Contest update! Old Stuff!

Here’s something I’ve received a request or two (or one) about – the Design a Villain contest!

I have to admit ….. I’ve been negligent on announcing things on this. I thought I already did announce it, but …. no.

So, a winner has been decided upon! And the winner is ….


Yes, that’s right. You’ll have to wait until Wanted comes out to discover who the winner actually is. However, the winner has been contacted and knows he/she won. Rich is still working on the prize. So, if you weren’t contacted, you didn’t win, but I thank you for participating.

What is up, however, is all the entries for the contest. So you can browse all the loathsome villains made for the contest.

In other news ….. I found some old stuff while going on my incessant search for some way of recovering the first Hardman’s bio (a thorn in my side for a LONG time). Skullman’s bio has been found! (The one he did for Megaman United). He got this site started and now his bio is up on the special thanks page. I also found the ORIGINAL bio for Topman, who was the webmaster here very briefly before I took over. Sadly I didn’t find Hardman’s bio.

The archive of the first layout has been updated with the original files I found on a CD (which had Top’s bio). The one on the site was a reconstruction I made base don my memory….. this is MUCH closer to the truth! Although I did change it to be more of a medium from where the site first started but before I fully took over and added a background image and took off the background MIDIs. Newbies take note: there is hope for you. Just look how much better I got at this. Don’t get discouraged.

Some (one) person has asked about ‘Maniacs Moments not being updated. The answer is simple. Hard hasn’t sent me any new ones. Send Hard some fan mail to get him motivated. But, unlike me, Hard has a life so unimportant things like jobs and girls get in the way of his work. Yeah, I know ….. for shame.


Another new epilogue has been posted!

In other news I have been very busy for the last two weeks and am now extremely tired. Having hibernated for about two days …… I’m still bushed. Lemme tell you: staying up all night and all morning for a few days straight to get work done ….. NOT FUN. At all.

We’re back!

Of course we never really left …..

April Fools, everyone! Hope you liked this year’s project. Alot of work actually went into making it happen. Oh, yes…. we weren’t actually hacked by the fictitious enemies I created in my stories. But a big round of applause for anyone actually fooled.

While I did the lion’s share of the work, I’d like to recognise Raijin for creating the walkthrough and for posting in the forum. And Gren helped make some of the bios. Like …. back in ’04. Good times. Goooooooood times.

Series 6 Begins!

We’ve been working on this behind the scenes for quite some time and now …. the wait is over! Series 6 has begun!

The series kicks off with Magnet’s Kin and Tonic. A novella which changed the ‘Maniacs world forever. Really, it does!

Like all prior series, Series 5 has been archived.

Design a Villain Contest OVER!

As of two days ago in fact. A big thanks to all who’ve entered. We’re going through the entries and deciding who the winner will be as I type. It’s actually a pretty good turnout. A few really good ideas have been presented. Of course, there can only be ONE winner.

No ACTUAL content this week …. which is a record for me isn’t it? Ah, well …. busy, busy, busy, I am. I’ve been spending alot of time fixing some coding issues from the last update as well as waging a secret war against damned spambots.

No Update ….. Sort of ….

Well, there’s sort of been an update ….. I’ve been fixing alot of the back-end code stuff. Hopefully those with slower modems will notice a difference….

Of, and be sure to visit the forums. And to design a villain for the Design a Villain contest.

Feb 11th Update: Decided to re-code the entire site in XHTML. I figured this would be fast with my HTML prog, but ….. naturally trhere were bugs. ALOTTA bugs. SHOULD have fixed ’em all by now, though. An, hopefully …. the site will run alot faster now. And if it doesn’t, then …. I’ll just stab myself in the leg …. or something.

Rockman: Gold Empire info and review

Here’s an update long in coming! WAY back when I was helping Heat run Sprites INC a dude named Tommy Lee gave me a copy of Rockman Gold Empire complete with manga scans. And I promptly ….. forgot about it. Completely.

Well, now that oversight has been rectified! I’ve played through Rockman Gold Empire a bit and have written a review / article on the game. Rockman: GE is a Taiwanese-exclusive game like Rockman Strategy, only not by the same people. It’s alot less rare than RMS, but I still haven’t seen any information on it in the english-speaking Megaman community, making this a first!

So, thanks, Tommy Lee! Sorry for taking so long.

Also, you may have noticed my smart-ass “Ads go here” banners have been replaced by actual ads. Well, what can I say? Ads were always in the works. HOWEVER, unlike ads of the past, THESE ads actually give money to ME. Not Nyne, Classic Gaming, Zelda U, Geocities, or anyone else. So click! And support the Mechanical Maniacs!

Also rememeber to submit an entry for our Design a Villain contest! The grand prize is an appearance in ‘Maniacs epilogues as well as a figureine made of the villain you design!

Needle’s cosplay

Here’s something that’s taken a while to find time to do….

Needle’s cosplay section has been updated to include last year’s costumes. Odille (or an anime version of Swan Lake) and Ashura (from RGVeda) are now in her section. I’ve also included some reference pictures to show what she’s looking at when making these costumes.