Forum Issues

Just to make an announcement.

We know there are issues with the forum. We’re bugging the server to fix them. This is all we can do about it. Until it’s solved, just bear with it.

That is all.

New Magnetman announced, Design a Villain Contest

It’s that time again. It’s time for yet another change in the Mechanical Maniacs roster! Jonathan has quit and has been replaced by a familiar face in the team scene …. Rich Kassidy, the former Bombman of the Sinister Six! Except this time, he’s using a pseudonym called “Kenta (Kassidy) Eigen” …. what’s up with that, you ask? All will be revealed in the upcoming Series 6 of the Mechanical Maniacs epilogues.

So, let’s all give the new Magnetman some congratulations!

And the first order of business is …. a new contest! Brought to you by the new Magnetman. The Design a Villain contest. Basically, it’s your chance to design a kickass new villain for the Mechanical Maniacs to face in an upcoming adventure written by Magnetman. But, there’s an added bonus. And that is a custom figure of the winning design will be made by Magnetman himself. And this figure will be sent to the grand prize winner. So you’ll get a small figurine of the villain YOU designed in addition to being featured in the story.

The runners up get a pat on the back from me.

Additional rules are posted on the main contest page. Only two entries per applicant. Operators are standing by.

Sinister Six Closes

Yeah, that’s about the summ of it. After a 10 year run, The Sinister Six has closed. There was a long discussion on what the team members really wanted to do. Frankly, to survive there would have to be changes. Layout changes, and a change in direction since nobody had the heart to write more S6 eps without Gary. Nobody really wanted to make changes either since it’d be just messing with what Gary did. Some of the members couldn’t bear to even look at the site anymore.

Rather than have the site die off slowly and silently with one memeber fading away after another, it was decided to wrap things up and officially announce site closure.

But, even though it’s closed, a nice goodbye was made by yours truly. Thanks to a find on an old computor I have all the old files I helped reformat for Ice in the past. I put them all in a S6 nostalgia section. It houses all sorts of goodies from the past including Sinister Six Survivor, the Tribute to Plantman, Paper Mario and a whole LOT more! These things haven’t been seen since their grand re-opening on Planet Megaman, when they first got off Geocities.

I’ve also written the final epilogue for the Sinister Six. Something to wrap up all of Ice’s loose ends to give the series the sendoff it deserves. Considering I’m the guy who sometimes finished Ice’s epilogues when he was stuck, I’m glad it’s me who gets to finish things off.

Rich also launches a Megaman 1 Walkthrough that he’s been working on for a while. It all looks great, so be sure to check it out.

Although it’s closed the Sinister Six will stay up as a tribute to our friend Gary “Iceman” Martin. It’s been a wild ride and it won’t be the same without ’em.

Mess of S6 Updates

All week was spent on getting the Sinister Six up to speed, so here’s the whack of updates I did for our friends over there. So I’ll just make like a Megaman News site and just quote my exact words from over there.

This is one monster of an update by that zany ninja Gauntlet! It’s high time we get all of Iceman’s Epilogues on the site as well as some things that have been missing from here. So, here goes!

First off, Odin’s and Fusidane’s bios are up in the profiles page for the sake of completion. Things ended badly with Odin and Fushi was barely a part of the S6 before dropping out of sight … but I’m all about record keeping so there you go.

Next up are three new images drawn by Fushindane in the Guest Art Section. They’re all nicely drawn and worth looking at.

Finally, many, MANY epilogue updates!

Season 2 is finally complete as Ice’s old Season 2 ender is now online! Gotta love Ice’s way of moving on to new seasons before the prior one has been done. Welp, Violence on Television is now online.

Epilogue Specials sees an update with an ep I helped write. The Wonderswan Adventure is online! It centers around those crazy Wonderswan Robot Masters.

Season 4 finally has a proper start, with an epilogue created by me – The New team Awakens! It’s a very of-the-wall sort of epilogue and it had Iceman and the other people I showed it to laughing off their seats once it was done.

Iceman’s Terror of Gassman epilogue is now online. Featuring a character created by Dark Napalm.

A parody of Pokemon is now online in an epilogue called Poke’ Napped.

And, I think the final ep Ice made is now online. Titan Trouble – a crossover with the Teen Titans! Which makes every single epilogue Iceman had online and only showed to friends as a preview is now officially part of the site.

But the fun ain’t over yet!

To completely ram this update into the ground I’ve archived all of the old X-Force epilogues. They were a big part of, the S6’s and MM3’s glory days and they deserve a better home than Geocities. Now every single one of those epilogues is online and ready for reading! Ice was a big part of that team and Ben is now part of the Sinister Six, so it’s only fitting to find those old epilogues here.

And that about wrapps up all my planned updates.

I’m Back!

Yes, I am! After a month of being way too busy to update I’m announcing my triumphant return to active duty!

Of course I don’t actually have anything to update today …. except for the newest Mechanical Maniacs Moment …. but I am announcing I am back.

In addition I’m announcing that I’m helping to get the Sinister Six some updates. They’ve been in a real rut, so I’m filling in on posting some of Iceman’s old epilogues. Watch for them! This … I command!

Galvatron Guide

Yeah …. nothing big this update either. Actually, I’m going to be really busy for the next little while so don’t expect my big update just yet.

Sorry, but RL comes first. Technically I shouldn’t even be updating *today*!

But I did. With a small, but important addition to the Gauntlet’s Guide to Galvatron MK2. I managed to find Galvatron’s original character design and from that I’ve made a few new observations. The rest of the guide has been updated accordingly.

Bits here and There

A few small things have been added.

Firstly – the article on Brazil’s MM comic sees a couple of covers added to the image marked “Some MM Comic Covers” at the bottom of the page.

The article on Asian MM Games sees images added to all the Taiwanese originals. Check it for various, better-quality images of the boxes. Another counterfeit game has been added to the list of counterfeit games located there.

Finally, some more MM fonts have been added. I’ve added the e-tanks from the Gameboy games, EXE’s map font, and the font from the beta screens of EXE 1. I’ve also added the toxic waste tank from the first MM PC game to the E-Tank fonts (hey … why not?).

But …. sit tight, loyal viewers! I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve. What’s coming up will dazzle and amaze, I assure you all!

Lennon Stuff and More

Yes, Lennon, I finally updated your gallery.

Lennon’s made a whole bunch of Mechanical Maniacs cards based on the VS System employed by Marvel and DC. If you’re a fan of our epilogues these are a must-see as they tie in with many of our past adventures.

I’ve also merged Lennon’s old (and now outdated) calendar into his gallery.

Per her request I’ve added Quickman’s Iceman Tribute picture to the Iceman Tribute page and also the Misc. Image gallery. Take care, Quick!

In other news … we switched nameservers because of the recent site slowdown and spontaneous shutdowns. Hopefully that’ll fix things.

Galleries Galore

Yes, NOT an epilogue update!

This time it’s the galleries that get some lovin’. Galleries of all sort. My sprite gallery sees some fan-submitted stuff as well as a variety of customs made by me. My art gallery has also been updated.

Raijin’s gallery, Nightmare’s gallery, the Nintendo Power Scans, and the Miscellaneous art gallery have all been updated with new art. Gift Sprites have been updated with new submissions. Finally, last but not least, Quickman has donated some Battle and Chase manga scans which are now in the Manga Scans gallery (which, at some point, I may organise better).


It’s that time again.

It’s time to end another series of epilogues! That’s right … Series 5 has finally come to an end!

I’ve uploaded the classic written by our very own Hardman in the old MM3 forums onto the site. Read Hardman’s Bar today!