.

For this last segment, I’d like to showcase other “Mechanical Maniacs” across the web. See, even though we have the very unlikely team name of “Mechanical Maniacs”, there are two other pages on the net featuring the SAME name! Mechanical Maniacs – A Japanese (maybe) site featuring mecha! Mechanical Maniacs – A team of mechanics making ….. stuff! Other Mechanical Maniacs ….. unless you become Megaman Teams ….. we salute you!

Manga Scans

We’re a Megaman 3 Team. With a manga gallery. You know what’s missing?


Well, not anymore! A whole wack of scans have been added to the manga scans gallery focusing on the Megaman three robot masters! Over FIFTY images have been added! So go over to the section and check it out!

Sprites, Reorganization

I wasn’t in the mood for so much this week. Hence the late update. But what the Hell?
Most noteworthy thing is that several custom sprites have been added to the “Gauntlet’s sprites” section in the Sprite Gallery. They turned out alright.

Next, there’s been a bit of organization. Allot of the articles once found in the left frame have been sent to the Mice. Section under a new heading: “Articles”! The Guides section has also been organized so it isn’t a complete mess anymore.

Lastly the poll is over. Throughout the whole thing the two sides were split dead even. And, while it looks like most of the time the size works just fine for most people, almost the same number would appreciate more options. So, I guess I’ll add one more size to the Wallpapers for a grand total of TWO choices in size. I don’t think the four usual choices are really necessary. “Small” and “Medium” will do. Those of you with “monster-sized” monitors will just have to make do.

But that’ll be for next update. Or something. Not in a mood to make better resolutions of the current “good” wallpapers right now