I bet you thought it would never come. But after several long years, and even a few host changes, Dive's Inferno draws to a close! At long last, I give you the capstone installment, Canto X: Treachery!
Dante's salvation and escape from Hell is so close, he can practically taste it. And he's not going to let various traitors and even Lucifer himself stand in his way! Unfortunately for him, it's not as simple as he thinks. Before it all ends, Dante learns the hard way that everything he knows is wrong, he stands perilously close to losing everything than he realizes, and the fate of all of creation hangs in the balance. Is it all too much for our (anti) hero? You've read this far and waited this long on the edge of your seat. You deserve to know how it all really ends!
-St. Diveman
Time to pump some new life into this site. And I can't think of that than the latest installment of Dive's Inferno, Canto IX: Fraud!
Dante reunites with Beatrice in the second-to-last circle of Hell! But the good news ends there, as the full nature of Dante's sins comes to light, threatening the salvation of everything he's fighting for! Has Dante dicked himself in a corner? Only one way to know!
-St. Diveman
Is this happening? An update less than a month after the previous one? How could this possibly happen? Anyways, we have an amazing epilogue written by Hunter.
A member of the Fatal Five has become an author and is looking to the Comrades to help with crowd control. Find out how that goes in The Book Signing ... of DOOM !
Wow, it's been a while. Anyways, have a new epilogue for all of you.
It's called Scrapheap Soundtrack. I hope you enjoy it.
You'd be forgiven if you thought that last lull in activity was our deathnote. But not today! For a while, we were basically locked out of our own site. But it's nothing that we couldn't overcome.
We have a new adventure staring our favorite sinner ready for your reading pleasure: Canto VIII: Violence! Is Dante ready to face the most bloodthirsty sinners in creation? Or more accurately, are they ready for him?
-St. Diveman
There's no better way to welcome the new month with a new ep! But rather let Diveman hog all the limelight, as usual, it's time to let the rest of the team shine!
There's a dark and twisted mystery afoot. And only Ringman can get to the bottom of it! Namely, why would anyone steal Crorq's lunch? All these answers and more will be revealed in...DETECTIVE RING IN ... THE CASE OF THE MISSING SPLEEN
-St. Diveman
Normally, this'd be the part when we'd sit on our duffers and stop updating for another five-six months. Not this time! We've found our stride, and we're gonna stick with it!
The next installment's of Dive's Inferno is open for business. Dante and Virgil have narrowly escaped from the infuriating Phlegyas. But are they any safer in the Tombs of Heresey? There's only one way to find out!
Also, you may've noticed our site experiencing technical difficulties a few weeks ago. That was all my fault. I had just got Dreamweaver. But I didn't really know how to use it responsibly and made some...disasterous edits to the site. Everything should be in order now. But drop a line at our forum if something's still amiss.
-St. Diveman
Wow, nearly a year without an update. That's got to be a new record. Well, it's time to break that winning streak and start turning those dusty old wheels again.
I could (and probably should) bring back another long-lost classic from the sands of time. But I'd rather bring something new to the table. Like the latest chapter of Dive's Inferno. Our noble hero venturing into very breeding ground of wrath and anger? I'm sure this can only end well. You know want to see how this plays out. Give it a peek!
-St. Diveman
Well, look at that. I CAN keep a schedule after all! Day of the Tentacle is back to life. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy, don't it?
...Well, that's not entirely true, either. We've got a few old unreleased eps that need to see the light of day. Guess what's next on my chopping block? Stick around, folks!
-St. Diveman
Once again, the past comes alive tonight! Rebel's (aka our longest running and most venerable Ringman) opus Incredible Home Makeover Parts 1 and 2 live again in our Alpha Season archives (Season 2). With this, now all of Season 2 has been restored to its former glory! It feels good to get that one back; I thought that classic was a goner when our old site died.
But it's too early to break out the champagne for yours truly. I've still got more long-lost eps to restore, and an epic to finish. That all and more is on its way!
-St. Diveman
Well, we just barely got a second epilogue out before the end of the month. Mostly my fault on that part. But we do have a really appropriate for Halloween epilogue.
It's called The Freakiest of Fridays and you should check it out as soon as you have a moment.
Yowza. It's hard to believe we let a month go by with nothing to show for it. But y'all know how it is. Between Gradschool, my job, and other RL commitments, (including the Mechs Meet), my attention has been focused elsewhere. Well, not tonight!
As you all know, some of our eps have been missing ever since our team got back on its feet. Well tonight, one of them has been re-added to our saga! A Skeleton in Reg's Closet! is back on our site, where it belongs! There are actually more eps that were recovered and that I would've wanted to add tonight. But our file manager isn't being particularly cooperative tonight. And this is all I could get up for now. But as soon as our file manager is firing on all cylinders again, we'll have more long-lost eps back in no time! Special thanks to our old pal Reg for thinking ahead and having a copy on his hard drive!
-St. Diveman
Sorry for not getting this out a couple of days ago, but there is a new epilogue available here that was written by myself.
Here is a fun game to play. What characters that survive the epilogue they were introduced in this season don't make an appearance in the above epilogue?
Anyways, hopefully will be sending you another message soon.
Huh, what am I doing here? There is a new epilogue called It's a B-Movie Show!by AM, our resident Drill Man talking about an alien invasion in the small town of Nilbog? That sounds vitally important.
Someone should announce that... Wait...
Tune in next week for our continuing misadventures... well assuming we survived the epilogue AM wrote.
What better way to start off the week than a brand new Comrades ep? I give you, Haunting at Skull Castle, straight from the mind of our very own Ring Man, Cyros himself! Things are going bump in the night at one of Wily's old castles. And who better to sweep it up than the Comrades?
Be sure to tune in next week to see what those silly Comrades are up to next time!
-St. Diveman
Our favorite dysfunctional band of Ruskies are at it again! And now, they face their greatest challenge so far in Stranger From The Realms! It's a battle of wills, wits and sanity against an extradimensional weaver of fate. But the real question is, who's out of who's league here?
And make no mistake, there's still plenty more eps where this came from. And several more in the works! Take it from me, as God as my witness, we ain't going nowhere!
-St. Diveman
You may remember them as the ill-fated MM5 team. And I can assure you that the team is still dead, but at the least, we are, like, displaying its mummified remains with utmost dignity for all to see, or something. This is the layout I made in a previous life for their would-be revival in 2008-09... a life spent with a helicopter rotor thingy sticking out of my back (oh, and St. Diveman here was Napalm there~).
This version of the site was never quite completed, so there are missing bits and rough edges here and there, but I tried to get together all the content I still had nonetheless. There's even some that's never been seen by the public! A good deal of it, even~
You can find the Ascendant Androids Nostalgia Page in our "Other" section. You know, if just clicking that link up there is too "cheap" and "easy" ^o^
Our favorite sinner is at it again! Dante and Virgil continue their descent into hell and debauchery in the Fifth Canto: Greed. Dante alone with all the treasure in all of creation? You do the math.
I got a few blasts from the past planned for next weeks update. So stay tuned, now!
-St. Diveman
I promised y'all a new ep. And I intend to deliver! Behold, Cool Toad! Toadman now thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. I'm sure this will only be a good thing!
Next item on my list: to get off my ass and wrap up the next Canto of Dive's Inferno. Everyone has their ruts. But over a year is pushing it.
-St. Diveman
Alright, that's the last of them! All four of the Alpha seasons have been restored and brought back to their former glory. I think I even added a few that weren't there before. Don't believe me? Ask our narrator! Now it feels like we're truly back and firing on all cylinders! And it was a stroll down memory lane.
Now I can focus on adding new eps. We'll have one ready for your viewing pleasure by the end of the week, with more to come!
Of course, if I missed or goofed a few spots, don't be shy to tell us in our forum, and I'll fix it lickety-split!
-St. Diveman
I didn't think I'd take this long to check in with a new update. But when moving from Maryland to Wisconsin tends to eat up lots of time. That being said, I've still been hard at work.
First off, the first two seasons of our old eps have been resprited. Now more than half our vintage eps got their old charm back! And good thing too; some of those sprites are gonna come in handy for Dive's Inferno.
But I do have a new ep for you, this time, courtesy of Hunter. It focuses on the events of Ep 4, from the perspective from an introverted walking talking, mortar. And that's for starters. We'll have a new ep for you ready by next week.
In the meantime, I'll keep work on bringing our old eps back to life, starting with Season 3. Keep watching them!
-St. Diveman
Just a minor update, this time. But I've been hard at work plugging in some of the missing sprites in our old Alpha Series eps. Some of the eps I've tackled include Team Building, Krypto's Assault, Fist Full of Gemstones, Buyer Beware, and Fiendish Fallacy. By now, all these eps should have sprites for everyone in them. I had to improvise for some of these guys since their sprites are lost to the sands of time (like Rubia and Diam). But they should do the job all the same.
But my work's far from done. I still got the whole Alpha series ahead of me. And I'll keep plugging away at it, little by little. I'll let you know which eps I've hit.
-St. Diveman
Hey folks! Remember us? It's been five months now, and I think we owe our loyal audience a little something, don't you? Avi just magicked up a cheeky little ep that couldn't sum up our current situation more perfectly. I give you, her latest magnum opus Absolutely Nothing Happens in this Ep!
But don't you worry, our next few eps coming down the pipeline will DEFINITELY be having stuff happen. Hunter is hard at work on a new ep, and I for one intend to see Dive's Inferno to the end!
Stick around, folks! As God as my witness, the fun's only beginninng!
-St. Diveman
Sadly our last of the twelve days of updates is again a small one. I fixed early epilogues to not being using the Zymeth Skull Man sprite for Err as Skull Man and fixed a type in an art page.
However I am planning on trying to keep up regular updates now, just not as insane as daily updates. As you've noticed most of these updates were rather small. I'm going to try to go for every week or every other week for updates and for slightly larger ones.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the 12 days of updates and your holiday. I also hope that you'll be hearing from me again soon.
Art pages updated to have some new old art that Gauntlet found for us. This led to the creation of several new art pages.
Added a couple of missing pictures to Jet's and Jade's art pages, along with fixing a couple of lines of text on Jet's.
Added an art page for Jet and put up some old artwork she did for the team. Go check it out, especially if you haven't seen any of her old work before.
Added an art page for Jet and put up some old artwork she did for the team. Go check it out, especially if you haven't seen any of her old work before.
So another small update, fixed some small things like making sure used the right sprite of a character in some early epilgoues rather than using his later appearance.
Apologize for it being later in the day than I had been going for before.
Small update and barely making it time. I have added a Who's Who to the end of the current season of epilogues so you can more easily know who are cast is.
But yeah, missed my usual try and get in after midnight but by 1 am but thankfully did not miss one of my update days.
Small update again. Apologize had a bit long of a day at work. So update is a bit short. Mostly fixing a few mistakes I made, first off messed up when uploading last time and ended up making an epilogue blank and putting a sprite on the epilogues list.
I also missed a team that is still active, Cyborg Resistance the MM9 team. So I've added them to our links.
Bonding of Two from Season 2 of the Alpha series should be fully sprited now and a few old sprites that did not have transparent backgrounds now should.
I'm going to try and get an update done early for New Year's (so will still be during the 31st when goes up most likely) to ensure get one up on time.
I'll try to make it more of an update.
Today I identified a current webhost problem, more details are on the forum. We might potentially have to move to a new domain later.
As a really minor unrelated update I added the sprites for 'Omni' for his series of epilogues from the season 2 of the Alpha series.
There is nothing more embarrassing than your old work.
Today is probably the most important update of all the updates since I've started this series of updates. I finally changed the 'Other' page to actually have content. Not much, just a few links. And fixed a small format error that Gauntlet told me about.
What? They are important and I really needed to think of more updates in advance.
Today is a bit smaller, but no less awesome, update containing once again some old stuff.
Here is the CC-related artwork of former member, Jade!
And now for the third day of Christmas, an old Holiday epilogue that I thought lost until our good friend Gauntlet found it.
Here is A Cossack Christmas Carol!
A slightly different look at Dr. Cossack than we usually did.
The second day of Christmas, and a second update. This time from Hunter.
PRESENTING "Science Warriors Evolved ! Terror of Energon" or as its prior working title from when Hunter started, 'Die Rückkehr die Panzerkons.'
Hope everyone has enjoyed or been enjoying their holidays.
Once again, thanks to Gauntlet for a new layout.
... Also an apology from me for not updating in a while.
So as an apology, I am going to try to update for the 12 Days of Christmas (December 25th to January 6th).
Now I don't know how well this will work since I don't have 12 updates planned yet, but let us see how that works.
To start, here is The Gulag Job by AM.
And also, Happy Holiday from all of us here at CC!
Yo, all. Welcome to yet another update for the Mechanical Maniacs, the one and only Megaman 3 team!
Wait, no. That's not right.
Welcome to the redesigned Cossack's Comrades! The one and only Megaman 4 team! What am I doing here you ask? Well, I run the Mechs, the S6, host Annihilation, and keep the X-Force archives, so I figured I'd add Cossack's Comrades to my team portfolio. Resistance is futile. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to my own. You will become one with the Mechanical Maniacs. You will all become one with the Mechanical Maniacs. Look out, Cyborg Resistance. You just might be next.
Ok, not really. I'm just here to help get CC off to a better start with an all-new layout. The CC don't really have a coding expert on their team, so I was happy to help and I'm glad they let me and liked what I did. So, onwards Cossack's Comrades! Nothing's stopping you now! Except real life obligations. I guess.
I can't believe more than half of the links in previous posts I never fixed from when I reformatted the site slightly... What is wrong with me?
Anyways this week we have a new epilogue by Hunter available here.
Also you will find two new Cantos of Dive Man's Inferno up here!
And as usual sorry for the lack of updates on my part
Sorry for lack of updates. I have fixed a few link issues with old sprites and profiles
Also a new epilogue that I wrote, that you can check out here.
Another update. Interested in how Geoff found religion? The first two chapters of Dive Man's Inferno are available here!
Please let me know if there are any issues that didn't used to exist.
I know it doesn't look any different, but I did a major change to the site's code.
Please let me know if there are any issues that didn't used to exist.
All epilogues up and sprited including new ones for our revival.
Check out the new team as we rise from the ashes here in a new epilogue written and edited by almost the entire team.
And when you are done meet an old foe given a new twist here in an epilogue by Avi called Meet Your New Daddy.
Also the new profiles should be up as well. Take a look at them if you have the chance.
Hello, Sean again. I have through season 2 of the original run and part of season 3 done now..
Sorry for lateness.
Hello, Sean here. Website should be up with bunch of old epilogues and some of my sprites.
Please excuse the simplicity of the current design and the not yet filled in areas.
11/22/10: Been awhile since we've updated huh... In the time that's passed, we've gained a new Drillman (Splash Warfly) and a new Ringman (Cyros). Our bios are up now for anyone interested, and AM's remembrance bio has been put up as well. We've got a number of epilouges in the pipeline, so keep an eye out for more updates!
03/12/10: Wow. Two years since the last updated? Just wow. Anyways here was the final epilogue written by Rebel that has been waiting to be put up for two years now. Please enjoy Ballade's Revenge. This marks the end of season 3 and many other things. Also Jade has created a new forum! I've updated the 'Visit Our Forum!' link to it, but just in case you have files left over on the old forum here is the link to it.
11/28/08: Welcome back. After the downer that was our last epilogue, it's time for us to make a return to the funny and zany Comrades with AM's new ep; Diveman vs the Deceptidrunks. I also updated the Rogues Gallery with Megatron's entry. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
UPDATE 12/22/08: We have a new epilogue up, courtesy of AM. Have a merry Christmas, everyone!
11/03/08 This is Regulus. I finally got around to writing you-know-who out of CC continuity. This update makes me CC's official Toadman.
10/02/08: Hunter here. With this update, I am now officially CC's new Skullman. Go to the Epilogues and have a nice read !
8/8/08: Yet another wierd date. Since we haven't gotten anything out in awhile, I thought that while he're working on our next batch of eps, I'd release Day of the Tentacle here as I had meant to for awhile now. Yeah, I released it on Alpha Movement already, but it should go in the CC timeline too. We have some great new stuff coming soon, so keep an eye out for it!
UPDATE 8/18/08: I've recently acquired a copy of the GameGear Megaman game, so I thought I'd do a review of it. Have a look in the Extras section!
6/7/08: Weird date. I added a new section: AM's Guides. Two guides are up now. Go read em. One you should all know, the other you will come to know soon enough. Enjoy. Oh Ring's bio will be up very soon.
6/11/08: The new bio is up and Rebel's remembrance bio is up.
6/18/08: We have yet another epilogue posted! That's right we are bringing them all out, and we aren't even close to being done! This time it's a little one written by me called Savages! Now would be the time to check out my Guide section.
5/25/08: The Comrades' post-war adventures continue in a new epilogue. Also, I updated the Rogues Gallery and the links page.
5/10/08: We have a special new epilogue up for you; a joint effort by no less than half the team that was ad-libbed a good few months ago. A big thanks to Geoff for compiling it all! You can see the new epilogue here!
UPDATE 5/12: Made a few modifications. First, I've updated the gallery page, in which I've revamped it, merged it with the comics portion, and added several new drawings from myself and one from Regulus. In addition, the Manics have had this one out for awhile, but I've put together Dive's hilarious BoW non-canon side story The Bitch and the Beast. So if you haven't read it at the Mechs' site, be sure to check it out here!
UPDATE 5/19: Me again. I altered the first part of Jade's intro ep into something a little better to explain the origin of Lazul, who's introduction I'm currently working on. I also changed his entry in the Rogues Gallery accordingly (he used to be Azure). I like this way much better than my first ideas.
5/2/08: Drill here again! We got our first post war epilogue up: I AM Megatron! We also have our new Ringman, my good friend Zach Jones! His bio will be up when he writes it.
4/7/08: At last, it is done. Business of War has finally drawn to a close. It's been a hell of a rollar-coaster the past few months, but everyone I know put a lot of heart into it, and it really shows. So take a look at the Comrades' exploits if you haven't done so already!
1/26/08: It's a month late, but I've added a new Gallery page, showcasing our christmas cards from the past month. Enjoy.
1/25/08: HELLS YEAH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! AND LAST WEEK IT WAS JETS! Birthday rant aside, we have a new epilogue: The Big Rock Candy Mountains! In I think the only epilogue ever written not to feature a single RM, it is by far the oddest. Oh, speaking of odd, the announcement of the new Ringman is upcoming. We pretty much know who it is, but I want to wait a little longer. After all, it's not the same without Rebel. However, he/she who fills his place will be a great addition to the team!
1/6/08: Drill here. Well I have updated BoW with Stage 5. This is the first place for many of you to see it. Now really bad news: Rebel has decided to resign. It is truly the saddest thing to happen. I have known him for all 6 years. This means I am the only original left. It was Rebel who thought of the personalities of Cossack and Kalinka, which is probably my favorite thing to write. To Rebel, may the CIA prosper! A new Ring will be chosen soon, but not for awhile. When we get Rebel's farewell epilogue up, then I will announce it.
Now good news: I am in College! If any viewers go to Richard Stockton College of NJ, keep an eye out for me!
Oh, expect good things from everyone. We have some great plans...
12/25/07: Merry Christmas one and all. I've updated the Bios section, adding the new bios for Regulus and Hunter, and I also tweaked my own a bit. I also made a remembrance profile for both Zapper and Zymeth. Say what you will about Zymeth, but you can't deny that his overall contributions to the team have been incredible and shouldn't be so easily brushed aside. Have a great New Year and I'll see you in '08!!
12/21/07: Good news everyone! We at the Cossacks Comrades have been thinking hard about the role of Skullman. We had a lot of applicants for the job. Everytime we thought we nailed one, another person would apply. We went back and forth so much. I seriously want to thank EVERYONE for trying out. I DO remember this sort of thing for down the line if one of our other members leaves. Still all applicants are invited to join our lovely forum. We have actually gotten some new members so HORARY! Oh the big announcement. We have a new epilogue up! In what is possibly Rebel's greatest work thus far, I present The Legend of Ringman!
Oh you all want to know who will be Skullman right? After a long talk, we all finally decided on Hunter-Chameleon! Congrats! However, I want to reiterate on how hard it was to choose. There was a lot of times where we had it, but then we didn't. In the process, Megaman N and GaiaX6 made 32 bit Krypoman sprites! They are both in sprites.
Again, I thank you all. Merry Christmas, btw, from the CC. And a delayed Hanukkah. Thanks to Saturn for making us this great holiday banner, seen here on the main page.12/13/07: What Drill said. This has NOT been a pleasant week for the Comrades, but while we may be down, don't count us out yet! I figure I should give the link to the Comrade's Forum, since it looks like it's back in business. Later, I'll look for a better place on the site for it.
12/11/07: Listen, things have REALLY been fucked up. First BoW will be finished up very soon, earlier then expected. Second, Rebel has been ostracized from the Community for awhile. He WILL still be Ringman. Then finally a truth has been made: Zymeth IS Zapper. Thats right. He is no longer our Toad or Skull. Our good pal Regulus, the true victim of the incident, will be our Toadman in his place. Welcome aboard.
This has been one fucked up week folks.
11/27/07: I added all of Wraith's chapters to the BoW section too. I'm going to put up Wraith's Ch.5 Journal too, as soon as Skull's is made, since they kind of go together from what Zy says. I won't bother making and update when that comes. Just expect it soon ^_^
11/26/07: The next Chapter of Business of War is up! A lot of people involved this time, but it came out great! Also, I have a video put up in the Galleries section (because I had no idea where else to put it...). It's not BoW related, but I hope it's enjoyable nonetheless!
11/22/07: Yay! I updated and everything works! YAY AGAIN! Anyway, I updated Toad's origin EP so it didn't involve time travel and meshes better with the continuity ^_^
11/17/07: AM here again. We have the final part of J&SB Strike Out. Check it out. Also in a surprise move I updated Extras...with The Megaman 4 Manual! By pure chance I discovered it online!
10/28/07: AM here with my promised update. Business of War. It is in Season Three. Enjoy our labor. Also we have an epilogue update: The Silence of the Red Rising Hannibal, the Business of War Prequel!
10/21/07: AM here once again, with an Epilogue update! Seems there is something fishy in Leonardo, New Jersey. Can Jay and Silent Bob figure out what is going on? Find out in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Out Part 2!
Oh, the BOW section will be up in a week. We got some great stuff coming you way, as long as Sitesled doesnt go down on us again.
10/12/07: No epilogue update today, but if you go to our Extras you will find a new feature: A Trailer!!! I did this awhile ago. Not much, Not really that good looking, But I'll be damned if the music ain't great.
As for Business of War, you will have to wait a little while for that.
10/7/07: With Business of War going down, you think we have no time for our usual epilogues, right? WRONG! I have up now the first part of a three-part adventure I wrote a while ago featuring our two favorite potty-mouthed stoners. Part one of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Out is now up in the epilogues section!
10/03/07: Whoa, I'm back, with plenty of time to spare, to boot! I've got another comic up again, this one titled Lazy, because I'm, well, you know... Anyway, I suggest you all check it out, or else. Ya hear?
9/21/07: AM here again. First, we at the Comrades have been working hard on our War Stories. As many of you know, we are at war with General Cutman. All the Comrades have sided with Cossack, except Rebel who joined Wily. Expect to see the Stories here in both Novel and Epilogue Form! Speaking of Epilogues, I posted a great story written by Rebel: For the Greater Good of God. It's one of Rebel's best works.
9/17/07: Howdy, all. I decided to drop in and finally update my comic section again (after, what, over two months of nothing?). I guess really need to work on that stuff... I've been way too busy with the CIA to even give this place the time of day, I suppose. Slight problem is that FireFox seems to hate SiteSled or something, so I have to boot up IE in order to do anything properly. I've been kicking some stuff around though, so it's not like I'm COMPLETELY lazy.
9/8/07: Just did a little tweaking with Skull's intro epilogue. Zymeth made some changes with it to better suit the new storyline coming up, so I posted them here accordingly. I also took the liberty of putting up Hero Training, the next epilogue taking place right after.
9/21/07: AM here again with another Epilogue update! Our new epilogue is "The Skull Identity" written by Lord Zymeth, about Lord Zymeth! Also expect something huge to happen within a few weeks. It will blow your mind.
8/3/07: Welcome to the new home of the Cossacks Comrades! Everything old is new again here at our new page. Check the bios to see who's who, and the epilogues have started up with Season 3 with the epilogue titled "Jumping the Bandwagon"!!! Go to the extras and see the art of our members and see the sprites as well. Big thanks to Jade for designing this page.
8/3/07: Hi everyone. The bold font signifies change. We have moved to a new and better location: The New Cossacks Comrades Super Special Awesome Homepage! Enjoy the new site.
6/30/07- Well you all have probably thought I had forgotten my announcement about Season 3 right? Well guess what? I will not put Season 3 up! Why? We are planning some BIG Changes to the Comrades. Oh we have a new member, Jet, who will sadly replace our beloved Keba. Congratulations Jet!
6/7/07 - Hmm, one month and a day since my last update here. Well, at least I tried. :P I've been busy with the CIA mostly, so I just seem to forget about this place. Strangely enough, though, I got home and I got this sudden urge to update; mainly because I've had a comic done for a while now and I've been kicking myself to put it up, so there you go! The new comic has been updated, so check it out.
4/6/07 - Well, well, long time no see. I've returned for a new batch of updates featuring, surprisingly, comics! I have gone through all of the pages and changed the link to the comics page, which now goes here. The reason why, which you could probably tell just by looking at it, is because I've made my own comic page! I only have two comics up, but please check them out. You won't be disappointed.
1/20/07- We got our first update of '07. First, I saw that there were a lot of red Xs in the sprite section, so I remedied that, also adding in a couple of new sprites, courtesy of Zymeth. And at Drill's request, I did away with most of the annoying MIDIs throughout most of the site, only leaving in the ones in the Bios. Finally, I'm currently working on a new three part epilogue, so look for the first part of it up soon, along with Zapper's introduction of our new Skullman. Cao for now.
12/10/06- I'm back. I made a spiffy new banner for the site, and I'll also be making a few graphical upgrades throughout the site, hopefully making things look nicer (Not saying it wasn't nice before, AM ^^ ). I also sprited House of Egad, so be sure to check it out if you haven't already done so!
11/25/06- Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. This is Jade, the new Pharaohman with his first update! Not a big one, mind you, but I have a new spritesheet edit of Ruby-Spears' badass Pharaohman design in the Sprites section
9/27/06- Bravenet is acting funny. I've fixed the problem, so expect an epilogue update soon.
The true reason I'm updating now is my good friend and your good friend Gary has passed on. He was a great man who I loved to talk to. We laughed and discussed Star Wars. I feel terrible that he was taken from us. I hope he finds peace in the next plane of existance. I'm also glad he contributed our site with his part of the epilogue House of Egad. I'm so sad right now.
RIP Gary Martin (1979-2006)
-Founder, Friend, Prankster
9/5/06- I updated the next Wraithman epilogue and Lord Zaneroth's bio (Which is quite...dark). Well the CC Season 2 is almost done. I have to start a new Season 3 banner.
Oh plus a new affiliate. Check em out.
8/25/06- 8 months. I was starting to loose interest in this, but I am saying this now- I will not quit just yet! Updating today has made me feel great. But I have decided to start the season finale. All other epilogues will be put up for season 3. Besides this I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we replaced Skullman. The good news it is with Lord Zaneroth will be taking the spot! Dont have a bio for him yet. Speaking of bios I redid Jades and also added his introduction epilogue. We most likly do not have fans anymore do to the lack of updating but we will try. THE MMC FORUMS MAY BE DYING BUT WE STAND STRONG!
Plus on September 16 go buy the new Star Wars DVDs. Original theatrical cuts!
4/21/06- Well I did what I said I would do for those 3 epilogues are up! Although only two of them are sprited at this moment...I'll do The House of Egad ASAP.
Some rather sad news with its own set of good news. Unfortunatly a long time ago Sergal, our Pharaohman, quit the team but I couldnt replace him. He was the biggest contributer in the beginning besides myself. But it has been a year since I last spoke to him. I figured I should replace him, only if Jade (leader of Alpha Movement) would do it, and he accepted. So we will always remember you Sergal. I put up Jades new Bio up, but added a special rememberance to Sergal up. There is one more thing I will try to get done by the end of the day. But that is a secret....
4/20/06- Happy 420 everybody! Go out and get high! Unfortunatly my appointment went on very long and I did not have enough time to do those epilogues...so I did another! Enjoy a game show hosted by Meatwad. Special appearance by Odin!
4/19/06- Happy Easter or what ever political correctness crap you want. I have updated the sprites since many old ones did not work. GUys I know the few people who come here have been expecting more out of me. Im sorry. I have been having problems in my life I do not wish to disclose but I have been better. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment but afterwards expect three epilogues of no importance: one staring Kalinka, one written by myself and Gary and Dive, and Zappers intro epilogue(okay that one has importance).
3/15/06- (Toad) My first Update, yay :D. I just put up a random epilogue of no real importance other than comic relief. But I have finally got this Bravenet thing down! Though, I think my new avi sprite is broken...
1/8/06- Sorry no epilogues today, but instead I have a random thing, a page on the Battle of Gettysburg! You are probably wondering why I would do something so...gay...but it is a project for school and I needed to do a website. Next week, look foward to a Star Wars epilogue...one I have been trying to put up since May.
12/10/05- Well I have been very busy with life, but I have finished spriting the last 2 epilogues of the Incredible saga! Plus one of them is a Christmas story centering around everyones favorite sane character!
10/20/05- We are not dead, at least not yet. I am letting you know spriting for part two of Incredible Makeover is underway. After that we have one epilogue left and the Incredible arc is over and we can go back to plain randomness, such as a story cowritten my members of the team, plus Gary, a gameshow with Ren and Stimpy, Family Guy crossover, Law and Order, my very late Episode 3 epilogue...maybe I can get it up for the DVD release, more One Piece, a new chilling arc by Zapper, and a Batman story. Plus after the Incredible Arc expect new sprites, such as the one I am using. I am thinking of taking down many of the midis, except the Superstar one. I may replace them with something else...more Star Wars anyone? Also- BUY BATMAN BEGINS, THE COMPLEBATMAN ANTHOLOGY, AND THE BATMAN VS DRACULA! Yes even the kiddie movie. It is friggin awsome and dark.
8/5/05 - An update from Rebel? "The heck," you say? Well, I actually was able to sprite the next ep, The Incredible Home Makeover (written by me, me, me), so go read, read, read! And, uh... that's all, all, all.
6/ Twenty Something- Summer starts today. I put up some new sprites of the team. I am going to add a villian to our list very soon. But I put up his sprite. I took down Dennis' bio and posted Zappers bio. I will start the next epilogue when I find the correct pictures.
6/2/05- I finished the Musical! Oh Zapper is our new Toad Girl. Need to update that.
5/6/05- We live! Yes I'm still spriting that epilogue. I moved the novel to the front epilogue page. I'm also spriting the spanish verison Jesus Christ Superstar. Yes. I know I'm insane.
3/29/05- Hope everyone had a great Easter. I did. I got the Incredibles DVD! But since it was Easter, I found all theEaster Eggs! Check them out in the misc section. Yay. So I put up another Incredible Epilogue. Go and read, while I enjoy spring break. I have sad news. Keba has left the Mech Forum. But she has told me that she will continue her role as BB so we can still enjoy her art. And I am in the middle of spriting part 3 of the Incredibles saga, the "infamous" musical I wrote.
3/11/05- I updated while I was sick. I put many midis around the place, all from a play I'll be in next week called Godspell. Besides that I posted 2 new epilogues. Both have to do with Dive...though in different manners. Plus Bonding of 2 is up to celebrate the Incredibles DVD coming next week! Yay, but I'm going back to bed. Oh nice art BB. Love it.
2/27/05- I just noticed BB updated. Damn I also got to keep up with the times. But I updated the links and check out Season 2. No new epilogue yet, but I put up one of the secret projects...a novel! A prologue and Ch1-3 are up. Still waiting for a cover for it but still its awsome. And Keba, your not a bastard, your just insane. There's a difference XD. Look at me I took her logo. Now im the bastard! I'll take the pain by going to watch Napolean Dynamite.
2/25/05 - I updated the comic page! w00t! Go check it out =3 (I can't believe I haven't updated since September O.o) Also fixed some of the info on my bio page, but nothing major really. I just read the epilouges from season 2 as well (I'm so bad at keeping up with things^^; ) I can't believe I totally conspired to kill Shadowy! Man, I'm such a bastard ;_; *begins to take own life in order to ammend but sees something shiny* OOH~! Candy!!! *Frolics after the candy wrapper which is blowing around in the wind*
1/28/05- I didnt update yesterday but today I did. I finished the Omni series and also made a secret page. It has different stuff then the old stuff so...
1/26/05- Once again I updated. Yes Omni 4 is up and it is written by me and is known as The Legacy of Jay and Silent Bob. One more left! Enjoy.
1/25/05- Well Im 15 now. Huzzah. Well here is Omni part 3. Yes we are on a roll this month. I'll try and do the other parts tomorrow.
1/23/05- Two days left till my Birthday. I updated the epilogue page with 2 new epilogues written by Dust and myself. Enjoy the newest epilogues of Season 2. If you must know about Season 2, we currently have 17 epilogues, two specials, one opener(the OP one), and solo adventures. As you can see we have a lot on our hands and we still arent done! Once again sorry Dive for the updating.
1/16/05- Well in a few days its my birthday, thus that means its time for change. One thing is this: Enter Spark Mandrill. Remember him? He decided to be our new Diveman. and I put up his bio. He will be an excellent part of our team and I already wrote an epilogue to introduce him, though it wont be up untill I put up the 6 epilogues before it. Sorry Dive I know you wanted to put it up, but the next update is yours.
Part 3 is up! Enjoy. Plus if you have found the secret epilouge, email the location to me at Darthbrolly125@aol.com and also give me a gist what it is about. I will give a prize to the first 3 people.
Drill Here. Okay First off great logo Ring. But now we have updated the Epilogues with Part 1 of the 5 part season finnale(I suck at spelling. So sue me.) entitled The Begining of the End. Plus I also put a secret epilogue somewhere on this site. Can you find it? It is actually the first one to be made. Happy Finding it.
Okay Me again. This time We have another update. We now have part 2 up. Enjoy
Rebel40000 on 6/5/04-Hello! I am Rebel40000 aka Ring Man. I am here with some updates. First, I have made a few small edits to the epilogues, namely the first one and the one I submitted. Also if you look there right now, you will notice the Christmas Special is also up (Christmas? We should be getting ready for the 4th of July.)! And as a little surprise, I have posted our logo. Hopefully the other will like it, and appreciate it, cause some people think this place isn't very Megamanish. Anyways, expect some more changes this weekend. See ya'll later!
Yup. This time I think I figured out the sprite section but we have Part 2 of the Met King story and an epilouge written by Ring! Thats right he finally wrote one!
Thats right. We now have a 2 part epilouge written by Pharaoh and revised by me! It is the wrath of the Met King so enjoy. Plus we are having a sprite section because we are too lazy to sprite the epilouges.
We are alive. Dont worry. School is pressuring most of us but we have not disbanded. I am actually planning a big update in the future but right now I am trying to host a pic.
Hi its Anime Master here and I added some links. Cool huh? Right now I am trying to get the old files of some Epilouges Pharaoh wrote. Hopefully we will post them soon.
Update: 12.25.03
skully here Just wishing you all a merry christmas. And i added the links section. P.S. The north pole in our adventures is in russia!