Orchestrated By C.M. Rich (Magnetman)
The Shutdown Code Act has passed! Robots everywhere are to install this code or they will be in violation of the law.
Because of the disaster in Los Angeles the Mechanical Maniacs are flung into a war of unprecedented scale the likes of which the Team Scene has never seen. While the Robot Police are working overtime to enforce the code, the threat of General Cutman surfaces to destroy all sides of this conflict!
But this isn't just a Mechanical Maniacs event .... this event encompasses all Classic Series Megaman Teams! Everyone has a part to play in Business of War.
Factions | Chronicles | Summaries | The Scenario Generator | The List of Alliances | Soldier Robots
BoW Videos | Business of War Signatures | Gallery
Swordboys | Page Count | Creator Commentary
The goal here is to form a real connection to your character.
You're going to grow closer to them, and actually give a damn
about what happens to your character over the course of this
story. You're going to use your mind in ways you may not have
expected when you were just hanging around the forums and playing
a part in the whole team game.
The goal of this particular event is to beat the newly reformed
Scissor Army (unless you're actually a part of the SA. Then your
goal is to simply kill anyone not on your side). However, the
good guys don't have it so easy this time.
The theme of the Business of War is sacrifice, as in "What
are YOU Willing to Sacrifice?". Everyone involved will have
to give up something at some point in order to strive for their
goal. Here now is a rundown of the main forces one can pledge
allegiance to during the War.
The Robot Police Department (RPD)- Those enlisted
in the RPD will have to sacrifice their freedom in order to be
in the best position possible to fight the SA. RPD members are
immediately subject to the Shutdown Code upon signing up (in
other words, no getting around it), and will be under surveillance
during the course of the War. Suspicious or offending activity
will be noticed by human Watchers for the RPD, and immediate
shutdown is often the solution to such problems.
On the plus side, RPD recruits have the best backup and are relatively
well taken care of when it comes to repair. They needn't worry
about things like hiding or scrounging for spare parts, and they
even have a considerable force of RPD Special Forces robots to
counter the SA's platoons of advanced Sniper Joes. RPD forces
threat level are as follows (from highest to lowest): SA, Wily,
Dr Wily- Wily isn't about to let some scissor-headed
punk take over HIS world. Seeing a ripe opportunity to further
his own plans of world domination, Wily engages in direct combat
with the SA, but he's no friend of the RPD, either.
While Wily doesn't have the Shutdown Code as a pre-requisite,
you just know the embittered mad scientist can't be trusted for
very long. His force of footsoldiers isn't nearly as large as
the SA or RPD's, but the mish-mash of assorted robots may yet
prove to be a threat to both major forces. Wily is also very
capable of repairing damaged robots. Wily's most concerned with
the RPD, then the SA and Cossack last.
Siding with Wily means you're sacrificing trust, both with your
friends and yourself. You know Wily has something up his sleeve.
Will you be able to sleep at night?
Dr Cossack- If ever there was an underdog, Dr
Cossack is it. Based in his old citadel fortress in Russia, Cossack
is already low on supplies. He is seen as a rogue harborer of
illegal robots with the outbreak of war, since he refuses to
recognize the Shutdown Code. Because of this, he and his followers
must scrounge for scraps. Cossack has virtually no army to speak
of, and damaged robots take a while to repair.
Cossack forces are looked down upon by both the RPD and the SA,
and Wily sees him as a gnat. Its an uphill battle for Cossack,
though for many, he's the only right choice.
Joining with Cossack assures that you've sacrificed living on
easy street for your beliefs. You're not about to let the government
mandate how you do your job, nor will you let the SA wipe out
those whom you've sworn to protect, even if it means you are
deemed an outlaw.
The Scissor Army (SA)- Led by
General Cutman, along with the psychic monster machine Mesmerman,
the SA is one of the biggest threats to world peace in a long
time. Having taken control of the newest wave of Sniper Joes,
the SA makes an immediate impact on the world, and is systematically
slaughtering civilians under the premise of creating a robot
The Robot Masters under Cutman's command have been either duped
into his control or have been rebuilt to be his versions of the
perfect killing crew. Either way, those enlisted in the SA have
been forced to sacrifice their humanity and freedom in exchange
for ultimate firepower. The new generation of SA Officers have
not a drop of remorse in their circuits, and will kill enemy
and former friend all the same.
The SA is in the best position possible for the war due to Cutman
and Mesmerman's planning for it long in advance. With a massive
force of advanced Sniper Joes and access to several holdouts
for repair and regroup stations, the SA is ready to make good
on their motto:
"Kill Now, for Elysium Awaits"
Dr Light- Unwilling to assist the RPD, his old
friend Dr Cossack, and certainly the SA, Dr Light has all but
withdrawn from the violence the world has been engulfed in. Instead,
he offers safe haven for those who do not wish to sign up for
the Shutdown Code or otherwise fight in the War. Instead, Light
is trying to negotiate the end of the uncivil Shutdown Code Act,
even as he is deemed a fugitive.
Those aligned with Dr Light do not actively fight, so they have
sacrificed their right to shape history.
(Note: "Joining" with Dr Light means you do not wish
to participate in the War itself. It is a means to explain where
canon teams or people are during his event should they not desire
to take part in it.)
With that in mind, each Team has a Captain. This Captain is in
charge of declaring their Team's overall direction, which is
especially important if some of their members are on hiatus.
However, it is really up to each individual to choose where they
belong during this War, regardless of team stance.
Team Captains are also expected to declare their Team's overall
On Sunday, September 9th, after all allegiances have been pledged,
the first part of the War will really begin. Teams and individuals
will be randomly paired off with one another for what will be
called "Stages". Each Stage will be comprised of Scenarios
(the pairings). The pairings are in charge of the outcome of
their scenario, and will work WITH one another to create one
helluva story.
So, let's say, and this is hypothetical, we have Wily's Warriors
(representing Wily, natch) paired off with the Ascendant Androids
(SA). Everyone involved with these two forces will work together
to write how this meeting goes down. Doesn't matter what happens,
so long as its interesting.
You could say that this is a set of creative writing exercises.
Each pairing will be given a basic amount of starting information
including: Location, SA Troop Level, RPD Troop Level, and Wily
Troop Level. How you use that info is up to you.
Questions for this event may be made here or towards me personally
via PM or AIM.
That said...Get ta thinking! Which side are you on? Or rather...
What are YOU Willing to Sacrifice?
Because of the way the Business of War works, there is a large
number of things to read pertaining to the event. When viewed
all together the list becomes quite daunting. However, you don't
necessarily need to read every single thing to understand the
storyline. This icon marks the stories that are essential to
read in order to understand and follow Business of War. Moreover,
it also marks things that are essential to understand in the
'Maniacs canon. The other stories do have their own points, however,
and reading them will give a broader scope of the War and all
it's players.
Map of War - A map of the progress made in various stages. Beware of spoilers!
Scissor Army War Journals Part 1
and Always - Introduction
Dr. Cossack War Journals Part 1
Dr. Cossack War Journals Part 2
Truth & Darkness,
the White Knight doth approach....
Participants: Artilleryman (C), Drastic Measures (RPD), Geminiman
you can't stand the heat ...
Participants: Wily’s Warriors (W), Chimeraman (SA), Mech
Maniacs (RPD)
Cossacks Comrades vs
RPD, Evil 8 and SA!
Participants: Tengu & Clown (RPD), Evil Eight (W), C. Comrades
Surviving Berlin
Participants: Ascendant Androids (SA), Gila Gladiators (W)
Standoff in Alberta!
Deep Impact (C), Makenshi (RPD), Wraithman (SA)
La batalla de Ciudad
de Mexico
Participants: Seven Mercs (SA), Marsupial Bros (C), Saturn
All rails lead to
Participants: Wily Rescue Force (W), Bass (W), Cosmic Gladiators
in London
Participants: Pride (W), SparkChan (W), Slash & Shade (C)
The Fight for Nonsteropolis!
Participants: Mysteryman (SA), Ringman (W), Armored Assassins
Sao Paulo Cannot Stop
Participants: Vulcan (RPD), Tech Tyrants (C), Fatal Five (W)
Scissor Army War Journals Part 2
Dr. Cossack War Journals Part 5
Participants: Mechanical Maniacs (RPD), Ringman (W), Seven
Mercenaries (SA)
Peruvian Fever
Participants: Slashman & Shademan (C), Evil Eight (W)
The World is my Rome...
Participants: Cosmic Gladiators (C), Wraithman (SA), Pride
Next stop: Hong Kong
Participants: Drastic Measures (RPD), Wily's Warriors (W)
Viet Cairo To The Rescue!
Participants: Armored Assassins (C), Gila Gladiators (W), Armored
Assassins (W)
Rematch in Alaska!
Participants: Fatal Five (W), Makenshi (RPD), Jack Vulcan (RPD)
Tyrannical Androids
Participants: Tech Tyrants (C), Ascendant Androids (SA)
Red or Dead in St.
Participants: Cossack Comrades (C), Saturn (W), Mysteryman
Knights and Curses
Participants: SparkChan (W), Wily Rescue Force (W), Mesmer
Geminiman (SA)
The Clash for Osaka
Participants: Deep Impact (C), Tenguman & Clownman (RPD),
Marsupial Bros (C)
Scissor Army War Journals Part 3
A War of Souls
Participants: Makenshi (RPD), Cossacks Comrades (C), SparkChan
Winds of Fate: The
Deathly Blizzard
Participants: Seven Mercenaries(SA), Wily Rescue Force(W),
Armored Assassins (C)
to the Motherland
Participants: Wily’s Warriors (W), Cosmic Gladiators(C),
Mesmer Geminiman (SA)
Participants: Drastic Measures (RPD), Mechanical Maniacs (RPD)
Bloodbath in Russia
Participants: General Cutman (SA), Fatal Five (W), Tech Tyrants
O Trabalho da Batalha:
Battle for Lisbon
Participants: Saturn (W), Armored Assassins (W), Hyper Storm
Eye of the beholder
Participants: Tenguman & Clownman (RPD), Mysteryman (SA)
Despair of the Lost
Participants: Marsupial Bros (C), Deep Impact (C), Evil Eight
Ascendant Izhevsk
Participants: Jack “Starman” Vulcan (RPD), Ascendant
Androids (SA), Slashman (C)
Ancient Tomb, Modern
Participants: Wraithman (SA), Gila Gladiators (W)
Scissor Army War Journals Part 4
Dr. Cossack War Journals Part 7
Axe Falls
Participants: Wily Rescue Force (W), Mechanical Maniacs (RPD)
Hell Metal Zoo: The
Fields of Mars!
Drastic Measures, Makenshi (RPD), Fatal Five, Saturn (W)
Tale of Two Cities
Participants: "Loner Squad" (Hyper Storm H (7M),
Pharon (WW))(RPD), Liquid Snake (?), Armored Assassins (W),
Nytris Oxyde (?)
The Meeting
Participants: Wily's Warriors, Ringman, SparkChan, Bass, Evil
Eight, etc. (W)
The Old Citadel Part
The Old Citadel Part
Old Citadel Part 3
Participants: The SA vs the Cossack Faction
Dr. Cossack War Journals Part 9
Participants: Mechanical Maniacs (RPD), Pharon (RPD), Koala
(SA), Ringman (W), Artilleryman (C)
Ambush in Nonsteropolis
Participants: Drastic Measures (RPD), Evil Eight (W)
Rematch by the Rogues
Participants: Spade & Sedulus(SA), Fatal Five (W)
Participants: Ascendant Androids (SA), Deep Impact (C)
Participants: Skullman (SA), Cosmic Gladiators (W), Cosmic
Gladiators (C), Frostman (SA), Armored Assassins(W), Slashman
(DM) (C), Tech Tyrants (C)
Cossacks Comrades: The Mesmer Plot
Live and Let Die
Participants: Loner Squad (RPD), Seven Mercenaries (SA), Mysteryman
(SA), Mr.Whiz (W), Gila Gladiators (W)
Siege of Himeji Castle
Participants: Geminiman (MM3)(SA), Bass(W), Wily Rescue Force(MM3)(W)
Fall of Dusk
Participants: Wraithman (CC)(SA), Wilys Warriors (W)
Participants: Geminiman (MM3)(SA), Chimeraman (MM3)(SA), Heatman
(WW)(SA), Doc Robot (MM3)(W), Spark Chan (MM3)(W)
Slaves of the Puppet
Participants: Mysteryman (TT)(SA), Wilys Warriors (W), Deep
Impact (C)
the Scenes
Participants: Junkman (RPD), Freezeman (SA), Fatal Five (7M)(W),
Slashman (DM)(C)
Participants: Windman (W), Armored Assassins (C), Ascendant
Androids (SA)
The Reunion
Participants: Chimeraman (MM3)(SA), Artilleryman (MM3)(C),
Evil Eight(MM3)(W)
Silence End
Participants: Wily Rescue Force (W), Makenshi (RPD), Cosmic
Gladiators (C)
All for Nothing
Participants: Nox, Tenguman, Clownman (RPD), Magnetman (MM3)(SA),
Cosmic Gladiators (W)
Are You Bad Enough?
Participants: Jack Vulcan (RPD), Mr.Whiz (WW) (W), Seven Mercenaries(SA),
Tech Tyrants (C)
Participants: Mechanical Maniacs (RPD), Geminiman (MM3)(SA)
Last Flight of the
Participants: Cosmic Gladiators (W)(C), Seven Mercenaries (SA),
Fatal Five (W), Henry (W)
Now, For Elysium Awaits"
Participants: Makenshi (RPD), Vulcan (RPD), Nox (RPD), Cossack's
Comrades (C)(Mez), Megaman (L), Ascendant Androids (SA)
Tyrannical Face Off
Participants: Tech Tyrants (C), Drastic Measures (RPD) (C),
Mysteryman (SA)
The Puppet's Masters
Participants: Wily's Warriors (W), Docman (SA)(Mez), Deep Impact
(RPD)(C)(Mez), Protoman (L), Magnetman (Mez)
Target: Wily
Participants: Wily Rescue Force (W), Mr. Whiz (W), The Armoured
Assassins (C), Bass (L)
Participants: Mechanical Maniacs (RPD)(L), Sinister Six PC
(RPD), Constance (L), General Cutman (SA), Chimeraman (SA),
Artilleryman (SA)
End Part 1
End Part 2
End Part 3
End Part 4
Participants: Mechanical Maniacs (RPD), Magnetman (Mez), Docman
(Mez), Wily Rescue Force (W), Mr. Whiz (W), Napalmman (N),
Artilleryman (A), Constance (?)
The Mechanical Maniacs' BoW Aftermath (Also featuring the Evil
Eight and the Wily Rescue Force)
Here And Now
The Wily's Warriors BoW Aftermath
The Lone Road
The Drastic Measures BoW Aftermath
The Deep Impact, Seven Mercenaries, and Fatal Five BoW Aftermath
Red, But Not Dead
The Cossack Comrades Aftermath
Zodiac Renual
The Cosmic Gladiators Aftermath
The Strongest
The Armored Assassins Aftermath
Off to Nowhere
Ascendant Androids Aftermath