MM3 Mysteries

This update has been in the works for a long time. I actually did *work* for this.

Behold …. Megaman 3 Mysteries! Ever wonder what was taken out of Megaman 3? Wonder how much someone can find out about it now? Well, I’ve cracked the game! Not everything in this article is a secret, and some stuff *is* well known …. however I’m willing to bet much of it isn’t common knowledge and I also know that no one has collected all the information in one space before.

Well, that’s all for this week! Be here next week for …… ANOTHER UPDATE!

Cell Phone Games, MM Brazil

This update features allot of nice and rare info!

Firstly, the only copy of the Megaman comic from Brazil I have has finally been translated. Take a bow, Rockman X! Now everyone can read at least one issue of (what has to be) the most obscure piece of Megaman merchandize the I have access to. Saying that, there isn’t much TO read ……. but what IS there is in english.

Also, the cell phone games list has been updated. Capcom has updated it’s site with new pictures (which I have stolen) and has erased many of it’s older ones (and now I have the only copies). There’s also two new games – Rockman Pinball and Rockman EXE Phantom of Network. But I think what’s most exciting is confirmation that Rockman 1 for the cell phones will be ported over. I dunno how common that knowledge is (don’t remember reading it on either top news site) but it’s true. And I add it to my list. To add: the Rockman Jump file I have DOES indeed contain the game. For Nokia phones you need some program to install it, it’s on Nokia’s site apparently.

Image Galleries

Mostly, I reorganized sprites behind-the-scenes. Shouldn’t notice too big a difference. Although, many sprites in the sprite gallery that I made are now found in the Gauntlet Sprite Gallery. Also, a few gift sprites are now up in the Sprite Gallery. Most are single sprites, but that’s ok by me. I like gift art, after all. Also, the animations section has a couple “new” animations made by me. New in that I haven’t posted them until today.

Hardian’s gallery has more pictures. Forum frequenters should recognize them pretty easily. They’s pretty spiffy. My gallery also has one new image. Gift art for B. Hornet of the Megaman Community forums.

Hey, don’t forget to send art for the Gauntlet’s Art Contest. We need submissions from *points* YOU!

And to all the Canadian MM fans – Happy Thanksgiving!

Real Life Wilys, New Image Gallery

Despite a slight misunderstanding on PMM the Gauntlet’s Art Contest is proceeding pretty much as I expected. I have more than three submissions for a contest I held on a whim, and I count that as a win. You don’t want to be the only kid on the block who didn’t enter do you? Draw up something TODAY!

Now, then, time for an update!

For the first time since I opened the section up, the Real Life Wilys section has an update! Ye, GODS it’s about friggin’ time! This time with an ….. “Albert Wiley”! The exact same name as our favourite mad scientist!

The second update “du jour” is a new section in the Image Gallery – Hadrian (Hardman)’s gallery! In it is all the pieces of art he did for his other page. It’s pretty snazzy and pretty large. So check it out!

And, finally, the “since 2000” image has been changed! I’ve never been really great with it, but I couldn’t think of anything else. So, I asked the people in the forum for help. And the winner of the “since 2000” contest is …. That ‘Guy’! Congratulations! Now give yourself a nice, firm, pat on the back!

Contests galore!

Well, another update is upon us. This time featuring TWO contests!

The first is one made by myself! Gauntlet’s Art Contest! The idea is very simple. Draw a picture of any version of Shadowman, Gauntlet, Torchman, or Bizarro Shadowman. If you win you’ll receive the fabulous prize of the extremely weird (and extremely rare) rom of Rockman X3! Battle Sigma’s ugly head! Gain powers from an icy swordsman! Destroy giant metools! Second place gets the not-as-rare-but-certainly-not-easy-to-find rom of Thunder Blast Man! He’s made by the same folks who brought up the crappy pirate Rocman X! Enter and win!

The second contest is brought to you by my longtime buddy Lysekoid. The Great Sprite Contest 4! A staple of Megaman Communities gone by this contest has always brought out the best and brightest of the spriting world. Wind actual prizes! Even I have entered the contest (and I was once known for my ruthless and draconian sprite judgements). Are you MAN (or WOMAN) enough for the CHALLENGE!?

And also in the works is the return of an old favourite. The search for the secret page! But things will be different this time around! What surprises lie in wait? You’ll just have to be patient, friends. You’ll just have to be patient.

MM X Debate

With the server going through, what I can only assume is, some tweaks and domain changes accessing FTP is a lost cause. Luckily PMM’s file manager still works.

So, time for the update! A transcribed debate I was in on the Planet Megaman forums battling Fireman (aka IHZ) about whether Megaman is X. As you all know, I believe that they are the same guy, but not everyone agrees with me! This debate featured just about every argument possible in the ongoing debate with intelligent posts from both sides! And yes it’s much more complex than “the creator of Megaman said they were different” (which he didn’t). So head on over to the Gauntlet’s Guides section and read all about it!

Pirate Games

This update features pirate games! Lots of pirate games! And even a new pirate rom!!! Of course the rom is not offered here. Not yet anyway. I just like to tease you folks with info. And a couple tantalizing screen shots.

So, pirate games! That’s where it’s at.

Mechanical Maniacs Moments

This update was mostly done to touch up the sprite comic that on our main page every single time you visit!

I’ve made it so that the page that lists the moments is now navagatable. It’s set up just like Sprite’s INC and hopefully, that’ll work just fine.

Next the Moments will be going bi-weekly. Meaning two times a week!

And that’s all for now. So be sure to tune in sometime this week for ANYOTHER Mechanical Maniacs Moment.

No update today

Well, this weekend’s been pretty fun. I went to the comic convention. Picked up some stuff. Helped Needle buy a $50 wizard exclusive She-ra. Found a Robot Masters G1 Convoy, a World’s Smallest Megatron and a Spychanger RID Scourge for about $15 each.

Oh, shut up, I’ll spend my money on whatever the Hell I feel like!

Oh, right ….. the update! Well …… I’m not gonna do one this week. Sorry. Been too busy. Maybe I’ll do some …. behind-the-scenes organization … or something.

Edit: Oh, I just remembered something I’ve been meaning to update. The Special Thanks sections now has entries for the original Top and Gemini – CJ and Gizmo. I couldn’t find their original bios, but they were kind enough to write new ones. So if you’re curious about our old members, go ahead and read ’em.

Now the only guys who I gotta get bios from are Eric and Shival. Although Shival’s being kinda lazy about writing one….