Epilogue, Image Gallery, Megaman Brazil

Series 4 continues with Possession part 2. I’m gonna skimp on the details, but it’s up for you to read. Unfortunately Needle’s been really busy lately and was unable to edit any of these last few epilogues so you’ll have to deal with spelling errors and maybe even grammatical ones too. Oh, well.

The image gallery has seen another update. The old Fireman EXE Sayan Xtreme sent me a great Shadowman picture for you guys to check out. It’s in the “Others” image gallery. My own gallery has seen an update with a new Bizarro Shadowman sketch. It’s unnecessarily complicated so check it out.

Lately, you may notice a new section on the right frame. “Megaman Brazil” which covers everything I know about the comic run of Megaman in Brazil! Which isn’t to say that I know allot. But there’s some little-known factoids there so it’s worth a peek. If anyone has anything to add feel free to contact me.

And that’s all for today, folks. But tune in next time, same bat-time, same bat-channel.

:::Update 3 mintures later::::

Check this out. So, someone wants to use my crappy old wallpapers (as seen in the Downloads section) as a T-shirt!? Why?? All it’ll be is a big square. But, hey – use it if you want! Be my guest. Although a smart consumer would go to the downloads section, download the wallpaper themselves and create their OWN shirt for less.

Epilogue, Sprites, Introduction

Well, well, well, another new epilogue! This one starts off the Series finale for Series 4! No more clowning around it’s time to take the Decepticons down!

I’ve added more sprites to the Gauntlet sprite gallery. One of Roll and a few of Gauntlet in MM7 style (mainly because I didn’t like my last MM7 style Gauntlet). I think I did a good job, so go and check it out!

And I’ve also changed the introduction. The last one was getting a little stale so I figured it was time for a change.

New Snakeman, Epilogues, Wallpapers

Another week another update. Unless you count that html thing I did yesterday morning an update. That would make two.

So, first you may notice we have a new Snakeman. Mostly because Hexlaser’s e-mail stopped working one day and that’s all I have to keep in contact with the guy. So, he has now been replaced with Raijin K! You folks may also remember him as Skullman EXE from Viral Infection. This guy has been hanging around the forums for a while so the odds are he won’t disappear like our last Snakeman. Hooray!

Next up is an update for the epilogues. We’re heading towards the final stretch of Series 4 and it comes to a boil in our current epilogue. So, check it out!

Next up is a new wallpaper. Ever since I made those Megaman screen captures, I figured they’d be good for wallpapers (which are in the downloads section, BTW). So I did one. Shadowman! I’d say this is some of my better wallpaper work, so check it out!

Special Public service announcement

Well, I’ve decided to do one of my cost-cutting ideas and change ALL the .html files into .shtml. This means that files ending in .html or .htm won’t work for a little while. Only a day at most, I promise. I’ll be doing the epilogues last, but until then bear with me.

*Two hours later*

Okay, then. I’m done. You know what? I won’t even bother with the epilogues. I COULD add them to the counter, but I WON’T. Hell, what new information could it possibly give me The “Joe Shmoe” found an epilogue by typing in “Green Ranger Megaman”? Not even worth it.

And, check it out. I changed the mugshots a little. Now you can tell which is contacting and which is the Rogues Gallery easier.

Image Gallery, Epilogues

Hey, it’s me again. Which you’ve probably guessed since I’m the only one that ever talks on the main page.

So, first off, I have a new image in the Gauntlet image gallery of the evil Megaman 3 team from the first half of Series 4.

Also, the epilogues have been updated with another of Topman’s – Clue-dunit! A funny shorter epilogue and worth a look.

And that’s it. Not one of the monster updates I usually do, but …… well, that’s all you get this week.


Both me and Gemini have changed out addresses. Contacting me at my old address won’t work for long. The contacts page has my new address

Epilogues, Image Gallery, bios, sprites

Sorry for the lack of updates last week, but considering I’m doing this for free I don’t think I need to apologize. So, I take back my sorry!

First off the Epilogues have once again been updated! A story by me entitled “You are the Admiral Now!” I am feeling particularly good about this once so I feel the need to pat myself on the back.

Next up is more images in the gallery. Images of Topman and Gemini Red by Nightmare! Go see!

The BIOS now have images of the MM3 TV show guys! Ripped straight from the DVD! That’s right folks, Gauntlet has actual DVD rips of the rare MM3 robot masters and that’s absolutely NOTHING compared to the update I have planned for Planet Megaman.

The Spriting Page has been updated in the custom sprite creations. Auto gave me Rockman 3 styled Neo Geo Pocket sprites to celebrate my third year anniversary! They’re really neat and worth a look-see.

I attended Anime North once more this year, and I must say it was a successful trip. Not only did I get the aforementioned Megaman DVDs, but I also got once signed by Scott Mc Neal voice of Protoman (and Wily)! Perhaps one day I shall get the first DVD set signed by Ian Corlett voice of Megaman. On a side note, I discovered that there’s a bit of a voice acting train here. Ian Corlett voiced Wily on Captain N and then went onto do Megaman on the TV show. Scott Mc Neal did Wily there and is now doing Guts on the EXE anime. Kinda funny in a way. Scott McNeal seemed like a nice guy and a good sport with all the fan-attention, however he did seem a little tired (it WAS 11 PM when he made his arrival). Anyway, fun was had by all.

Also, not only did we top 90, 000 hits, but we had an all time high of 900 hits in one day while I was at the con! I’m not sure why traffic jumped like that, but keep it up!

Epilogues, Image Gallery, Sprite Gallery, Guide, Downloads

Another week, another update.

Well I am pleased to announce our counter has reached 100,000 hits today! Breaking 6 digits feels really good to me and I thank all my loyal viewers for support.

Series 4 of the epilogues continues with War Between Wilys. The Mechanical Maniacs finally face off with the powerful True Chimeraman!

The Image Gallery receives an update in the “Others” section. A picture of Megaman cosplay I took when I was at Anime North a few weeks ago. A kid dressed as the original Megaman. While the helmet isn’t quite right, it’s still …. adorable really.

The Sprite Gallery has seen another update. Specifically the sprite group shot. It now goes up to Megaman Zero 2 including even those stupid resistance guys.

A new Gauntlet’s Guide has been posted. My guide to why I consider games like Megaman PC in continuity. See, the vast majority of people I talked to seem to regard those types of games with disdain and not even Capcom products, really …… so I decided to write my opinion. Kind of the minority report of the MMC.

Finally, I have added a new section in the rightframe. The Downloads section. It WAS in the miscellaneous section once, but no one really figured to look there.

Finally, I would like to announce a victory in the team-scene. I have managed to un-hack Ice’s Eye-Lephant account. So Ice now has access to it and the last of the whole “hacking” thing has been wiped clean. Huzzah!

3rd Year Anniversary!

It’s been three entire years of mechanical mayhem! Hard to believe ain’t it? Seems like only yesterday that I joined this place with our old Senac forum and trying to be as good as the S6 (which was a seemingly impossible task since, initially, our team had a long bout of laziness!). But here we are with content to spare!

To be honest I jumped the gun on some of the anniversary content. Stuff like the layout change and the 404 page SHOULD have been anniversary stuff, but whatcha gonna do?

First up is an all-new epilogue by Topman! Tops hasn’t written much this series, but this one is worth the wait so go on and read it!

The Spriting section has a lot of updates. Not only did I update the various mugshot sheets in game rips but I added Megaman fonts to the bit containing many useful fonts. Also spriting-related is more sprites in the Gauntlet sprite section! The rest of the custom MM3 soccer sprites have been added along with an animated Gauntlet Dixie.

The Image Gallery has been trimmed a bit. I took down images now featured at Auto’s page and put up a Shadowman mug by Quickman in the “Others” image gallery.

Sadly, I have to take down some affiliates. Jetsu and Megaman Universe seem to be down and have been for a while now. Pharaoh Man’s Temple has also been taken down due to lack of activity.

The Guestbook has gotten a final face-lift. It now matches the page even more!
Gauntlet’s Guides has been a long-ignored section. Not that I haven’t written anything, I just didn’t think it was good enough to post. But – NO LONGER! Seven new guides have been posted in that section. Will there be more to come? Unlikely. But anything is possible!

The Secret Page’s link has also been moved to a place that is easier to find. Good luck to you all.

Lastly, and most importantly, is the opening of the Mechanical Maniacs’ Store! There I am selling t-shirts, mugs, and more shirts at Cafe Press. The link SHOULD be easy to spot. I am very excited about this and hope everyone will open their hearts – and their wallets – to my humble store. Images and merchandise will change occasionally, so check back and see if something catches your eye.

This has been quite a year. Breaking 80,000 hits makes me feel good and I am sure that the next year will be even more prosperous than the current one.

Epilogue, Gauntlet sprites, 404 error page

The epilogue madness continues in an ep written by Lennon! This one wraps up the loose ends left by the Robotic Raiders eps (which were also written at least in part by Lennon).

MY sprites page has also received another update. Not only did I fix up the older sprites a bit (saw they had bad outlines and shading problems thanks to the new, brighter, monitor setting), but also a couple brand new sprites! A Gauntlet Dixie has been made and a Gauntlet in MM7 style. Also, Ice’s MM Soccer section (which is coming soon to the S6, I am sure) inspired me to make a Shadowman Soccer sprite. Ice’s is great, but it didn’t use the Capcom-official Shadowman Soccer head that was peeking out of the car in the background. I think I had marginal success with it, but Capcom’s official head isn’t easy to work with.

Lastly, the page has been given a custom 404 error page! With it comes a layer of class that only a custom 404 error page can bring! Yes, folks, the dream has come true. Go ahead – give it a whirl! Type in a broken link, you know you want to!