‘Maniacs Moments Return

I think the above image really says it all. After a two year wait, and marking the old thing as “discontinued”, it’s time to wrap it up. And, naturally, if you want a job done … you just gotta do it yourself.

It’s time to very quickly wrap up Paradox Play and the Mechanical Maniacs Moments! Each week I’ll post another ‘Moment to continue the ending.

Pirate Mania Part 4

Waveman says “YAR!” And Waveman PC cries in his sleep. Pirate mania (aka “let’s empty my pirate folder”) continues.

Rockman 5 – The cover was swiped from SWATPRO magazine. Of all the … possible sources. And they altered it somewhat too. Although where that ,,, blue thing in the background comes from, I dunno.

Rockman Z -Found pictures of the box. Nothing too mind blowing.

Rockman World Collection – Actually gives itself a title, unlike a great many other Rockman World collections. Oddly uses a mix of R&F sprites, CW artwork and … an NES sprite for the Rock Monster.

Rockman X3 – Not as bland as the Rockman X2 cart, but it’s a rather bold claim. It probably has plain old regular Rockman 3.

Rockman VS Castlevania (I think) (PC) – Captain N fans, eat your eart out! No clue what this game is about and I’m only mostly sure it’s for the PC.

Rockman ??? (PC) – Another PC game, this time using artwork fromt he old Dreamwave comics. No idea what this is about either.

4-in-1 – Another “DS” 4 in 1s, this time featuring X instead of Zero. Looks like it might just be the exact same multicart from just looking at the art alone.

??? – Doesn’t even have the decency to name the Wily Wars on this multicart.

Rockman ??? – A really generic Rockman Gameboy game cart.

12 In 1 – All the Rockman Worlds in an odd order with a variety of non related games. (What does MM have to do with any of them?)

Megaman Collection X4 – X4 – 8 (PSX) -I guess someone though bundling all the Playstation games was a good idea. But why bother to mix Megaman games in with Rockman?

3 Rockman – … I’m gonna count this as a multicart and assume it’s not just Rockman 3. Interestingly, none of the art shown are for NES Rocman games.

Rockman X6 DVI Connecter (PC) – I have no idea. Maybe it comes with X6 … I guess …

Rockman X3 (SNES) – Is an X3 by any other name play as well? Or is as hard?

Rockman ??? – It doesn’t get much more generic than this.

ANEW’s Stat Generator

What, something from me that isn’t about pirate games? You bet! That’s not quite done yet, but I got sidetracked into making a Statistic Generator for Rich’s (Magnet’s) Project ANEW. It’s an app that’ll make his life a whole lot easier.

I’ve also moved the Flash app stuff over to my Flash Gallery. Most of it has to do with the Business of War from a few years ago. Oh, the memories…

Pirate Mania Part 3

Pirate Mania continues! Yes, still. Much of this info comes from Jesse E. Brown Jr, so give him a hand! This is actually the last of the stuff he sent me (minus Game King info, no pictures of the Rockman clone) … but not the last of the Rockman pirate stuff I have to post!

Rockman DX2 – Sent in by Jesse Brown. Named both in chinese and English. You know, just in case some poor sap was confused. Probably a copy of DX3 or something, with graphics from the X series on it, of course. It could also be a copy of Xtreme 2:

10 in 1 – Sent in by Jesse Brown. An interesting multi-cart that’s got the GB games on it, and “Rockman World 99” (which has generally been the pirated version of Rockman 8). And “Color Rockman” and “Color Rockman Fighter” … what? It also looks like they ripped off someone’s Deviantart. Noticeably less than 101 games on it.

Rockman X5 – Sent in by Jesse Brown. Very generick pirate, probably DX3, but who can say without taking a chance and buying it?

10 in 1 – Sent in by Jesse Brown. Another strange multicart, although this one has mainly Rockman games on it. It claims to have “Rockman 8” (the pirated game probably), “Rockman X3” (probably DX3), “Rockman X5” (not certain about this one yet), “Rockman Xtreme 2”, and a couple others on the cover…BUT, the back of the box says that it has the 5 GB games, Rockman 8 and a couple other games. Kind of disappointing, although it is nice to have the GB’s on one cart I suppose. Released in 2008 supposedly.

8 in 1 – Sent by Jesse Brown. An 8-in-1 GBA multicart, this time with some RM Zero games on it, released this year supposedly and simply named “2009 RPG”.

Rockman ??? – Sent in by Jesse Brown. Claims to be for the GBC, but uses Command Mission art.

Rockman X4 Limited Pack (Saturn) – Sent in by Jesse brown. A “Special Limited Pack” of “Rockman X4,” which caries a rather high price tag, especially for the Chinese, and even for us, coming in at 890 Yuans.

Rockman DX5 – Sent in by Jesse Brown. Nice job on using a Command Mission screen shot, guys.

??? – Let’s hope the box had a name … even though it’s probably Rockman World. Might be the old Rockman X3 pirate, though. Sent in by Jesse Brown.

Rockman X8 – Sent in by Jesse Brown. Probably the box from the game that turned out to be RM4 (nes).

Mech’s Meet 2009 Log

It’s that time again. That time when I ramble on about all the fun we had when the team travelled in from all over to spend a few days hanging out, sightseeing, playing games, and coming up with obscure in-jokes with which to baffle the rest of you.

Read all about it here!

Jersey Devil

I’m Jack Vulcan, leader of the Ascendant Androids and Metalman of Annihilation. Gonna be contributing to this blog. Expect to see me talk about strange and banal topics alike. Without shame, allow me to exploit the fact that I have an alternate platform which may end up having unique content. So… how goes it?

Pirate Mania Part 2

Pirate Mania continues! Much of this info comes from Jesse E. Brown Jr, so give him a hand!

Firstly, read more about Zook Z at longtime contributor Brahman’s Game Room and at the RM Knowledge Base. In depth coverage on this obscure game. He also notes that Wikipedia has an entry on Zooks that seems related.

A different version of Rockman DX3 has been found, with fightable bosses and different music! So there are actually two different versions of this rom out there and perhaps 2 versions of this game out there. Thanks to codeman38 for pointing it out to me.

Some tracks ripped from the game by Boco. Apparently, dumping the game is difficult.


Rockman DX4 (PC) – Sent in by Jesse Brown. This auction here is for “Rockman Strategy,” it seems (although the description mentions GBC/GBA/SP and the box mentions DX4 for some reason. Still, based on the screenshot provided, and the title, I’d say it’s probably RM Strategy, although it’s hard to say for certain! However, at 23 Yuan (about $4 USD), that’s not a bad gamble to take.

RockmaX8 – From Jesse Brown. Essentially, the game is an emulation of Mega Man 4, with some minor edits to it (a unique, and strange, boot-up screen; a very slightly edited title (as well as a title from Zero 4); and a Dr. Cx logo on the stage-select). The rest of the game seems to be the same as MM4.

Rockman & Crystal – A bit more information (and pictures) on this game has been found.

Some tracks ripped from the game by Boco. Apparently, dumping the game is difficult.


Made by the same people who made Rockman (Zook) Z and Rockman DX3, Vast Fame.

The Mechs Meet 09 Ends

Some may have noticed my absence over the last week. This is due to the 3rd annual meeting of the Mechs that ended just today. Well, I have returned from my trip to the states and, although shorter than some of the other meets, it was definitely memorable since I finally got to meet Spark Chan live and in person. As always Snake is handling the log, so you can expect those to come up soon.

Pirate Mania Part 1

It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated this section. And one very good reason I convered the updates into Blug format is to make these sort of mass updates both more accessible and more spread out over time. Much of this info comes from Jesse E. Brown Jr, so give him a hand!

A better look at another RM7 pirate alreadon on the site. It uses pictures from the RM7 manual. It’s pretty lazy since they didn’t bother to change even the title on this one.
Megaman 5 – This uses Megaman 5’s box artand probably contains the Megaman 5 game. I like how it’s been updated for the “Gameboy Advance”. When will Megaman 5 come out for the DS?

Rockman– Yes, just “Rockman”. A pirated copy of Rockman Mega World with Rockman Zero art. Were we supposed to think he was Protoman or something? Rockman– Yes, just “Rockman”. A pirated copy of Rockman Mega World with Rockman Zero art. Were we supposed to think he was Protoman or something? From Jesse Brown Jr.

Rockman X3– Actually, this is the same as the above “Rockman 8” game. A pirate that lies to you? Madness! This one is interesting because, as the game still “sucks ass from a straw” (as the Angry Video Game Nerd would say), it is a bit better than the version that seems to be floating around on the Internet. Firing your Rock Buster multiple times or killing many enemies does not result in the enemies vanishing or the platforms disappearing, which makes it a bit more playable (if you even want to play it, for that matter!), but the previous problem could have been to console emulation problems.

Oddly not Rockman DX3, which has a similar name and also Dash box art.

So…yeah. Info from Jesse E. Brown Jr.

Rockman XD8– From Jesse Brown Jr. This is an actual copy of “Rockman DX3,” and it’s pretty neat to have a physical copy of since this game isn’t half bad. From the little bit I’ve played of this game, it’s pretty much the same as the ROM, right down to the fact that at start-up all of the bosses (RM’s, Mavericks, whatever) have been defeated and you have all of the items and upgrades. My suspicion is that this is because the cart is itself made from a dump of the game that had completed save files, and that was what the ROM dump on the Internet is of also, but we won’t really know for sure I suppose.
205 in 1– Jesse Brown Jr notes: This is a real treasure. This baby, among other games, comes with a copy of “Rockman Z” and “Rockman DX3.” I’ll describe these two in sequence. “Rockman Z” is listed as “Rockman DX6” in the game menu for whatever reason, but plays like Zook Z/Rockman Z does in the one gameplay video of the game I’ve seen (and I’ve never before now played this game as I’ve never seen an actual ROM dump of it). Thankfully, this is a clean game with no save files used, so you get to start from the beginning and play, unlike the aforementioned copy of DX3 that has all the bosses cleared and, as far as I know, there’s no way to clear the save files.

The copy of Rockman DX3 that is on the cartridge is listed as “Rockman DX3,” but it is a bit different from the DX3 ROM dump(s) I’ve seen on the Internet and the version I just described here. First, and perhaps most importantly, this is a CLEAN copy of the game in which you have all four of the save slots open and can play the game from the beginning, without already having all bosses cleared and all items! Second, and something I noticed in the very beginning, is that this game has COMPLETELY DIFFERENT music from what I will call the “other version” of DX3 (and by proxy Zook Z), music I’ve never heard before, and so I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s got its own custom sound-track (both Zook and Rockman & Crystal have original tunes).

Jesse notes that these games are still produced in China, which is why they’re still available for decent prices. More piratey goodness is on the way, so stay tuned!