Annihilation – Assorted Walkthrough Stuff

Something isn't quite right...

Okay, so what’s been going on the last six months? Well, not much here, evidently! I went back to school for a bit January to March, focused on projects for the Maniacs’ 10th Anniversary April to May, and then kinda pissed away June on video games, only recently getting back to being productive for July.

The primary result tonight is the Walkthrough’s Miscellaneous section, containing lots of tables of boring data on what you can buy at shops, where to find all the power-ups, and stuff like that. There are also some weird obscure things thrown in at the bottom, like an explanation for the above image. That just leaves the Virus Breeding and Maps pages now. Looking back in the archives, it looks like it’s been almost exactly a year since I said I had all this data waiting to be formatted and that it wouldn’t take much longer. So much for that.

Speaking of archives, Gauntlet’s been bugging me to get all the AXE updates reconciled with the main blog (okay, so he asked me one time and I ignored it for a few months), and I finally got around to it just now, so AXE updates are archived in the blog. Does it matter? I dunno. G seems to think so.

Story updates ought to be coming soon as well. And this is “soon” as in a week or two, being wrapped up right now, not “soon” like 2011. Honest.

Return of the Mobile coverage

Yes, it’s that time again. The time where I update the list of cell phone games and the screen shot gallery. And I find myself wondering why they chose to have Megaman shoot directly at Dr. Wily in Megaman: Rush Marine. I mean, just look at that. He’s shooting hot plasma directly at Dr. Wily’s head! How does that not violate the laws of robotics? He does the same in the Megaman PC games, so maybe it’s that Megaman is more violent than Rockman. Yeah, let’s stick with that theory.

But more than just the list being updated is some downloadable Megaman cell phone games. This not only includes Rockman Jump (of course), but also Rocket Christmas, Pinball, Space Rescue, and Megaman 3! Megaman 3 actually has all sizes of the game, which means even the tiny sprites used for the low resolution phones. I can’t extract the sprites to the others, but maybe someone else out there can. You can thank Duke Serkol for these downloads!


It’s … another new epilogue!?

That’s right, another new installment. Or, rather, a reworking of an old installment. This epilogue was actually intended for early Series 6, but was not finished for various reasons. It’s remained on the back burner for all this time … until now! Go on and read Eyeball, the 7th installment of Series 7.

And I promise the next update won’t have to do with epilogues.

10th Anniversary

Well, it’s finally here. The very last anniversary update! And what an update it is!

Yes, the final updates relate to Maniacs mainstays, the epilogues. Firstly Series 1 and Series 2 have been remastered by Raijin (Snakeman). They now feature less spelling mistakes and more images next to speaking lines! Fans of the epilogues have actually asked about this before, but the project has always been just a bit too big, but now our earliest epilogues are edited.

Next up is another project Snake and I have been working on feverishly all this month. Epilogue Summaries. Yes, now you don’t have to re-read the entire series just to know what any given character is about in the Maniacs’ epilogue series. These summaries. follow, not only members of the team, but villains as well and they also delve into the various prose stories features on the site, such as the Unnamed and Wanted.

Finally, the gallery has been updated with fan art and the rest of the Megaman PC video pictures. I’ve also drawn an entirely new picture for the 10th anniversary which features the mechanical maniacs in their transmetal 2 armor with their greatest villains in the background.

All this and a certain …. hidden page has also been updated.  find it if you can!

So, here’s to another 10 years!

10th Anniversary

More 10th anniversary stuff! Dr Wily’s Last Stand!? Part 4, the final part of the Megaman 3 retelling is now online! Will Megaman defeat Dr. Wily? Well … yes, obviously. But this is the epilogue version of that!

I’ve also added some more Sinister Six PC related images relating to that music video. Two are Torchman’s hopes and dreams for the future (yeah, X and Zero will totally honor you, Torch … yeah), and the rest are memories of the PC guys.

10th Anniversary

The 10th anniversary updates continue!

Ah, Mechanical Maniacs Lite. That was a backup site on Geocities made when Planet Megaman, our longtime host, suffered one of it’s frequent outages, taking us along with it. Rather than simply disappear I had that site inform people on when we’d be back. It was simply a front page with the bios, but it served it’s purpose and I rather like the NES styles banner. The old NES and WW based layouts were nice and unique until every single other Megaman team copied them. Because, naturally, everyone needs a similar layout when they already have a similar idea behind their sites.

Dr Wily’s Last Stand!? Part 3 continues the retelling of Megaman 3. But that’s not all! Topman has written an all-new epilogue – No Newbs Is Good Newbs. This one has actually been on hold since very early on in Series 6, but the work has definitely been worth the wait!

And there’s even more art in the galleries. I had missed some of Raijin’s older Mechs art, but no more! Actual pictures of Lennon’s Evil Eight are now in his gallery along with a few other pictures, as seen below. My gallery has been updated with even more S6 pictures as well.

10th Anniversary

The 10th anniversary coverage continues! The logo up there was created by Nightmare Zero back in the day. It was used for the longest time.   Makes me misty eyed to see it on the main page again after so long.

The epilogues continue with Dr Wily’s Last Stand!? Part 2. Here we see Megaman facing off against the Mechanical Maniacs! But who’s that tagging along with him? And why is he even there?

More sketches this week. First up is one I made when I planned to sing an english version of the Airman song for Auto. Kept procrastinating on that until it died … and all I have to show for it is this unfinished picture. Speaking of unfinished, the nest is an unfinished sketch of an early Mechanical maniacs poster! I think I just never got around to this one. After that is the sketch I made for the Crorq’s Castle sprite, pieces used for the Airman scene in the S6 video, an unused scene I sketched for that video, and the larger image used for Series 7.

10th Anniversary

10 years. Wow. You know, it seems like only yesterday when I saved all the files on the Geocities site in order to kick off updates after a six month long hiatus (a record down time back then). Our site had background MIDIs, a common team layout shamelessly copied from the Sinister Six (made by Skullman of Cossack’s Creations), and me working vigorously to get all the epilogues I’d written onto the site and the forum cleaned up from the mess it was in thanks to the admins being too busy to really deal with the problems therein.

Now the site is incredibly large. The epilogues have given way in terms of focus to my exploring the more obscure areas of Megaman (which I was always rather interested in). The layout went from a simply frames-based mish-mash of images to using all sorts of PHP and CSS tricks. The forums went from the text-based Senac forum to a modest Invisionfree forum (while stopping by PHPBB, EZboard, Ikonboard, Proboards, and possibly others I’m completely forgetting about). The galleries have went from a simple set of images made by myself and some fan submissions to HUGE archives of screenshots and fan art way beyond what i ever hoped to have when I first started the ‘Maniacs.

And now it’s 10 years. And I’m going to post new things throughout the month. Starting with Issue #1 of Series 7 – Dr Wily’s Last Stand!? I had actually started this story years ago, as a fanfic, but never finished it. When I realized we were hitting our 10th I thought of no better way to celebrate than to finish off a story about the game that started it all (for us, anyway). And, to my knowledge, no other team has ever retold the events of their game. So it pleases me to be the first!

But that’s not all! I’ve also saved up the artwork I’ve done for the MM3 PC music video for a special occasion … and this is it! I’m starting off with the first two pictures shown in the vid.

So keep coming back all month long for more art and more parts to the story!

Old Art is New Again

So, a few months ago I was going through Deviantart and came across some very old art done by Snake and I say to myself, “Geez, I don’t think that’s ever been put into the gallery.” Turns out I was right. But not only about Snake’s work, but a whole slew of others! Well, there’s no time to like the present to post these old pieces of art, so here we go!

Classi’s old Megaman 3 music video. This was only accessible through the old video player I made and I completely forgot about it when I made each video a separate thing in the gallery (there were many more official videos than fan made ones, so this slipped through the cracks). Well, it’s in Classi’s main gallery now and a new Video section in the team galleries. Although there’s still not much there, I suppose this is more organized.

Some older art of Raijin’s featuring Bizarro Shadowman and his own version of Snakeman. Yeah, that picture up there belongs to him as well. The pics of Bizarro is what started me on getting all this long-overlooked artwork onto the main site! Geez, Raj, can’t you do your own uploading?

About three YEARS back, before he disappeared into the abyss, Hardman made his own art thread. And here’s all the images from it FINALLY, not only here on the main page, but in the official Mechs galleries as well as the Business of War gallery (where appropriate). Yeah, you’d think I’d have got through all the War stuff by now, but I seem to keep finding more to add. These pictures also serve as a community snapshot – things would never be quite the same afterwards.

I kinda figured Hard would put these into his own gallery eventually, but … here we are. And some of these guys appear in the fiction, such as Constance, Cassandra, and Gaderham, so it’s really handy to have these pictures in the official galley.

Finally we have some fan art. I love fan art. We have some fanmade ‘Maniacs Moments by Scorch, fanart for Hardian specifically by Bright Babe, some fan-art practice sketches by Erirudo, a drawing Class earned by going into a contest by Kurai-Hato, sprites of me, Lennon (as Strider), and Hadrian by MM19872008 and a Superadventure style Artilleryman by General RADIX.

That’s everything for now! You can see all of these in their native galleries – Hardman’s Gallery, Snakeman’s Gallery, Spark Chan’s Gallery, the Gift Art Gallery, and the Miscellaneous Sprites Gallery.

New … Epilogue!?

Wait, there’s a new epilogue? Gotta be an April Fool’s day joke, right?

Well … it is for the fictitious Mechs that star in the epiverse. Behold the first new epilogue in … well, years: Hammar Assault! You’ve got three guesses to pin down who they tangle with in this adventure.

And, no it’s not an error, it’s actually number five in the series. Believe it or not there’s four additional epilogues already completed before this … but it’s not quite time yet to post them. Epilogue fans will have something to look forward to.

Also, as the gigantic “The End” might indicate, it’s the end of the ‘Maniacs Moments. Well, the end to my continuation of it. Hope you all enjoyed the last stretch of this long running sprite comic (with an even longer running hiatus). I’m glad I could add, if not the ending it deserved, AN ending. I also added an old MM Christmas Special Hardy made for it back in 04. I didn’t think it’d fit in the standard page, but … it does. Go figure. I also added them to the Fiction page. I dunno if one page sprite comics really count as “fiction”, but … they have words in them. And you might think to look for them there first in the future. Good thing I did that now that they’re over and done with, eh?