The Dream Disciples

Spark! You missed another update! And now look at what’s happened! Half the team has been corralled by Quint along with half the Megaman 2 Dream Team to form an all-new team of their own! It’s a stupid time travel adventure again and it’s all your fault!

We’ve finally caught up to the Cossacks as this epilogue takes place at the same time as the quasi crossover the quasi epic Ballade’s Battlers! Witness the Dream Disciples! The mashup team of the past – TODAY!

Mechtale. Yes, Really.

"Would anyone still care about a story like this being posted anymore?"

"Of course! I mean … there are all sorts of people out there, right?"

So this story’s finally getting posted!

This is the Undertale homage story written a year after the game’s popularity was at it’s height and it’s been several years since it’s completion. So it’s timely! The majority of this was thought up during a Mechs Meet, which is always fun. And now behold a tale featuring the Mechs version of Sans and Papyrus as they bother Magnetman for some reason.

Arching the Androids Part 3, Megaman Soccer Revival

The Ascendant Androids’ kinda sorta crossover with Darkman’s Robot Warriors concludes! At last things come to a head in this penultimate adventure branching two generations of Megaman 5 teams!

Care to follow the Ascendant Androids a bit more closely, but are totally unable to since they’ve been sort of scattered everywhere? Well, I’ve updated their epilogues page to include links to their adventures during the Business of War, their latest retro story with the Cossacks and several more recent appearances with the Mechs.


It’s a little late, but the Megaman Soccer Conversion Revival has also been updated with the original characters from Megaman 11 and Rockman Ability! This once again makes this project complete … until the next game! Or until someone convinces me Fully Charged should count as an iteration of the Classic series.

Silence of the Red Hannibal

No, it’s no April Fool’s gag. We have an new ep to kick off the new month. Well, sort of. Like “Wraith and Skull: Brothers?!?”before it, Silence of the Red Hannibal was all but lost after we moved hosts. While the ep itself can’t be recovered, we built a new ep that embodies the same spirit.

Set just before Business of War, the Comrades try to track down one of their missing friends with the help of…Wraithman?? What could go wrong? On April Fool’s no less? This ep serves as a prelude for the Comrades’ end to BOW, while a send off for another team altogether.

Arching the Androids Part 2, Articles, and Art

The Ascendant Androids’ adventures with Arch of Darkman’s Robot Warriors continues! Can Arch continue to survive the Androids? An even better question – can the Androids survive the madness Arch brings with him?


But, wait! There more! Wait, really? Yes, really! Thanks to Tyree_Cooper I’ve revised me old Asian PC article to include more information on Rockman 123 and the Rockman Collection! I have to admit I was disinterested in this when I first happened upon it, dismissing it as a knockoff collection of the NES games and nothing more. But there are some (very) minor changes.


Finally, we have some pictures Riajin made a few years ago. Above is the original idea for Cossack’s Creations, before the Comrades reformed. Rich had a notion he’d make a communist-era version of the team complete with sprites, but that never panned out. Raijin made this character sheet based off that abandoned idea. We also now present his character art of the MM6 team – World’s Strongest!

Wraith and Skull, Brothers?!

It’s the Comrades’ first update of the year! And better way to start off something new with…Something old? Well, sort of. Remember Wraith and Skull, Brothers?! One of the two Season 3 eps that’s lost to the sands of time? We haven’t been able to recover it, exactly. So we did the next best thing: Remake it from the ground up. For all intents and purposes, it’s pretty much a whole new ep, with stronger ties to the MM Team Community, and delightful call backs.

But the hits keep coming! Somehow, some way, Shadowman was able to dredge up old Season 2 classic The Sith Arrival from the forgotten corners of the internet, in all its original glory! And as one last blast from the past, Gauntlet also dug up some of Keba’s (our original Brightbabe’s) old art, which now has its own page. Much thanks to him and his plucky use of Internet Archive!

That’s a lot accomplished for one update, huh?

Arching the Androids Part 1

The Ascendant Androids have always kicked ass and taken names … along with spleens, spines, and other vital organs. But now these fiends face the ultimate adversary …. the one and only Arch Nemesis! Wait, who!? Don’t tell me you didn’t read the adventures of Darkman’s Robot Warriors a few weeks ago and learn all about the fun filled, innocent adventures taken place right at the beginning of the Team Scene!

Wait … the innocent and dimwitted Arch Nemesis is going to stumble across the ultra violent Ascendant Androids? Oh no!

Cossackachnical Maniarades!

Well, it’s a late update. So that can only mean one thing: The Comrades are up to bat!

But Cossackachna-wha?? With half the Comrades swept up in a mix-and-match team, you didn’t think the remaining Comrades were just going to sit on the sidelines, did you? Not while there’s suzies and old conspiracies bounding about!

While half the Comrades under Ballade’s sterling leadership, the remaining Comrades are hard at work tackling the jobs they handle best. And it’s up to their on and off buddies, The Mechanical Maniacs (at least half of them) and Punk to pick up the slack! The out-of-control suzies are the least of their problems. The mismatched team finds themselves delving into an old mystery that may be best left unsolved. But their greatest enemies could very well turn out to be themselves thanks to a lousy sense of team dynamic, and old bad habits. What kind of mischief will our boys get into? Only one way to know!

Retro Rewind: Old stories return! And The Mechs Meet 2018!

The past is present as old stories return! First up is SanityisOverRated’s Darkman’s Robot Warriors series! This was quite the hit right at the beginning of the Team Scene, but hasn’t been seen online in years. Back in the day the Mechs were briefly hosts for these stories while Stoneman switched servers.

These are posted without permission, which gave me pause. But I don’t think he’d be TOO mad about my desire to unearth his old work. So if I’ve misjudged apologies in advance.

If you scroll just a bit down you’ll notice a new banner – one leading to the Sinister Six! That’s right, the Sinister Six is now a part of the Mechanical Maniacs, retaining it’s own layout and all it’s content. It’s stories along with those of the X-Force and Darkman’s Robot Warriors can all be found on the Fiction page. It’s looking … really crowded, actually.

You see, a few weeks ago the domain has expired and it took me over two weeks to even notice it was gone. After talking about it with Rich and Ben we felt we no longer really needed that domain, especially since the Mechs and the Sinister Six have shared the same site since the Planet Megaman days. So instead of buying it up again the decision was made to let it go and merge the Sinister Six with the Mechs. I’ve also taken the time to reorganize and rename a few folders to, hopefully, make a bit more sense internally.

As for as epilogues go you may think it nearly impossible to make sense of it all, given the sheer amount of content. Well, I’ve got you covered. I’ve created and greatly revised the Epilogue Timeline which contains the adventures of the Mechanical Maniacs, Sinister Six, X-Force, Cossack’s Comrades, AND Wily’s Warriors in a comprehensive, chronological list detailing points of convergence and filters! This list has been and will continue to be updated.

And, last but not least, the real life adventures of the mechanical Maniacs have been posted detailing this year’s photos and log! This has been ready for quite some time, actually, but just hasn’t been posted yet. So have fun reading up on our latest trip to Montreal!

We haven’t had n update this substantial in quite some time, so I hope you enjoy it.