Image Gallery, New Petition, Links

This update’s actually pretty big. I’ve added images of the Megaman 3 team in their Transmetal Armor drawn by Geminiman. All in the Image Gallery (what’d you expect?).

Now lately I have noticed a new trend in the MM community. Online Petitions. And, far be it for me to ignore a new trend. So, I have created my OWN petition! The Megaman is God petition! That’s right, you no longer have to just play Megaman, you can worship him as your god! Sign today! It is easily located in the left frame.

Oh, yeah. I also added a new link to the links section.

Image Gallery

Images by myself, Snakeman, and Sparkman today. One is an especially weird one. You’ll have to go there to see.

Also added to the gallery is a sprite animations page. Like all sprite animation sections, it’s a bit of organized chaos. Still, it has sprites by Sparkman, Topman, and myself to see.

Chinese games, pirate games, guides, NP images

Both those sections have now been updated with a few new games. The pirate games page has gotten so huge, I may just have to split it up.

Also updated is the guides section. I’ve added a short essay on Megaman pages. My thoughts on what makes a good webpage and what makes a bad webpage. Writing began at 3:00 AM, so that guide is a tad more surly than others I’ve wrote.

In the profiles are better scans of the Nintendo Power MM3 guys. Although I left the small size restrictions, they really are bigger than the originals. Considering how big the galleries are for the characters, I may just have make the section have more of a gallery-style feel to it. In related news I’ve linked to Wolf Eclipse. He’s letting me use some MM TV show images featured on his site. After editing, they’ll appear in the profiles page.

Also, remember to check out the Ultimate Megaman Forums (which, for all intents and purposes is MMU). Most of the main MM teams convene there, so it’s an ideal place to see what’s happening in the team-scene.

Snakeman decided, Forums

Snakeman’s finally been agreed upon. Klashcom’s got the job. Thanks to all who applied. It was actually a pretty close call, however I feel the need to impart some information. When sending in an application for anything, please put what you’re good it. Skills, hobbies, that sorta stuff. Y’know …. so you stand out a little more. Personality’s great, but sometimes skill can get you somewhere too.

And now the forums. Megaman United has merged with the Ultimate Megaman forums. Why? Several whys. Mostly because Sigmah got tired of fixing the three forums on his server, so he merged MMU with UMMF so he’d only have to fix two. What does that mean for YOU? Well, you’ll have to re-register your account. Yeah, that’s a bitch, but that’s really the worst part. Don’t be a lazy bastard – reregister! It’s not hard. And if you belong to a team, post in the proper thread so I can give you a custom title and access to the private forums. Any changes in policy from MMU? No, not really. Team leaders get to be a mod, not an admin, that’s the large and small of it. Oh, and all the bans from MMU are still valid. Yes that means you Kwickman (don’t e-mail me, it’ll only make things worse). While there be sue to check out the glitches forum. VERY IMPORTANT info about the glitches is posted there. No, Sigmah has not gotten rid of them, we still have to be careful.

And that’s it. Yes, this update was nothing but announcements, but you got the mini-comic a few days ago so ….. yeah.

Snakeman, forum, Online Mini-Comic

Okay, allot of business to go through this update. First off, the Snakeman opening. You know, with the last opening (Magnetman and Sparkman), I got so few responses I was beginning to question my popularity, however since opening the Snake position I got a landslide of applicants. Go figure. However, during this I have learned one important thing: if you do not ask people to say what they’re good at, they will not put it in their application. Here, I just sorta assumed people would do that. Well, you know what they say about assumptions! That said, we’re not accepting anymore applications. We’ll let everyone know who got the position soon.

Next business: the forum. When I got back from vacation, I got a nasty surprise: the forum was gone! Y’see Sigmah, our host, has a bunch of server troubles that he cannot fix himself. He’s already doing temporary fixes at MVN and UMMF, but he can’t temp. fix MMU because of the high traffic. SO, in the meantime we’re stuck! I might set up some temporary forums until his server troubles are fixed, but until then the forums’ down.

And now some good news! Our new Hardman has set up an online mini-comic! Look for the link in the right frame. They’re actually funny, so head over for a look-see.

Now, don’t let the lack of content updates fool you, we’re very busy here at the MM3 team. One project includes new Series 4 epilogues! Ooooo, betcher excited now! What, did you think that little setback at the end of Series 3 would actually stop us? *pheh*

epilogues, Image Gallery, guides, pirate games

A brand new epilogue has been posted. “Revenge through Proxy”! Just WHO is getting revenge? Well, go and find out.

Old content from my days at Lysekoid’s has been added to the image gallery. Mostly old images of the PC characters and the old staff. Hey, wanna see how much I used to suck at drawing? Check it out! That about finishes up my moving of content from Lysekoid’s to this place. Ho-raay!

Also I’ve remodelled another character shrine into a guide. The one dedicated to Phoenix. 100% better than the original with plenty of images for those who have short attention spans. Also jammed packed with mini profiles of all who possessed the Phoenix force drawn from the obsessive-conpulsive researching mind of myself! So that’s 4 down, one to go! After that, the existing guides get a nice image-induced makeover.

The pirate games section has new content as well. PLENTY of new cartridges for everyone to look at and say “God damn, but those pirates are stupid!”

Next week, maybe I’ll upload more content for your favourite section and mine – the manga scans! But maybe I won’t. Heh. Tune in to find out.

epilogues, Image Gallery

The image gallery is the big star this week. With a new CG by me, and two drawings by Lennon. It also has several works once seen on Mega Land. Also new is that the Gauntlet sprite sheet is retired for the Gauntlet sprite gallery. Why? Because Akoi once made me animations to showcase! They’re all there including some really old sprites I did.

The epilogues have been updated. The final chapter of Lennon’s quest has been posted for all to see! Will he regain his memory? And what will it reveal? Find out!

A team mystery has been solved. You see, in the Tech Tyrant’s guestbook, a mysterious RF team was said to have existed. The “6 Horsemen”. Well – lo and behold – a guy a knew from the 8-bit Club was it’s leader all this time! See, this is why communication is needed. Anyway, he shut his RF team down quietly making the Tech. Tyrants the one and only RF team on the net. Wish I got to see that old RF team, but oh well.

epilogues, Guides, Image Gallery

This week has a decent sized update. My little project of transferring the Character Shrines to the guides section continues with the shrine to Green Ranger. I didn’t actually change much on Green Ranger’s guide. His was probably the best of the bunch.

Also, lotsa stuff added to the Image Gallery. First a picture of the evil mutant turtle from dimension X – Slash. Drawn by me. Next are a TON of Megaman cards done in Final Fantasy 8 style. A BIG effort on Geminiman’s part. Highly recommended, so go there.

Next up is another new epilogue. Number 18 in Series 3! An impressive number, no? This one is part of The ‘ol Switcheroo “crossover” event you may have heard of. It was when Ben, Ice and I all switched epilogue stories and wrote each other’s teams! Don’t blame Ben for this epilogue’s horribly late entry, it was written while this team was well into Series 3, so I had to hold it back. Otherwise – plot spoiled! And we can’t have that.

In other news tomorrow I’ll be at the anime convention in Toronto called Anime North. So, if any of my Toronto-based fans are there, we’ll actually be in the same vicinity! Of course no one on the net actually knows what I look like, so it really doesn’t matter does it?

Epilogue, Guides, Forum

We’re back with more stuff. Because of some server things, Geocities and most MM teams are down. Also down is the roms section. But it should be fixed soon.

A new epilogue is up continuing Geminiman’s search for his past. “Run in at N. Sanity beach”.

I’ve also decided that, since we have more space now, I can finally do the entries in the Character Shrines correctly! I’ve also decided to move all those entries to the guides section, since they are more like opinion pieces. So, go to the guides section to check out entries on Galvatron, Bizarro Yellow Lantern and Power Ring! The rest should be done relatively soon.

Also, major forum revisions! It’s now “Megaman United”. Most of the MM team forums are somewhat …. inactive no matter how successful our pages may be. So now, instead of having several so-so forums, we have combined into one grant forum!

Well, that’s about it for this week. There’s allot I’d like to do now that I have the space for it. Ah, once again I gotta thank ZXP for the space!

Second Year Anniversary! Grand reopening!

We’re back ladies and gentlemen! On a bad-ass server with more room, more bandwidth and more technical support! This move couldn’t have happened at a better time either for it is (as I have mentioned before) our second year anniversary. Outlasting the vast, vast majority of Megaman Teams, the Mechanical Maniacs have survived and prospered.

The first update you should notice is that I added new custom mugshots to replace the old mugs from multiple games. This is to reflect the image I want to maintain for the team. Another cosmetic update is that I have removed the comet cursor from the page. Apparently many people didn’t like it, but were “too nice to tell me”!!! OY! Perhaps next time I ask for feedback, more people will say something.

I have removed the A-holes speak section. Classic Gaming prohibits the massive swearing and racially offensive remarks usually thrown at us by people in the section. I was given the option of merely censoring it, however, it serves little purpose anymore so I removed it. I don’t update the section anymore anyway so I was toying with the idea of removing it before the big move. However, the “Book of Larceny” can still be accessed in the miscellaneous section for it’s the very best out of that entire section. Also added to the miscellaneous section is the polls once found in the left frame.

Another new epilogue has been posted continuing the adventures of the Megaman 3 Team. Who can stop them from littering our planet with their garbage?? Read “Littering is Bad For Our Planet!” by me – Gauntlet!

The Guestbook has returned. I think the insanity has died down by now. At any rate, it’s now being maintained by Geminiman, not I.

Also returned is the roms section featuring pirate and freeware roms. If you don’t get my meaning it has LEGAL NONCOMMERCIAL roms. No licensed Megaman games. Find your illegal stuff elsewhere, you hooligans! The Mechanical Maniacs respects and maintains the integrity of the video game industry and will never aid you all in your evil quest to rip them off! *laughs* You can find pirate games in there though. Kick ass rare pirate games which is what I love about the emulation scene.

The image gallery now includes the Super Transforming Metool animation I made of the 8-bit metool. A 328 frame animation. It’s probably the LAST animation I’m gonna do for a very long time. Also new in the gallery is Neo Geo Pocket single sprites. Rare as can be these sprites can be found no where else! Well, that is until Sprites Inc. finally gets around to fully ripping them.

And now the Game Graphics section has been fully completed. I had originally planned on stretching out the releases for the level maps over a long course of time, however, I decided to stop playing these games and so the section now has the last of the MM3 robot master level maps available for you to download!

I also found a new team to the links section. However, it had already disbanded when I found it. Cossack’s Soldiers. If you know of any Megaman team NOT on my list, whether it be active or disbanded tell me. Updating that list is a fun hobby! I also added the Ultimate Megaman X and Zero Webpage to the links section. They were kind enough to host us, and their site beats all anyway!

Lastly, and most importantly, I have added a new, long-awaited section. The manga scans featuring selected art from the Rockman Megamix mangas! The selection is pretty decent and is sure to grow with time! No, these are not the same images you’ve seen in a dozen other Megaman sites, these images have been scanned by me, Gauntlet, from my own collection. Satisfaction guaranteed!!