Small Images

With the Manga profiles section completed there’s just several small image updates this round.

The Sprite Gallery sees some Gift Sprites as well as some sprites that used to be in my sprite gallery, but were moved because they belong more in Gift Sprites.

The Gauntlet sprite section has several sprites made by me that were used in the Epilogues. Hey, they gotta be features, right? Also seen is a sprite picture featuring the robots of the zodiac and a sprite of me created by Egoraptor.

And, finally, one new image for the “gift art” part of the “Others Art Gallery” by Quickman featuring yours truly! And she actually got the hair right!

Rockman Strategy

Rockman Strategy receives it’s last sprite update featuring the second half of the Constellation Droids and the Classic Bad Guys. This will be the last RMS update for a few weeks. I’m sick of giving the one section all the updates.

On a side note – Happy Halloween! The banner at the top will be as festive as it gets.

Rockman Strategy, MM2 Book

Welp, this ends week one of our time at a new domain and a new server. This happens every two or three years. I hope this time to keep the domain if we ever move again. It’s pretty inconvenient to lose it every time we move. Still, it’s nice to be on our own and all.

Continuing Rockman Strategy coverage this week. The second set of robot masters that make an appearance in the game are now online! And with them this conclusion: Rockman Strategy was sent out unfinished. The robot master sprites and the lack of encryption spell out an unfinished game no matter how you slice it. Nevertheless, it’s a point in my favour! I’ve solved the mystery of why the in-game text is garbles ….. and along with it I have found the entire script for the game! I’ve sent it to Sparks to translate. It’s in you’re hands now Spark! Next week I’ll start showing the sprites of the Constellation Droids.

The “article” on the Rockman 2 book has been deleted. I’ve collected all scanned pages into ONE PDF file and it’s now available in the downloads section. Maybe sometimes I’ll re-read the book and write a REAL article on it.!! Moving from PMM! Oh and Rockman Strategy.

Alright. Well, Nyne (of Planet Megaman) has decided to buy his own server (at which PMM will be hosted soon enough) and so I’m jumping the PMM ship and climbing aboard Nyne’s Megaman Community project (as is the Sinister Six, by the way). Although we’ll be on the same physical server, the site will no longer be under Planet Megaman as a sub-hosted site. Nyne’s deal is totally and completely separate from Planet Megaman, although he is a staff member there. Our destiny will be our own!


To further this end I have done what I should have done a LONG time ago – purchased a .com redirect. You can now, and forever more, reach us at …..!

Please, update all bookmarks and links.

Right now the .com redirect doesn’t function 100% properly (in that it acts like our free redirect, although it does still point to us). This is because we’re still just a sub-hosted site. Once we’re on our own it’ll work great.

In regards to PMM, I have decided to leave as a staff member. I don’t want to cause trouble for them or for myself so, to put it simply, it’s due to artistic differences and I’ll leave it at that. Good luck, Planet Megaman! Fight for everlasting peace!

Oh, and that Rockman Strategy game has more sprites. This time of half the classic robot masters featured in the game (I know some have been waiting for this)! I’ve also added some new fun facts pertaining to the game as well as large, high quality, scans of the front and back of the box. Also, the “Chinese Games” article is now, more accurately, called the “Asian games” article. The article itself has been reworked slightly, but there’s really no new information.

Rockman Strategy!

The milking of one game for all it’s worth continues! And by that I mean Rockman Strategy now has sprites for all the minor enemies found in the game!

Yeah, I’ve been dragging these updates out. I’ve been busy.

On a side note – PMM blew up again! Whose surprised? Raise your hands?

*crickets chirp*

That’s what I thought. Well, keep looking to the CJB.NET redirect and you’ll always find this site.

Images and Sprites

The Gauntlet Sprite Section has been updated. As has the Sprite section itself. Some new stuff and one old thing by me. My Image Gallery has been updated and so has the Misc Image Gallery. Lots to look at!

As for Planet-Megaman ….. Heat’s decided to play it safe and wait for the Server Admin to restore PMM. When will that happen? I dunno. Also, we DON’T have total control over the .com account. Lars still owns the domain. Why won’t he transfer it over? Again, I dunno.

So, when will PMM return to it’s former glory? Who can say ….. In the meantime though, the Mechanical Maniacs shall continue to be your #1 source of will-PMM-come-back news!

Pirate Sprites, PMM news

Welp, the quizzes and ‘Maniacs Moments sections still need some work, but I do have some new content in the way of more Pirate Sprite Sheets. These ones from Rockman DX3, one of the roms offered in the Gauntlet Art Contest.

As you may have noticed Planet-Megaman got it’s .com address back! Unfortunately there’s a slight case of schizophrenia involved ….. meaning our .com account has a space of it’s own separate from the .org account! Weird. Well, I’ve set up a forwarding address to point anyone coming from the .com address here. Hopefully this problem can be resolved soon.

As for PMM, Heat is getting impatient with the situation. The backups should be arriving next week and if they don’t Heat’s thinking of just restoring everything from our backups.

Update to the update: I’ve taken the time to reorganize the Mechanical Maniacs Moments. They’re organized a little differently now, but it’s closer to a regular sprite comic, so it works out.

Fan Stuff!

Alright, back again. Yeah, I’ve been busy, tired, followed by more busy this week. But now I get to put up some really nice things …. FAN STUFF!

The Gauntlet sprites has two sprites at the VERY end submitted by a fan.

The Sprites Section has three new entries.

And, finally, fan art has SEVERAL new entries.

These have been piling up for quite some time so it’s good to finally get them up.

Lotsa Images

There’s lotsa images in this update.

My Sprite gallery has been updated with one new edit done by me and a couple gift sprites done by others. Thanks, guys.

The Sprite Gallery contains new gift sprites.

My image gallery contains a few new pictures done by (of course) myself. Well ……. the word “new” is relative here as some are relatively old …… but most of you never saw ’em!

Finally, the Other image gallery contains more images ….. including images by Spark Chan and a gift from Quickman! Also some scans centred around MM3. Thanks to everyone who gave images.

Oh, and don’t bother telling me the link to the Secret Page is down ….. I’m actually in the process of remodelling it 😉