Epilogue! Quizzes!

What? A new epilogue up? Do I even make those anymore?

Well, I haven’t made one, but Spark Chan has! Part one of her origin story has been uploaded and is ready to go!

Also, the Quizzes have all been fixed. Not the images are hosted under Photobucket, which I believe to be MUCH more stable than Planet-Megaman will EVER be. May they never need fixing again! Furthermore, the links to the Quizzes have been moved to the Nuts and Bolts section. For further cleanup, the Megaman Battle Network Guide link has been removed and can only be found in the Guides section now. So take those quizzes and read that guide!

Additionally, the site is going up and down due to PMM’s attempt at a site restoration. So, please be patient with that.

New Download! New Secret Page Hint!

There’s a new download in the downloads section. An episode of Captain N! The one based off Megaman 3, of course. Head on over and pick it up…… I doubt it’ll be there forever.

Just …. don’t base your opinion of the series only on that episode.

Oh, and due to popular demand I’ve introduced a new hint for the secret page! Maybe now at least one person can figure it out.

Images and Sprites

The Gauntlet Sprite Section has been updated. As has the Sprite section itself. Some new stuff and one old thing by me. My Image Gallery has been updated and so has the Misc Image Gallery. Lots to look at!

As for Planet-Megaman ….. Heat’s decided to play it safe and wait for the Server Admin to restore PMM. When will that happen? I dunno. Also, we DON’T have total control over the .com account. Lars still owns the domain. Why won’t he transfer it over? Again, I dunno.

So, when will PMM return to it’s former glory? Who can say ….. In the meantime though, the Mechanical Maniacs shall continue to be your #1 source of will-PMM-come-back news!

Pirate Sprites, PMM news

Welp, the quizzes and ‘Maniacs Moments sections still need some work, but I do have some new content in the way of more Pirate Sprite Sheets. These ones from Rockman DX3, one of the roms offered in the Gauntlet Art Contest.

As you may have noticed Planet-Megaman got it’s .com address back! Unfortunately there’s a slight case of schizophrenia involved ….. meaning our .com account has a space of it’s own separate from the .org account! Weird. Well, I’ve set up a forwarding address to point anyone coming from the .com address here. Hopefully this problem can be resolved soon.

As for PMM, Heat is getting impatient with the situation. The backups should be arriving next week and if they don’t Heat’s thinking of just restoring everything from our backups.

Update to the update: I’ve taken the time to reorganize the Mechanical Maniacs Moments. They’re organized a little differently now, but it’s closer to a regular sprite comic, so it works out.

Weeeee’re BACK!

And none too soon, may I add. Heat wants to wait a bit before bringing the rest of PMM back online, but everyone’s coming back, don’t worry!

As for this site, I’ve done a few internal reorganizations, but it should all be functioning as well as before. Except for the Mechanical Maniacs Moments, while are completely messed up, and the quizzes which ought to be hosted on-site anyway.

However, I do have an update! Check out the Nintendo Power Image Gallery for Megaman 2 image madness. There’s even some new Megaman, Wily, and enemy images so check out the last few of those to see some new ….. and crappy stuff!

More news of PMM’s fate!

No, no new content. This is a stupid Geocities site. I forgot how ghetto the upload system was on Geocities.

Anyways, good news bad news.

Good news: We have space!

Bad news: We don’t have it totally set up yet (like with a control panel or things like that). So, even though I would LIKE to upload everything all at once and announce the dramatic return of the Mechanical Maniacs …… this is not to be.

No, no clue when that’s going to happen either. The account was set up a while ago and the powers-that-be still aren’t finished. Bah.

Also, we have a new redirect account set up in case Lars doesn’t get back to us. http://www.planet-megaman.org/ Nothing is there yet though. It’s not completely set up yet either. So, don’t go checking it out yet.

No, it’s not the same. Not the same at all!

Well, we’re still hopeful about getting our beloved .com account back. Damn it ….. most of my hits come from search engine referrals!
*toilet flushing sound heard in the background*

On the plus side a recent (and totally unrelated) hacker scare made us backup everything on PMM a few weeks before the ZU …… unpleasantness. . Now, there was every indication the content was never in danger of being lost …… you never know when it comes to PMM. Well, we have a backup in any case.

I, of course, always have a backup of my own site on my HD so the Mechanical Maniacs will recover the DAY I have FTP access. You betcha.

In other news …… wow. This little page mentioned on MMN. AND it destroyed my bandwidth. This isn’t even a bandwidth-heavy site. I didn’t expect that.

Man alive!

We have ….. men alive down here!

So, what is this latest site outage due to? Survey says …… Lars of Zelda U “forgot” to tell us he’s no longer paying our bill! So the server yanked our site out from under us.

To get things running Zero X Phoenix paid half of the $200 due on the site. It SHOULD have been back the very next day, but ….. NOT! It looks like they have trouble with the .com account.

Because that too is in Lars’ name.

The site itself SHOULD still have all it’s content. Nevertheless we have backups (pretty recent ones too). However, WHEN everything gets straightened out ….. only God knows.

In the meantime, check THIS site for all the up-to-date PMM news!

Rockman Strategy, Chinese MM Games

More information about Rockman Strategy has been found out! Including an accurate account of the story and notes on game mechanics!

Also, more information about Rockman Golden Empire has been given to me by Tommy Lee. Read about it in the (misnamed) Chinese Megaman Games section.

Megaman 3 Mysteries

There’s more Megaman 3 Mysteries? What?

TRUE! And startling revelations they be! I won’t spoil them all on the intro page – read the revelations for yourselves! A big thanks to Chris Covell who gave me the info, although I did add a little bit to the information.

Not The Unnamed

With The Unnamed finished, another section gets an update!

The rogues gallery gets updated with relevant information and a nice, spiffier visual appearance! The contacting section also got a bit of a visual makeover and now looks like it belongs with the other sections in the “bios” compartment.