The Official Guide to Megaman

And we’re back! While the holidays offers a lot of downtime it’s actually a very busy time anyway. But the long wait is not without any good Christmas treats. And so I bring you an overly detailed summation of an extremely obscure Megaman book: The Official Guide to Megaman! They don’t make books like this anymore.

Annihilation – Walkthrough Updates

Probably the last update of the year. The walkthrough now has complete info on EXE3’s NaviCust and StyleChange systems. I spent considerable time pulling and testing the data for these sections rather than just copying off of GameFAQs, which turned out to be a good move since I ended up finding a few things the other walkthroughs got wrong or missed.

Still no more Inter-Missions yet. Gotta establish more story before we can properly play off of it.

Rockman Strategy Music

One thing I couldn’t figure out until now was how to get the music from Rockman Strategy. Until now. This zip contains every single music track in the entire game converted to MP3 format. Sadly I can’t figure out which song is for whom. Still, they are all there for your listening pleasure. Maybe one day someone will come to me with a list or something.

‘Maniacs Moments Return

Yes, I’m actually referring to the ‘Moment from oh so long ago. I’ll be few of you suspected I’d be willing to.

Annihilation – Bubbleman Quits

Check out my art gallery for a couple new pics based on Crys’ characters. That’s the only added content for the moment. The main reason for this mini-update is to announce that Akutare has quit as Bubbleman. There will be no recruitment drive to replace him right away, as I’m leaning towards the scaled-down approach – same reason we still don’t have a new Bowl or Yamato, I want to make sure I can mobilize a tight group of reliable members rather than continuously take chances on untested new ones.

An unsettling impact of my decision not to replace Aku is the blank spot it would naturally leave in the bio navigation bar up there. After weighing the options, I kept the button linking to the Bubbleman bio which now just describes Bubz as an NPC. It’s a little off since all the other NPCs are listed on a separate bio page, but it’s either this or completely redesign the navbar and I don’t think this development is worth the effort.

Music Video

Oh my, it looks like something broke there.

This is one update long in the making. Made in Flash CS4, which is atrociously slow. So slow that it stalled this video for many, many months. A recent update made it fast enough to use and, after I got it, finished this within mere weeks. Although this was made in Flash, large, LARGE use of bitmaps made parts of this choppy on the first run. So I converted it to an avi for viewing. Incidentally, this is the “secret project” I mentioned on Deviant Art a while back.
A tribute to one of the last games in the entire Megaman series that probably deserves it: Megaman 3 PC. Misfits and Mistakes. Regular and Meatwad versions.

Pirate Mania Finale

Yes, the ‘Maniacs Moments shall continue, even in the face of a real update!

Yes, it’s the last of my pirate game backlog. It took 5 segments, but we are finally throught he woods on these pirate games.

7 in 1 – Featuring a whole bunch of …. gameboy games?

Megaman & Bass – I’ve included the real box here as well. The pirates did a passable job with this one – even copying the Nintendo seal of quality! – but I don’t remember Zero ever being in this game. Evidently it’s a “Bass-xtreme” situation that only Megaman Bass can resolve! I guess the translators didn’t know what the ampersand symbol means.

Rockman “Game” – Yeah, so this one has no name. But it’s apparently Rockman World 1.

Megaman Battle Network 5 Team ProtomanFound on Protodude’s blog. Now, just look at it and try to spot the mistake.

13 in 1 – Despite the Megaman and Bass art and the Battle Network art, this multicart onlt has classi series games. False advertising on a pirate game? Say it ain’t so!

Super 6 in 1 – Yeah, another one. It looks like a better repackaging of the first Super 6 in 1. I didn’t know Protoman and Bass surivied to the X timeline….

5 in 1 – Look out, Wily! Megaman’s gonna kill you!!! Where are your predacious rules now, Asimov?!

and, finally …

Megaman Soccer (PC) – Megaman … Soccer? Of all the SNES Megaman games they could have stolen, they went with … Megaman Soccer? And with that box art!?

And that ends Pirate Mania. At least for now. But the next time there are crappy Megaman pirate games …. I’ll be there! Be sure to check out all of the pirate games articles for the archives of Pirate Mania and past piratey “goodness”.